HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-045-CCGRANT C(�UN'T`Y B4ARD OF C(�I��VIISSI(JNERS Grant Cc�unty, Washin�,ion RESC}LUTION NC?. 99-45-CC 4RDINANCE NO. 99-4�CC AN ORDINANCE RENEVViNG INTERIlVi C�FFICIA.L CCINTROLS IN THE AGRICULTUI2AL Z�NE, RENE�i�ING AN 1�MENDMENT TO THE C�-RANT Ct�UN'TY ZONING (JRDINANCE RELATING Tt�: DEFII�IITIUN C}F "FA�lV1"; PERMITTED USES; RES`TRICTIONS; AND 4THER MATTERS PROPERIGY RELATING THERETQ • � GVI�REAS, the Baard crf County Commissioners �Boardj af Crrant Caunty, Washingtan, in�ends ta fully camply with the orders of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board; and WHEREAS, the Boaxd adopted Resaiuii4n No. 97-I43-�G entitled, "A Reso�ution Adapring Grant Caunty's Wark Plan far Continued Complia�ce with the Gxowth Management Act", and Resolution Na. 98-25-CC entitled, "Resalutian Adapting GMA Work PlanlCritical Patia Schedule, E�res�ing An Intent to Approve Supplemental Budget to Complete Elements of Approved U�MA Work Plan, and Designating Rev�ew and Consideration of Add'ztional Interim Measures"; and ��'H�REAS, RCW 36.70A,390 empowers the Board with the authority ta renew znterim official conlxols to prc�tect, inte� alia., ihe Agricultural Zone, and WHEREAS, Grant County is currently si�dying and preparir�b cade amendments io i�s zoning code reg�.lating its Agriculi�are Zone, to establish �ew zoniug categories to protect the Agricul.ture zane; a�.d �'V]F.IEREAS, �e Board finds that interim of�'icial contral� addressing reszdeniial uses and densities within the Agriculture Zone, �reviously adopted in C7rdinancelResolution Na. 98-37-CC, on Apri17, 1998, re-adopted by and through Oxdinanc�/Resr�lution No. 98-158-CC, c�n t)ctober 6, 1998, and as set forth herein, are reasonable and necess�ry to protect the Agriculture Zane during ihe period of time required ta prepare and adapt an updated Comprehen sive Plan in co�npliance with the Gra�th Managernent Act, adopt and establ`zsh new zone categories in the Agricul�iare Zone, and comply vvith the afarementioned orders oft�e Eastern Washington Growth Management hearings AN 4RDINANCE RENEWING INTERIM AGRIC�.T.C,TtJT�L ZONING CONTRC}LS -1 CIVIL$lORDIhtANC\LANQ-USE\AG-ZONE.OR3 baard; and W�EREAS, the Board adopted tJrdinancelR.esolution No. 9�-37-CC, adopting interi� official controls in the Agricull�zral Zone, containing an amendment to the Grant County Zc�ning C7rdinarzce prov�ding far a def�iition af"farm", eontaining permitted uses, and cantaining restrictions ar�d �e-adopted same by and thraugh QrdinancelResalutian Nc�, 98-158-CC; and �HEREAS, the B aard desires to renew the above referenced interim zo�in g contrals, which are reasonable azad necessary to further its purpase. NC}W, THEREFURE, THE GIt�NT COI:�NTY BCIARD OF CClMNIiSSIONERS D4 HEREB'Y ORDAIN AND ESTABLISH AS �'�LLOWS: �eciion 1. The aforementioned amendment to Grani County Zoning Ordina�ce, Section III "Defix�itions," adopted by Resolution Nt�. 80-39-CC (Ordinance Nc�, 80-39-CC) on Apri115,1980, a�.d amended by and through Qrdir�ancelResolution No. 9&-37-CC, on April 7, � 998, and re-a�apted by and thrvugh Ordinance/Resalution No. 98-1S8-CC, an October 6, 1998, is hereby reneiued, by renewing the subj ect new subsectzan to °`I7efinitions,,, and iay xenewing a"fazm" defmitian, to read as follows: Farm: A�arm is defined as a parcel c�f land zra which the pri.mary use ofthe pa�cel is devated to, and used fax, the commercial produchon af livestack or agricultural commad"zt'res, and whereby the residen�e is ancillary ta the primary use. Sectian 2. The afc�rementioned amendmeni �o Grant County Zor�i�g Urdinance, �ectian V "A (Agriculture)", Uses Per�mi�ted, subsection (B.)�$}, adopted by Resalution No. 80-39-�C {C�rdinance No. $0-39-CC) on April 15,1984, amended by Resolu�ion No. 96-147-CC (Ordinance Na. 96-147-CG), on November 12, 1996, which was r�pealed axid re-enacted as a new subsection by and through Ordinance/Resoluiian I�Ta. 98-37-CC, o� Apri1 7, 1998, and re-adopted by at�d th�raugh C}rdanancelResolutioz� Na. 98-15S-CC, on Octc�ber b, 1998, is renewecl, by rene-vvving the subject new subsection, to read as follows: 8. Any owner occupied residence lacated on the farm which is Iocated i7a the Agricultuze Zc�ne Dist-rict znay be subdivided once every five (5) Years in accordance wiih the C�raa�:t County short plat ordinance (An Ordinance R�lating To Short Plats And Short Subdivisions}, Se�tion 2, Exemptions (7}, so lo�g as the subclivision eontains no less than one acre and the remainder af the original parcel contains five (S) acres or more. Parcels created pursuant to this exemptian may not be further subdzvxded for a period of five (5) years except for land AN QRDINANCE RENEU;�NG INTERIM AGRIC`ULTURAL ZONNENNG CONTR4LS - 2 CIVT�8\ORDINANCjLAND-USElAG-ZONE.OR3 dzvisions created pu�s�zant ta Section V, subsectian (B.){1Q}, of th� Grant County Zoa�ing C�rdir33ance. Sectian 3. T�e afarezneniioned amendment ta Grant Caunty Zoning 4rdinance, Sectian V "A {Agriclzllture}", subsection (B.} Uses Pennitted, adflpted byResolutionl�Io. 80-39-CC (4rdanance Na, 80-39-CC} on Apri115, 198Q, and amended by OrdinancetResoluiion No. 98-3'7-CC, on April 7, I998, and xe-adapted by and ihrough C}rdznancelResoiu�iors No. 98�158-CC, on t�ctober 6,1998, is renewed by renewzng the previausly adopted amendment, tQ read as fallows: 12. Singie fami�y �esidences ax�d accessory structuxes. Section 4. The aforementionect amendmeni io Grant County Zaning t�rdiriance, Section V "A {Agriculture)", subsection (C.} Res�rictians, adopted by Resolution No. 80-39-CC (Orclinance No. 8fl-39-CC) on Apr�1 15, 1980, amended by OxdinancetR.esaluiion No. 98-37-CC, on Apri17, 1998, and re-adapted by and through C}rdinance/R.esolutian �o. 98-158-CC, on Octaber b, 1998, is renewed by renewing the amendment to read as follows: C. RESTRI�TiONS l. Lot Area Required: 40 acres uniess as pxovided under Section B, 8 and Section B.10.)} Foriy (4Q) acres, except as atherwise provided for by Section V(B.)(8), Secnon V{B-)�10} and Sec�an V(D.} (Condi�ional Uses by Special Permzt) of ihe Grant County Zoning Qrdinance. 2. Yards Required: There shall be a front yard not less than tw�nty-five (25) feet deep and iwo side yards each noi less thar� five (5) %et wide.)) No building sha11 be placed claser fihan twenty-five (25) feet ta any road, street, ar public right-of-way. No building shall be p�ac�d closer tha� five (5) feet to any side yard praperiy Iine �vvlaich does naf contain a road, street, o�- publzc ri�ht-of way. A temporary stand for the display and sale af a�cultural products produced on the premises farm may be locaied in the front yard but not closer than ten (10} feet to any public road, street, ar ribht-of �vay. 3. There shall be no subdivision of Iand fan c�rusing purposes other tha�a as pravided by Sectian V{$}, Sectzon V(�.)(10) and Section V(�3.}(12} {40 acxe n�inim.um lot size), of the Grant �o�nty Zoning (Jrdznance. NC?W THEREF4RE, BE IT HEREBi' RESC}LVED THAT THE GRA;'VT CQUNTY CtJMMISST4NERS adopt this ordii�ance to take effect immediately foz the preservat�on ofthe of the Agricultuural zo�e dc�arir�g the time peziod required to prepare and adopt an updated AN ORDINANCE RENE�UTNG INTERIM AGRICULTtTRAL, Z41ti[ING C4NTROLS - 3 CiVIL8\ORDTNANCil.AMD-USE\AG-20NE.OR3 Comprehensive Plan in campliance with the Growth Mana�;ement Act and establish new zone categorzes in the Agricultural zone, and these interim official control shall be in £ull force and effect ta the earlier af 6 manths from the date of adoptian of ihis resolutiontordinance �y ihe Board of Grant County Commissianers, c�r the adoption of n�tiv zonir�g categories far the Agriculture zc�ne. PASSED� �ND ADOPTELI this 5t1� day of March, 1999, BOARD QF CC�UNT�' COI��SSIONERS GR.E�NT C(JLINT`Y, WASHINGTON _.----':�"�--~'�'� � �� � ��� Tim Snead, � �� � LeRoy . Allison, Mem6er �eborah K,ay Moo , Member Aitest: � f ,� Clexk a �&oard: AN C}RDINANCE RENEWING INTERIlVI AC�RICUL'I`t�'RAL ZC}NTNG CC}NTROLS - 4 CIVIL$�QRDIMANCiE.AND-USE�AG-20NE,OR3