HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC 1�' ��1�`1����431iI R'.rl\�f �1l.VL���Jkl�li,T� ��e� �f�p�l 12,1999 `I'he C"rran� �ounty Co�n�ssi.on�rs sessi�r� v,��s called �c� c��de�- at 9.�4 a.m. by �ha�r�� TIm Sne�d. A�I o�t�e ��mmissic�ners u�ere in atte�dar�ce w��h th� ��erk af the Bc���d. ���`�� The Cc��.m�ssic�ners apprQved the st�rtin.g sa�a�y ���Ti�� Fe��se of �he Sheri�'s �ff�ce at $1�8�.8t� effective Ap�i� 7,�99�. ������ �'he �o�nmissione�� app�o�ed �h� star�i�g salary �f Mel Garci�. c�f the She�iff`s C�ffice at �191 S pe�mt��th eff�c�ive Ap�15,�999. c=-����� The �om�ss�aners app�c�ved the s�arting salary of Paul Raweder of the �heri�'s (��ce at 191� per r�mc�a�th e�ectiwe April 5,1�99. ���q�A �c�tian w�s �nade by Ct�m�issit�ne� Mc�c�re, seco�ded by Com�i�si��.e� All�s�� �hat Resc�Iut�o� 2+Iu�ber 99-54-�C in t1�e r�at�e� of di�idi�g I,ot �8, Mat�a�wa Acres No. � i�n�c� two 2.5 ac�e ��ts ��ques�ted by �22au1 �d R�es �`aonzalez b�passed. The�otro� carrie�. ;�-�i-����Th� �ammissianers �.ppraved th� noti�c�t�c�n by tl�e Prasecuti�g Att�z-�a.ey that the L�onald Tempie Jr. �laign �'ar I�amages��.s se�Ied. J��.����s c�f�.is da�e the�oa�� by a �ajori�y vc�te daes apprc��e fa�payme�� �h�se �c��c��rs i��ludecl�n�he ��s� ���d �► t11e Audi�ors ��`ice 4112199 in t�e t�tal �.�ount of$547,5�3.�'7. i���.� The �c�mmiss�Qners a.ppraved the s�.la.:ryy increas�s �or �he fo�la�vi�g emplc�ye�s %n��e �lerk's C)��ce: Car�a�,. Gt�r�zales N.�. Gretch.e� ���ter�y- Sh�a K. Larkin �ia�ae 1VI. S�arzr�a� ��,��The �c��u�ssiom�rs �.�p�c�ved. �he salaz�y i�crease for 3�udy ��er af the ���enil� Proba.t�c�� Departn�.e�� tc� $2,227 per �c�n�h effe��i�e Apr�l 1,�999. ��-c'��c�The ���z��ss�c��ers �.ppraved tb.� s�l�r inc�ease �c�r �athy Ne�sQ� o� the 3uven��e Prt�bat��� �epart�en�t� �1,935.60. r .���-� T�.e �Qx�.�ssione�s �pp�o�ed �he �equest by �he T�ist�rzcal Nluseum for�e amoc�nt$350.�0 fc�r �n e�ust fa� fa�the �r�azn mazse�.rn bu�ldi�g. ����`��' A n��ti�� �v�s �ade b� Commissioner A11�son, secc��ded by �o�issianer �oore t�a�.� Resal�tz�n Number 99-55-C� s�t��ng a �'ublic Hea.ri�g for �pri1 �7,19�9 a� 1:t�� p.�n. re�a�ng to �he �a�ts requzc�ar�.g a.r�. apprc�p�.atifln and e�pe�.dit�.��e c�f f�rzds fc�r t�.� Cuz�e�t Exp��se �a��d #�401, �t�a��ssic��ers L3�partt�ae�t #1(l� i� the �,�c�urat af$�8,�03 be passed. The mc�tia���ar�ed. ��-c����t Th� ���assic��ers received a s�.�n�Q�s a�d co�zp�aint fro�. lV.�ichael Va�. I.�yke. The matter was r�ferred �o the Prosecut��g At��rney fc�� hand��ag. .A.s there was no �rthe�b�siness to cc�me befare the Bc��e1�he sess�t�n was cont�u�d u�ti1 t�pri� 13,1�99. Apr�� 13,��9� The sess�€�n was �ontinued at 9:OQ a.m. wit� all c�f�1ae �ommissian�rs in �ttendan�� with the C1erk �f the Bmard. The Commissi.o�e�s met with the Publie V�c�rks Directc�r �egardi��.g �3xd Avvard Re�am�endatic��-Aspha�t, �I�..nter Ca�yon, Br�dge Nc�. 1�9- Replace�ent`?, S�AC Me�ber, �3�d Auth�arza�ion-'7' �N�, 11:�D� a.m. (�uincy Co�tambia�as�n Irrrig�tzc�m Dis��ct. t����� Th� CQm�issianers a�prvved the recommendatic�n of tl�e Public V�Tor�s D�ec�c�r and av,rarded the Asphalt Material Cc�n�rac� to the lc�w b�dde�, �hevr�rn�sphalt. s����; The Com�a.issi��ers sig-�ed the Au�horization to Cai� fo��3ids �n April 27,1999 at 10:30 a.�. on Rd. �-I�f�, �R�' 97-8. �°��� A r�c�t�o� was m�.de by �ommissioner Mc�c�re, se�t�nded by �a��ni.ssic��er t�J.�isan t�at Resalu�ian 1�Tu�ber 99-Sb-�GC relat�ng to the estab�isl�ment �f a �ha.�ge fund �or t�� Juvenile II:9epartme�t #�� �7, to be called�iversio� Ie�Iv���o� Cha�ge F��d b�passed. The mo�ic�n carried. ���}; 3 The Com�niss�c�ne�s held a �c�a�tin�at�c�n c�f Public Meeting on �e Berr�sc�n Pre�im�nnary Pla� �ec��est tc� ereate an 11 Iot subd.�vis�o� on a�prt�ximate�.� 3.24 ac�es �� the Reside�.�zal t.��e Zo�e. The prc�pc�sal �s locatect �� a p��tion c�f the V�es� ha�f c�f S�ction 3, '�Qwnship 18 I�Tc�r�, Ra�ge 28 �as�, W.M. .A motic�� vvas �ade by Ca�mi.ss�Q�er A.Il�sa�., seco�ded by Co:r��.issic�ner 1VIc�o�e to u��o1d tl�e P���z�ing Cc�a�issio� �ecom�nen�atio�a t��ap�rc�v�with�he�r 3 ��td�gs t��fact a�d � cc�nd��za� tc� be adapted. The �c�t�o�.�a�-ied. �.����'Th� Co�nm%ssia�ers recezved a c�ai� fvr damages fron� Anthony Snyder. The mat�e� vv�s referred to the�'ros�cut�ng Attor�ey �a�ha��ing. ���-"�The Cc�mm.�ssio�ers �pprc�ved the st�.rting salary c�f Son�a Blac� of�ae �l�er�s O�ce at $�550.4� per mo�th eff'ec�.ve Nlareh 29,�999. ����!�s� '�`1�e ��mm�ss�c�ners a�s�rc�v�d the starting salary of 5hay I�. Garrison o�the �ler�s {��c� at $5.5� per hour �ffective�Iarch 22,�99}. ��-���� '�l�e �ommassioners signe� the Pub�ic War�s C�aims F�a.�d Voucher App�aval#3-5 tbrc�ugh#3-193 i�a the total amount of$1,355,747.93. i�.��� T�e Cam.miss�one�s appraved t�e starting sala€y c�f 1V�o�1� 33a�es af�.� Disi�-i.ct cc��t Of�'ice a� $6.00 p�r hour e�ective Apri� 1,I99�}. A� t�ere w�,s �a further b�siness to co�e bef�re t�e Bc�ard the s�ss��n was adjc�urn.ed until �pz-�� 19,�999. BflARI) C�F CC.��Tl�TTY �C)1��SS�(���25 AT'TEST; GR.AI�TT Ct�UNTY', WA.S��{�'I'C�N � � � � � � � Cle�k F # � Bc� Chai�-�nan � � �