HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-041-CC I , r � g BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SALE ) OF SURPLUS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY ) RESOLUTION NO. 99- 41-CC , LOCATED 1N THE MOSES LAKE AREA, ) AND CALLING FOR A PUBLIC AUCTION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) A resolution of the Board o�County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington: finding that it appears that it is for the best interests of Grant County and the taxing districts and the people thereof that county real property as set forth herein should be sold; setting a minimum bid; requesting that the County Treasurer hold a public auction regarding same; and providing for other matters properly relating thereto. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COLTNTY COMNBSSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON, as follows: WHEREAS, Crrarit_County, Washington (the "County"), is a Class 3 County, duly organized and existing under the Constitution and the laws of the State of Washington; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners (the "Board") of the County is authorized to conduct proceedings and to sell surplus county real property when it appears that it is for the best interests of the County and the t�.xing districts and the people thereof that county real property should be sold, pursuant to the limitations �nd restrictions and in the manner provided in chapter 36,34 RCW; and WIIEREAS, the Board has been presented with a request from a Grant County not-for- profit corporation regarding a proposal to dispose of the subject County real property, Parcel # 17 1049 025, in the Moses Lake area known as the "Base," situated in Grant County, Washington, �s described on the �ttached Exhibit A and by reference incorporated as if fully set forth herein; and RES, SETTING SALE OF SURPLUS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY - 1 CI V IL8�RES OLUT�REAL-PRO.RES , _ , WI�REAS, the subject 1/4 acre property was created by the County by and through the Public Works Department moving a road, and vacating and abandoning a portion of same; and WIIEREAS, the subject property is not in current use by the County, and is no longer needed by the County for use as a road and rights of way; and WHEREAS,it appears that it is for the best interests of the County and the taxing districts and the people thereof that the subject County real property should be sold; and WI�REAS,the statutory notice of intention to sell real property requirements regarding the aforementioned public hearing were followed by the County; and WHEREAS, the Board considered the sale of the subject real property during the public hearing held pursuant to law on 2/16 , 1999, at 1:30 �m, at the Commissioners' Hearing Room, Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington; and WI�REAS, during the public hearing, the Board considered the proposal to dispose of the subject re�l property and admitted evidence offered for and against the propriety and advis�.bility of the proposed action to sell the subject county real property; and WIIEREAS,no objections to the County's sale of the subject real property were presented to the Board during the aforementioned public hearing. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: Section 1: The Board has found and determined that it appears that it is for the best interests of Grant County and the ta�ng districts and the people thereof that the County real property as set forth herein should be sold. Section 2; The Board intends to offer the subject real property for sale for the minimum bid of Five Thousand and No/100Dollars ($5,000.00), upon such terms and conditions as to the Board m�,y seem right in the premises. Section 3: The County Treasurer is hereby directed to hold and supervise a public auction on the proposition as set forth herein, in accordance with law, Section 4; All actions heretofore taken in connection with the proposal to dispose of the subject County real property by the Board, employees and/or agents of the County that are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Resolution are hereby ratified, conf'irmed and approved. ; Section 5: All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. This Resolution shall be in ef�ect from and after its date o�adoption. RES. SETTING SALE OF SURPLUS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY - 2 CI V IL 8�12L S OLUT�REAL-PRO.RE S i Section 6; County staff shall prepare the necessary papers for the s�le of the subject County real property upon such terms and conditions as the Bo�rd deems just and right in the premises as set forth herein, in accordance with law. ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Gr�nt County, Washington, this � day of March, 1999, BOARD OF COLINTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON ...._._...�.__�.�.----'o" � � �� Tim Sne d, Ch ir � ! LeRoy C. lison, Member Deborah Kay Moore, Member ATTEST: `aJ" ~ Peggy ' , Clerk of Board RES. SETTING SALE OF SURPLUS COUNTY REAL PROPERTY - 3 CI V IL8�RES OLUT�REAL-PRO.RES i � � PA,.�.C��, 2 : , A �rac� af land iz� �.he Nar��east of the Sc�uthwest oz S�c�a,oz�. 3� , ' Townshi.p 2 Q No�°th, Range 28 �ast W.M e , on I.,arsbn A�.r F`a�ce �a�� i�. Gran.t Coun.ty, Washingtan mare d,escribecl a� �o�.I.ows : Beginni.ng a� the iz���rsection a� 30�h Av�e . An.d County road. . foxme�l,y known a� Dove:� S� . and now known as Raridolph Road; the�.c� foll.owing� sai.d 30�h Av� . �outh 00° 57 � 1,0 " EasL a c�is�anc� o� �4 . 00 f'eet; �hence Sau�h �9° 02 ' 50 " West a dis�ance o� 1.1.9e90 fee�. to ar3. ira.�er�ec�iorz wzt�. a curve on �he �outh R/W ca� �aid Randolph Road; �hence can��.nuing alor�g said cur�re �a ��e r�gn� hav'�.ng � rada.us c�f l, 1.15 . 00 fee�, az� i.n�ernal angle of �0° 25 ' 59" �nd a chard leng�h of 148 . 20 �eet to TA�' TRI�' Po��' aF BEGIZV:�V'ING; thence cantin.uing alaz�g said curve, having �.he sam� radius an.d the same in�ern.al. an.gle wi�h a cnord �,ength of 126 . 8� fee� ; thenae Nor�h 68° 56 ' 26" West a dis�ance o� 17'7 . 20 feet ; thence Sauth 00° 57 ' 10 " East a di.stan.ce of 90 . 37 �eet� �hence Sau�.h. 89° 02 ' SO " Ea�t a distance o� 253 . 52 Lee� and �he �.rue poi.rat of beg�..z�a�,r.�g. � Con�.ai.ning approximately° 0 . 25 acres, more o� less . Subjec� to a thzrty (3Q ' � foot ease�ten" for �ng��ss �.�d eg�e�s ia�zrzd in �he Gran� County Audz�ar` s affice as A. F. ��Q34594 . An,d reserving therefrom, perpetual easements for the a�re�'a�ion an.d mai.ntenan.ce of all e�isting u�il.i�ies . EXHIBIT A