HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC t�, �O �F CO �' C01Yil�ISSIOI�TERS Week o�A�ril 26,1�99 The C�rant Coun�y Co�issio�ers session was ca.11ed to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chair�an TI� Snea�. �l� of tl�e Co�nmissioners were i� �ttendan�e with the Cler� of th� �oard. The Co�a�issioners read and approve�. the �inutes of tl�e �re�edir�g SeSS10I1 aS �"1$��11. ����� The Co�ussioners approved o�zt o� state �ravel from 3�1�n �ode�l, Co��r �rose�uting Attorney to a�e�d the Nat�onal I�istrict A�tomeys ASSOCla.$IOyL IVIetT'Oj)011t� �rOSe�d�.tOr'S N�ee�illg 1l1 AI'�11�01�, ST�rg�nia. ;����;� The �o��ssio�ers a.pproved th� request by G�a.�� Co�nty IVlea�tal Health an�1 Developinental Ijisabilities to appoint Charlene Thi�s��ld. to sey-ve a three year terr� oa�th� Advisory �oard. sf���d'I'he Com�aissioners signe� the Employee Stat�s F�rm o� Kathy �. Calley of �he �uvenile I�e�artrr�en� appro�ng her salary i��rease �o $1,113.50 per n�onth. ������� The Co�missioners signed the Notice of Sepa�ation or �Tor� In�e�ption on Judy A. Simard-Baker of the J�venile Depar�ent. ����'�� The C,0112IT11SS10y1ZTS sigmed the Notice of Separatio� o� �Vork Interruption on Kathy �. Waltho of the J�.venil� Depart�nent. j���� The �O1T11T1gSS1�11erS approve� the request by the N��,�ntena��e Departn�er�t for a budge� ine�ease o�$35,00� to �nish Ph�.se 1 on the Gra.�t Co�nty �onsolidated Services buildi�g and P�iase 2 consisting of o�ces for District Co��the anaount of$121,5�0. � ��-`"��� �hai�an S�aead �vas authorized to sign the Agen�y �on�trra.ct wit� �lendt Com�n�.nications a.nd the G�ant �o�ty Taurism �ommission. ��,��� Chai�a�nn Snead dvas �uthor�zed to sig� the Real Estate 1'a��c�ase and Sa1e Agreement with the City o�Grand Coulee. !``�;�f T'he �om�nassioners received '�e resigal�.tion of Bill West from the Gra.nt Countgr�oard �f h�.jus�er�t. 1�s t�ere was na �ixrtl�er busi�ess to c�me before t�e Board the session vvas con�i�ue� until Ap�i� 27,1999. Apa il 27,�999 Th� sessio� �vas contin�ed �.t 9:00 a.m. �th Chairxnan Sr�ead an�i Corn�r3issioner �l�ison in a�ter�da�ce with the �lerk of t�e Board. Cor�iss�one�li�Ioore was i� attend�ce after 11:00 a.m. ����`' The Ccmmissioners m�t with t�e P�.blic �orks D���tor regardin� 10:00 a.�. bid openia�g (Eq�pmen� Shed),1 t}:30 bid o�eni��g (`7' N� Rd.), Resolutians on Cost Share Prt�jects, 1'ro�e�t Agreeme�t o� 'S' NW/`U" NN�, So1id Waste-S�NA� l�e�nber, I�is}�os� Issues, Free/Reduced I�isp�s�l �Zesults. �A,��� A motio� was rnade by Co�issioner Al�iso�, seconded by Coma�zssio�er IVV�oore that Resol�tio� Nta.�nber 99-58-CC in t�ae rna�er of initiat�g �ou�ty I�oad Project desigma�ed as CRP No. 99-8 be �assed. '�he motio� carried. ����� 1� m�tion was made by Com�nissioner I-�lisoa�, seconded by Com�raissiomer Moore �at Resol�tian Number 99-59-CC in the �atter of initiating Caunty Roa.d Projec� desig�aated as CRP NO. 99-9 be passed. The motian carried. ���� A �otion was �nade by �o�rtiissioner Alliso�, second.ed by Com�ssioner Moore that �esolution N�ber 99-60-�C in the ma.tter of initia.ti�g Coun#.y Road Project designated as CIZP No. 99-10 be passed. '�e motion earried. � ��-�� 1� motion was m�.de by CoYnmissioner Allis�n, seco�ded by Co�issioner Moore ��at Resolution N�ber 99-6�-CC in the ma�ter o� �nitia�i�g Co�ty Road P�-oje�t desigr�ated as CRP No. 99-11 b� passed. The motion carraed. ��-�� A motio� was rna.de by �ornmissioner Allison, seconded by Co�issioner Moore t�aat �Zesolut�on N�aber �9-b2-�C in the rna.tter of initi�.ting County Road Project designated as CRP No. 99-12 l�e passed. The �notion carried. ��`�� A motion was made by �o�missioner Allison, sects�ded by Corr�r�assior�er 1Vloore that Res�lution Number 99-63-CC in the matter oi �nitiating County I�oad Project t�esig�ateci as C�' Na. 99-13 1�e passed. The �notior� �arri�d. ��� �' T'he Co�assio�e�s sig�ed �he �b�ic Works Clairns Fund Voucher `Approval #4-1 tbrough #4-3 i��h� total a.mount of$21,496.01. ����� Th� Co�issio�ers held a bid �pe�aing on ��ad �is�ict No. 2 Equip�ent Shed. A �not�on was rn�de by �omrnissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that �the bids be referred to the 1'ublic Works Director for-revie�v and�ec�rr�er�dati�n. The motion c�ied. �����The �o�missi�ners held a b?d opening on Road 7 1�IW projec�. A motion was �nade by �o�rnissio�er Allison, se�oaaded by Co��nissioner Snead tliat #�e bids be refe�-red to the P�b�ic Warks Director for revi�w a�d recorrflmendation. The �notion carried. �F �% ��;� The Co�ssioners si�ed the Public W�rks Payroll Journ�.l for �the anomt� of April in the a.motant of$277,382.98. ���`.�,�` A �at�fl� �v�s ��.de by ���zssio��� Nloc��e, s��o�d�d b� Ca�nissivne� S�e�.c�. th�.� �esol�tion �u�nb�r 99-64-C� ���a#Ing �a �h� es�ab�isbme�t c�f a Trave� r���Iving ���. f4r the Men�a� ��al�h �`��d #4fl& be p�ssed. �e�c�tzc�n ca��ied. ����� �o�ao� w�s ;r�ade by ��r�m��s�o�er �c�ar�, sec��ded by �or��.issioner ���sc�� �h�.� �.esc��u�Q� �T�ammber 9�-65-C� �-ela�i�g �s� �� e�t�.blis�en�a�� pe�y �ash fu�d �or�1�e Prasec�t��g Atta�eys �3�ce to be cai��d�'c�sta.ge Fazr�d be p�ssed. '�'�e �c�t�ca� �arried. � :s���.�A�ubl�e �iea,�ag �v�.s he�c� �d a mc��€�n �vas �nad� b� �c����ssioa��r M�o�e, se��nded by ����ssio�e� A��i�c�� t�at R�solu�io� Numbe� 99-6�- �C a��ar�za�� an app�c�p�zat�c�n a�� ��pendi�e �� f�ds fc�r the ��.�e�.t �xp��se �'�d �001, ���iss�c����s �epaa-�ie�t #�3 0� in the a�au�t,of �18,40� be pass�d. 'The r����c�� �arri�c�. �^�,��;�=�s c��'this cl�t�the �c�ar� by a ��.j��ity vQ�e does ��pr�v� for�a�ent thos� vouchers i�acl�ded �tl�� �s� ���d i�t�� ��d��c��s ���e 4/26/99 � �h� t�tal ��oua�t c�f�53�,559.26. �����The ����a�issic��ers �.ppr���� t�e s�Iary i��..crea.se c���a�ie Nc��dbe�g o�` th� �'ras�cu��g .A�c�r�e�'s C}f��� �� 1�0 perc��� of a �e�re#a�y � pas�t���. �`�%��`` �`h� �t��issio�ers a�prc�v�d �� requ�st by the �ra�� �s�t�n� �'.A.�.C. fc�r a ba�dget e�ensio� �� ��e a�.�u�.t �f $16,090 ta pur�hase six �a��r �c�u��.s��ar €���k st�t�t��s, t�€� n�� computer �o�'k statzQ�s, c�ne r�ew ��n�p�.ter, wa.i��g �ot�� �.a.�-r�i�e a�d expe�ses �o� prflfe�sio�a� �ove�s �o� mavi�g �n�o �e ��w c�:�ices. ������A �Q��o� �a.s ��de by �t����ssion�r 1V�c�c��-e, seco�det� �y Cc��ra�iss�c��e� A��is�� t��.� �esol�.�ic�m �umber 99-67-�� i� �l�e a���e� sa� ap�rc��ri�g�he Sand��s����st�t�s ��'r�������y Plat be passed. "�'he ��tic�� �arried. �°����=�' The �a��s�ic��ers �eld a P'�b�ic �ear�g rega�diz�g t�e p�c�p�asa� �o �reate a �Ia�er �o�se�-v��g� �3�ard � C`rra:�t C���ty. The ��ar��g was oge��d by ��.a�rmam 'T�a� S�e�.d. �-Ie st�tec�t��a�Gra�t �c��� h�s �ee�ived � �eti�c�� �.n� ��gpose� b���.�vs fcsr �he es-�abl�shment c�f �e ��a.�t �s��ty �ate� C�r�s�rv��cy Bc��rd. Cc���ssio�er �l�sa� st�.ted that � �fl��.� water �c��sez�a��y b�ard ���ld e�pedite �.n �.d�ingstr��ive p�oc�ss �c�r �ncc����s�ed ��t�r 9�ansfe�s a�c�ng C�r��� �;��� �va�er righ� ho�ders. �o�ss�o��r Moo�e s��.t�d t��t wate� ��sfe�s �a��d re�llr�cate water �.se �or �nc��e ef��iem� ap���c���� o� �a�� �o��y ��.ter res��ar�es. As ��e�-e �vas nc� �pposit�o� �� t�ae prtsp��a� �. �n���Qr� �as ��de b� Co�mass�o�e� A�1�so�� secQnd�d by �c��as�i��e� l�c�c��� �h.a� �e ��-ar�� �c�a�€�r �Ta�e� Ca�ser�an���3oa.rd be es�ablish�d. `�he �.��ic�� c�.rri�d. t���4�-� T�� �c����ssi�r�ers a�p�c���d ��e �ec��endat��a� Q� the �'�b��� ��rks �.3�r�c�c��- ��cl a��de�. ��e b�� c�� the '7 � �c�ad prc�ject �o �Tc��h �entr� �o�s�-�c��s�, I��. � t�e �t���� �f�4�4,7E0.75. s���� 1he ����iss���e�s s�t a ��I�c �'�����g ��r �a� 1�,1999 at 3:3� p.�a. �egard��g �h� R.ns��b� �.oj�s �Ia� A1te�a�aan R.equest tc� subd�vad� �'�.� #5�15 �.Lc�� i, S�ade �rc�a.rds. �c�pQs�.l �s to subd�vide � 4.21.� a�le p��el i��� �0 2.1(�$ a.��� le��s. ���.;��,��'he �� iss��ne�s s�t a �'ub�i� �ee�i�g fc�r l��y 1�,�.999 at 2;3� p.�. ��gard��g t�e Io�iiles �. �ihoa�s �'�at Al�e�a���� �eq�est �� subdiv�d� � fv� ��re p��e� i�to �wc� 2.5 acre �Q�s, in�he Sub�zrb�-2 ,�o��. A.s ��ere was na �her b�s��e�s �o ca�ae b��care �h� �oa�d �e sess�c�� �vas �.dj��ed�.n�� N�a� 3,1999. �C�AR� t�F Ct�t.�NTY ��}��VJISS�C�I�T��S �TT`�5`�': �-�.AI��� � �, �V�S�IS�C��'�� �'-``� � -^._.__..- � .�, ��-j�.`�'°.���.�,1 ��,..�°�t.�� � ��� �. � ' ' C�er���'$h� �t��� �aia��� � ; ���� � � �f'- �,