HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCC���ZSSIE�NERS' PROCEEDIl`�TGS Week af January 18,1999 The �-rant County Com�niss�oners sessivr� was c�alled �o order at 9:(l0 a.m, on January 19,1.�99 by Chairman Tim Snead. All c�f the �ommissioners were in attendance with the �Glerk t�f ihe Baard. The Cvmmissic�ners rea.d and apparo�ved ih.e minutes of the �rececling sess�vn as written. The Commiss�oners met wi�h the Public Warks Direct4x regarding Contrac# Egtensiom- Fuel Purchase, Bid Authorization- �eh�cle lP�rch�ses, Future �►1W-Loring/Grap� Cannecn�n, �ontract E�ecunon-12 SEI�W{M.L.Aibright), Persaz�nel-Solid �aste. i� ��-� The �ammissivne�rs �ign�d the Autht�rization to call fflr bids ft�r coun� vel�icles. Bids to be ope�ed Feb�ruary 2,1�99 at 10:34 a.m. � ����--�' The Commissic��ers sig��d a Cantrac� Extension with Ceneg Supply and Marketing far ane add%�ional yeaar, extending �hr�ugh M�at'�h 24s2(104. i�.��'��° The Commiss�oners s�gned a c�ntrac# with M.L. .Albrzght and Sons, Ia�c. on the 12-SWISE Rd. p�roject. ;'�br'��The Commissioners approved the siart�ng salary of I�arl Shuitz �f th� P�asecuting At�orney's C3ffice effective January 11,1999. f��f�� Th� �omz�aissioners ap�r�ved th� request by �r�:at C+�un:�.y M�nta� Heaith to j ain the Chamb��r of Cammerce as a way ta educa�e th� community about services c�ff�er�ed. l'7''�;��A motz�n was made by Comm.iss�oner Al�isou, seco�ded by Cvmmisszvn�r Sneaci thaf Resvlut�on �umber 99-4-CC, Ordinance l�To. 99-4-C� i� the matter vf revising the bounciary of the Interim �.Trban Grc�wth Area fox the City of Ephraia, be passed. The motion carried. C`Qmxnissi�ner Moare abstained since the action rev�ising this boundary was ta�en in 399$ befare she was a Cou�ty Commissioner> , a��1�.� A moiion was made by Commissic�ner Moor+�, seconded lby Commissianer Allison that Resolut�on Number 99-5-+CC setting a Public �-Iea�ing for �'ebruary 5,1999 at �..34 p.m, reiating #v the fa�cts requiring an appr€►priativn and expenditure vf funds for the �urrent Egpense Fund #Udl, Assess�rs L`�eparhneni #l.(}7 in the amaunt of �11,250 be passed. The matian carar�ied. �,��„�� The Commissiane�s signed the 1999 Law En�orcement Se�vices cc�nt�a�t betvoeen �he Grant �Cvunty Sheriff s fJffc�e a�d th+e Town of Wilson C�e�k. ,°�f/�� The �vmmrissioners signed the N�tice of f�nal dec�sion, find�n�s anci comciusions in the matter af �rawf��rd Jones P�tition fo�- i2ezone. ��,�� �hairman Snead w�s authorized to sign �he Memorandum of Agreemeni between 'Washingi�n �iate ETniversity �ooperative �xtension and Grant Couniy. ���,�� The Cvmmissioners sign�d a Proclamation p�oclaiming February 9,1999 as "Faod Check C)ut day", �,�/� �' The Commissioners recefved a signed Agreement with ihe Town vi Hartline ��r iaw enfc�rcement servuees io be pravid�d by the Sheraif�'s Depa3rtmen�. ;,��%�-� The Commissioners approved the salary increase of �eput� Mark Biallas �f the Sheriff's Office ia $3Q81 per manth effec�ve January 1,1999. ��� t�' � The C+ammissioners approv�d ihe salary increase of Deputy Leslie S�vtt Granger of the Sheri.ff'� C}f�iee to �3051 p�r monih �ffeciiYe January 1,1999. r' .:,��� The Commissianers app�oved ihe �tarting salary o� Heather A. Lewe�lyn of the District Co�rt (�ffice ai $+6.00 ger hour ef£ec€ive Ja�uary C,1999. �.�,'�f��-The +Commissi�ners approved the request b� the Sheriff s{�f#ice to p�rchase one capier, �rne foad prvicessor and ane dicer/grind+�r attachmen� from the 1999 Law �nd Justice �unds. 1�-�`.��4� The Commissianers were nvtif�ed that Andrea �ubbage of the Tiistriet Court fJ�'�ce had resign�d effective I3ecember 2�,1998, ���'-� � The Cammis�ioners set a Pubiie Meeting reg�rding the Piat Aiterativn arequest to create two Ia�s fi-am Lots 1Q3, 144 and 145, Desert Ai�e Divisian #2 l�cated �n a partion �f Sectivn 23, Tvwnship 14 Nc�r#h, Rang� 23 East, W.M. requested b� William NliIlard and Walter Jepsc�n. §��� ���`As vf this date the Bo�rd by a maj��-ity v�ie does app�rvve far payment ihose vouchers inciuded zn the list filed in the Audito�s E)ffice I/14199 in the tc�tal amouut of ��.fi,�U3.11. �_�� �� � As af this date the Baard by a majarity vote does apprv�e for payment thase vouch�rs included �n th� Iist filed in the Auditars Of�ce 1I19/99 in the tc��al amount of �442,9'79.87. ��� i� ; As of �his dat� the Board by a ma,�€�rity vote do�es apprvve far payment �hose v�uchers inc�uded kn #he list �led in the Auditors t�f�ce 1I19199 i� the i�tal amaunt af �1�1,235.76. ;�?��:.� ���The Commissianers rece�ved a sign�d copy af ihe ex�e�sian af th� Photogra�hy C�ntract bet�vveen Grant Cvun€y Tvux�sm �ommission and Caralann Swartz, ��� ���` The �ammisszaners signed the Public Wvrk,s Claims Fund i�vuch�r Approval #12-186 th�°vugh #12-228 in the �otai amount of ��Q�►����.� 'J'�. r.�!�;����'The Commissioners recezved a signed eapy of th� �nierlocal .Eigreement c�i �the Washington Ru�al Coun�es Insurance Pvol, and the �'ersonal Services Agreement between 't�ashingtQn Rural �aunties Insurance PQaI �nd Canfield & Associates,Inc. As there was nc� further bus�ness ta com+� befc��e the Bo��d fhe s�ss�vn was adjourned unt� �anuary 25,1999. �o� c�F co�T� ca�!�zss�o��Rs ATTEST: GR.ANT C(� TY�, WAS��NGT�N c� " . � ���, � �[ � � �lerk c�r�ie �oard � Chairrm ,��"� '