HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-057-CC:� 8�.��.�� �� ������ ��}���.�. �����Rr� �x�2�1' �.{��.��� wL�.►.�. ����arT�� In the Ma�ter of �Tnred�emed ��.rrants R�SULUTION N�C►MUBER 99- �7 -C� W�[EREAS, the Board of �ounty Cc�mmissioners af G�ant C�unty, State �f ��4''a��ingt4n has been informed by the County Auditor thai certain �varrants were drawn but h�ve been unredeemed for ai least one year afier ihe date of their issue; and a list af said �arrants are ��tached, and WH�REAS, �znder auihority of RC"�V 3f.22.1Q0 the Bc�ard of County Commissioners has the pawer to cancel said w�rrants; NtJW, T�LEF�EFORE, BE IT ��EREBY R�SCiL�rED that �he Cvunty Auditor and th+e Cvunty T�-easurer are here�y ordered to cancei s�id warrants from their resp�ctive bool�s. Done ihis 19th day of Apri1,199� ATTE�T: '"�; ..�:�� �_�.�.�.��� .� c����� � - : ��� , � af r •�• ATTACNMENT TU RE�OLUTlON NO. 99-57-CC COUNTY CLAIM iNARRANTS� OUTSTANDING FOR 1997 (OVER ONE YEAR): WARRAPVT NO. DATE 1SSUED AM4UNT VENDOR NAME 1873$1 187644 i$7708 188561 188655 3887Q8 188738 190�57 190�83 190�$8 190100 191284 191350 191467 1914$3 192317 192405 192509 193254 'i 93323 193534 193978 19461$ 'f94667 1958�1 196955 197023 197118 197279 197603 197875 '198001 �ss��o 198134 19$284 999273 200456 201004 201154 2Q1198 Zo���� 201255 20127� 01/27/97 02/03/97 02/03/97 02/24i97 02l24l97 02/24/97 02(24/97 03/24/97 03/31 /97 03/31/97 Q3/31/97 04/21197 04I2i197 04f28/97 04l28/97 05119/97 Q5/19197 05/27/97 06/Q9/97 06/09/97 06i16/97 06/23/97 07/14/97 07/14/97 08111/97 09l02l97 09/Q2/97 09/02/97 09/0$/97 09J15J97 09/15/97 09122/97 o��z2is7 09l22/97 Q9/22l97 10(20/97 11/17/97 91 /25/97 12/Q 1 /97 '12/Q1/97 �tia��s� 12l08/97 12i08i97 $23.95 PAUL DEFAULT $31 A8 ERNESTINA GUZMAN $69.60 RICHARC3 SKUNE $10.04 RC3LANDQ CAMACH4� $22.4Q KARL HERSEY $13.10 RAMlRO MORAN $13.10 DORUTHY L ROBINSON $16.20 SMITM, TRACY $27.10 BISHOP & LYNCH P.S. $0.20 JOHN BERNARD $2d0.00 CHADD �#656 $'ii.26 KiRKSAGER $10.00 SEAN W ELSON $23.95 JAIVfES HILL $10AQ DUSTY KAYSER $5.00 MAYNARD JAMES $14.24 KIRK SAGER $10.00 BRICE BILLIPS $2.24 KIRK SAGER� $3.00 TRACY WITHERS $30.00 BILL JAMES $22.40 MICHAE� VILLEGRS $16.64 C{7LONIAL MARKET $25.00 FEDERAI. BAR ASSOC. $8.3Q BISHOP & LYNCH P.S_ $88.75 SHARISSA CALDWELL $48.00 CAROL GARNEAU $10.00 ANGEL OBENDORF $10.Od BRUCE R BILLIPS $12d.00 STAGEY CHANBERLAiN/AHMNA $2.24 KfRK SAGER $13.15 JENNELLE BROWN $24.32 EXXON CARD SERVICES $SQ.71 YVONNE LlNDEMEIER $25_75 BRADLEY GREENWALT $5.00 JULIE BOHNET $22.60 JA�ON GURTIS $688.31 ROGERS TRU�T $14.28 RIGHARDO GAMEZ $10A0 PAUL M(LLS $28.90 MARY MiLLS $10.00 AMER(CAN ACADEMY OF PEDIRTRICS $9Q.00 S K BILLINGSLEY ETAL. 201539 � 2108t97 20217t� 12/22/97 202288 12122/97 TOTAL $29.50 KERK SAGER $15.00 DON JOHNSTAD �41.42 MiGUEL TRIJJiLLt� $1,864.6�