HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC�- CO►MMIS�I+O►NER.�° PRfJCEEDINGS Week of April 5,1999 The �rant �aunty Cammissioners sessi�n was called ta Qrder ai 9:OQ a.m. by Chairman Tim Snead. All of ihe Commissioners were in attendance ufith the Cierk o� the Board. The Commissianers read and approved the m.inutes of ihe preceding sessic�n a.� writ�en. �„� ��The Commissicrners appro�ed the sala�y increase of I�au Simo�a of the Sheriff's (��ce to 90 percent c�f controi salary. �,�� � The Com�missianers approved tl�e salary increase c�f Bill Stevens of the Sheriffs Office tQ 90 percent of control salary. i���� The Cc�mmiss�oners approved ihe salary xncrease of Pete McMaht�n of th� Sh�riffs C�ffice. ���: �`The Commissioners a.pproved the request by the Juvenile Probatian Department for a change fund to be developed for t.�e diversion monitors in th� amount o� $S�.Q�. ," �� �� The Commzssi�ners signed the Payroll Warr�nts List far the Mc�nih of March #102487 through #1028�5. ,,�`�� � A mQ�on was made by Commissic�ner Allison, secc�nded by Gommissi.oner Maare �iat Res�lution Number 99-44-CC in the matter af adapting the Hanfvrd Reach Interim Aetion Plan be passed. The motian carried. This resolution is a JQint Resalution with Frankl�n and B�nton Coun�ies. ,����� A Public Hearing was held and a motit�n was made by Commissioner AllisQn, seconded by Commissiane�r MQore that Qrclinance 99-4S-�C, Resolution Nuxnber �9-45-C� renewing interim c�f�cial coni:rols zn the agricultural zone, renewing an amendmeut tv the Grant Cc�unty Zc�ning Urdinance relating t� ihe de�iion of "Farm", permitted uses, i�5�'IC�i011S aud ofi,�er m�tters prflperly relating theret� be passed. The motion carried. ,� c;�s� �� A Public �ea,ring was held and a motion �vas made by Commissianer Allison, seconded by Cammissioner Moare that Chdinance 99-4�-�C, R.esalution Number 99-46-C� renewi�g interim afficiai conirc�ls relating to reasanable use exceptic►ns, and ather m�.ttez-s properly relating �heretca be passed. The motion camed. ����� A mat�on was made by Commissianer Moore, se�c�nded by Commissioner A%�.isan fi�at Resolution Number 9�-47-CC commritting Coza�t�-wide sales and use t� fu�ds far purposes qf financing gublic facilities and other matters properly relai�ng th�reto be passed. The motio� carried, i���37! A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Alliso� that Resolution Number 99-48-CC relating to the esta.blishment of a new fund to be named Federal Drug Seizuxe Fund #108, Department #001 be passed. The motion carried. 1��' ���. A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 99-49-CC relating to the change of a fund named Federal Drug Seizures Fund #107-149 to the Sheriff Drug Seizure Fund #107-149 be passed. The motion carried. ;��_�7� The Commissioners held a Public Meeting regarding the Preliminary Plat request to create an 11 lot subdivision on approximately 3.20 acres in the Residential One Zone requested by Michael Bernsen. The proposal is located in a portion of the West half of Section 3, Township 18 North, Range 28 East, W.M. After some discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Moore to continue the matter uniil April 13, 1999 at 1:30 p.m. The motion carried. p;� � �� Chairman Snead was authorized to sign approval of the Liquor License assumption by Le�e and Bruce Howden. i���7� As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers filed in the Aud.itors Office 3/31/99 in the tota.l axnount of $85,014.91. ; g�3 �� As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers filed in the Auditors Office 4/St99 in the total amount of $427,112.27. A.s there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until April 6,1999. Apri16,1999 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in. attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding 10:00 a.m. bid opening (liquid Aspha.lt), Resolutions-S�VAC Member, Bid Authorization-Road District No. 2, Equipment Shed, Road Vacation request. ��� ��� A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Moore that Resolution Number 99-50-CC in the matter of appointing Pat Dunson to a position on the Solid Waste Advisory Committee be passed. The motion carriec�. �����` The Commissioners signed the Authorization to Call for Bids for Road District No. 2 Equipment Shed. Bid opening to be held April 27,1999 at 10:00 a.m. �,��� i� The Commissioners held a bid opening on liquid asphalt. A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Allison that the bids be referred to Public �orks for their review and recommendation. The motion carried. ;�� 8� A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Moore that Resolution Number 99-51- CC authorizing an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the C.R.I.D. Bon 92-1 Fund #222 in the amount of $2,000 be passed. The motion carried. !�� �! The Commissioners held a Public Meeting regarding the Plat Alteration request by Rames and Raul Gonzalez to create two lots from Mattawa Acres No. 2, Lot 28. The proposal is located in Matta.wa Acres No. 2, Lot 28, located in a portion of Section 4, Town.ship 14 North, Range 23 East W.M. A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Allison to uphold the Planning Commission approval with fmd.ings of fact and conditions as proposed by the Planning Department. The motion carried. °���.�'� The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Debbie Gonzalez Stephens of the District Court Department effective April 1,1999 at $1,477.60 per month. l�� ��� The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Nicole M. Hale of the District Court Department effective April 5,1999 at the rate of $6.00 per hour. ;��.�;�� �' The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Jill Holleman of the District Court Department effective April 1,1999 at $7.50 per hour. ;�� �� 5 A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Cammissioner Moore that Resolution Number 99-52-CC in the matter of subdividing a 5.7 acre parcel into two 2.85 acre parcels for the siting of a home healthcare facility in the S-2 Zone. Subject site is located in Lot 20 of Crab Creek Estates, Plat #2, which Iies in a portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 20 North, Range 28 East W.M. be passed. The motion carried. (�-���'� The Commissioners signed the 1999 Washington Denta.l Service Group Contract. r'�'� ��� A mQtion v�as made by Cc�mmissic�ner Mflore, seconded by Commissit�ner Allison that Resolutit�n Number �9-53-�C advpting a flexible benefits pla..n be passed. The motion carraed, As there u�as no fi�her business to ct�me before the Board the sessifln was adjourned until A�aril 12,19��. . ��t j �.l....x # �' �- :�, �« BOARI� (�F C(JL:��'I'Y G�h�SSI4�TIERS GR.AI�T C� � Y, "i�ASHINGTC�N ��; --' ����� Chairm�n _ ?