HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-079-CCP,O. Box 37 GRANT COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 32 C S�reet N.W. Ephraea, Washington 98823 • Ph; (509) 754-2011 Ext, 620 • FAX: (509) 754-6097 BOARD OF COUNTY C�IVIIVIISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGT4N IN THE MATTER OF CHANGING � Resolution # 99-79-CC THE ZONING FROM �OMMERCIAL I FREEWAY SERVICE TO LIGHT- INDUSTRIAL IN A PORTI4N OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 19 N4RTH, RANGE 24 EAST W.M., GRANT COUNTY RESOLUTION APPROVING A ZONE CHANGE FROM COMMERCIAL FREEWAY SERVICE TO LIGHT- INDUSTRIAL WARREN NIORGAN/BASELINE LAKE, LLC WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that an Open Record Public Hearing was conducted on April 7, 1999 on the matter of changing the zoning from Commercial Freeway Service to Light-Industrial on a 10.8 acre parcel (currently knovm as Parcel #31-1156-000) located on Lot 2, Sakai Short Plat in the Southwest Quarter of Section 32, Township 19 North, Range 24 East yV.M., Grant County, Washington, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Department that the Grant County Planning Commission recommended approval on said matter with findings, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County having said recornmendation for approval, have given natice ihis rnatter would be considered at a public meeting on May 17, 1999, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have upheld the recornmendation for approval and findings of fact of the Grant County Planning Commission; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal does fall withui a Critical Area as defined by the Grant County Resource Lands and Critical Areas Developmant Ordinance, and; Page 2 of 3 IN THE MATT�R QF �HANC'rINCr THE ZQNING FROM COMMERCIAL FREEWAY SE�VICE TO LIGHT� INDUSTI�iAL TN A POItTTON OF �ECTION 32, '�OWNSIiIP 19 N0�2TH, RANGE 24 EAST W.M., GRAI�T COUNTi' V`THEREt�S, the Board oFCount� Comm�ssioners of Grant County have %und that the proposal is consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan and surrpunding uses, and; �JJHEREAS, the �oard of County Commissidners of C'rrant County have found that th� proponent has pres�nted sufFicient evidenc� that changed c�rcumstances in the area o£the subject properiy warrant a rezone of the property, and; WI-IEREAS, the Board ofCounty Co�nissioners have found that the proponent has presented su�'icient evidence that there is suf�cient need in the area for the types of uses allowed and siz� of lots, and; V�JHHEI�EAS, the Board of County Cornmissioners of Grant County have faund that a, Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposal on March 12, 1999 and the requirainents of SEPA have been met, and; WHE1aEAS, the Board of County Cammissianers have �aund that the public interest will be served by the approval of tlais rezone request 11TOW, THEREF'ORE, BE IT �tES(�LVED, that the Board of County Carnmissioners of Crrant County, Washington do by this r�splution approve the zone chan�e request from Comm�rcial Fr�eway Service to Li�ht-Industrial on the followin� described property. Subjec� pr�perty is currently knawn as Farcel #31-1156-000 and �s describ�d as b�low: Page 3 of 3 IN THE MATTER UF CHANGING THE ZON�NG FROM COMMERCIAL F�22EEWAY SIE�VTCE TO LIGHT- INDUSTRIAL IN A PORTiON OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 19 NORTH, RANGE 24 EAST W.lO�I., GFcA111T COUNTY That portion of Lot 2, Sakai Short F1at, as per the Plat thereof recorded in Book 2 of Short P1at, Pages 5 and 6, Records o�Grant County, Washu7gton, described as follaws: Beginning at the most westerly corner of said Lot 2; thence North 43° S�' 47" East, following the westerly boundary of said lot, 1479.89 %�t; thence South 20° 55' 45" West, 1��9.43 feet; to an �ntersection with the Southwesterly boundary of said lot; thence North 43° 48° 20" West, following said Southwesterly boundary, 564.67 feet; thence North 4i° 52' 10" West, continuing to follpw said Sout�westerly b�undary, 73.78 feet, to the point of beginning. Done this /��".,�, day of May, 1999. �����,,.�. '� f �.r��.. Chauman AY 1Eti71: r rk of the Bo � � Corruurussioner w Commissione� Constituting the Bo�rd of County Commis�ianers of Grant County, V�'ashington.