HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC��}����������i.�i PRa������r� '4�e�li Of De�effiber �.�,1998 The Gr�.nt C�unty C�mmissic�ners sess�on �vas called tfl order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeR�y C. Allison. 1�11 of the �nmm�missioners w�re in �,,,--_ - aitendanc� with the Cler� of �he Boar�. .�� The �ommisszon�rs read and approved �he n�inutes of the preceding sessi�n as wr�tten. '�-�-��� The Commissi�ners approved the Request far Transfer of fi�nds in the Coopera�ve Extensian Budget in ihe amount c�f �3,44�. �,,���� �'he Commzssioners approved the request by the Director c�f D�L) ta conirnue emplt�ymeni c�f u�tern Marty Green.lee o� the Cuxrent P`�az�ning Depariment for another 6 months. �����'The �ammissioner� rec��ved a Claim for L)�.mages from Willz�m Donnelly. The matter was referred to the �?'rosecuting Attarney for handling. �����-� The �c�mmissianers appxaved ihe salary af B�enda Larsfln as t.�� new �c�de Enforcement Of.�cer at $2,259 per month ef�ec�ive January 1,1999. �����.� The Commisszoners received a signed copy af the In.ierl�cal Agreemeni implementing City CQns�cti�n Standards fo� n�w public �acilities locat�d w�ithin the uninaorporated axeas of the designaied interim urbaza. growth area frc�rn the City of �ra�d Coule� and the City af 1V�[attawa. ��� ��.�''he �ommisszone�-s approv�d the requ�st from the Sheriffs Department t€� all�w Deputy Rick Canterbury to transfer 29 days Qf his sick Ieav� to his wif� Stephanie Canterbiuy of the Cler�'S C���1G�. ;���,�.� Chairm�.n Ailisan was authc�rized to sign the amendmeni to the Enhanced 911 implementation contract #EM997�36, Amendment D. ��,� The �c�mmissic�ners appointed C�scar C}choa to a posztic�n on the Grant Cc�unty PARC Advzsary Baard, ������ The Comm.issioners signed the Interlocal Agreement �iih ihe Tawn �f �-Iartlin� allowing f1�em ta cQntract vvith �'r�rant County to furnish the administration and enfarcement s�rvi��s to carry out the Staie Bui�ding �ode Act. ,� ,���, The C�mmissianers s�t a Public Mee�ing for December 28,1 �98 at 1;30 p.n1. regarding the zon.e change request by th� Housing Authority of Grant Count� frc�m Residen�ial t��e to Residential Two c�n a parcel app�oximately 2.7 acres in si�e. The prop�sal is loca%d in Lo�s 1,2,3,4,5, 417, 419, 420, and 421; Larso� Subdzvision IQcated �a a partic�n c�f Sectic�ns 4 anc� 5, Township 19 Nc�rth, �Zange 28 East, W.M. and a portion of Sections 32 and 33, Tovvnship 24 No�th, Range 28 East, W.M. ;����� �ommiss�oner Ailisc�n was auth4rized to s�gn the I�eparrtment of Communaty, Trade, and Ecanomic 17eve1opmeni Cammu�t� Dev�iopment Block Gran-� Request far a�ne�dment. As t�ere was no further bus�ness io come before the Board ihe session was con��ued unt�1 L3ecember 15,1998. �ecer�bez- I 5,1998 Th� sess�an was contznued at 9:�� a.rn. with all of ihe Con�missianers �n at�e�dance w�th ihe Clerk of the Board. The Commissit�ners mei with the Publze �arks D�rectQr regarding Award Recom�endati€�n-12 SW/SE(1V1.L.Alb�ight�, ResolutiQ�-�oi�ce Qf I�[earing{Amez�dm�nt 6 yr. Program}, ResoluiiQns-Budget Transfers(Fund 101, Fund 51�, and Fund 56{}), Fuur�dang Requesi-�ity of Gearge, Billing ErrQr-3 S�, SurveYy�ng Upgrades, I�JW Discussi�ns, St�t�-Wlt�� Ct7lilp�tl�iV� Projecis, Persc�nnel. ��� �t�� The �ommissioners accepied the recomznendaiion of the �'ublic Works Director and awarded ihe con%act for ih� 12 �W/SE Rc�ad, CRP 97-4 tc� M.L. Alb�ght & SQns in the amount c�f �800,991.02. ��=v� �5 A 1T14�1fl11 was �zade by Commissic�ner Sla.ead, secon�ied by Commiss�c�ner �`a�c�er that R�solut�on 1`�Tumber 95-195-CC setting a Public Hearzng far D�cember 29,1 �98 at 10.�0 a.m. regarding ihe amending t�f the Six �ear TranspQrta�ic�n Impr�vem�ni Prc�gram be passed. The motian carz�ied. ����,�'.� A motion was made by Cornmissioner Snead, seconded by Comm�sslone� Fancher thai Resalution Number 98-i9C-CC relaiing to th� #ransf�r af �unds within the 1998 b��dget af �he P�ts 8� Quanies in th� amc�u�i of $3�,000 be passed. The mo�c�n carried. ; c���� A mc��on �vas made by C�mmi�sic��er Snead, secc�nded by Commissianer Fancher that Resolu%�n Number 9�-19'1-C� relating tc� the �rans�'�r of fizmd� within �the 1998 budget of the Cour�ty Road Fur�d z� the am�aunt of $58�,0�0 be passed. '�he motion carried. �, �,�� � A a�c��an was made by C�mmissioner Snead, sec�nded by '� Commissioner Fa�cher thai Res€�Iutit�n �umber 9�-1�8-CC relatang ta the �ansfer of funds wit:6in the 1998 budget af the Equipment Ren�al c� Revolving Fund in the tatal arnouni �f �'73,000 be passed. T�e mQtion caxried. i�`,����r .� Pu�lic I��ar�ng was held and a mc�tian was made by Commissioner Fancher, sec�n�ied by Cammissioner Snead t�ai Res�alution �Tumber 9&199- �C authorizing an �ppz�opriat�on and �xpenditure of f�znds for the Dc�mestic Vzolence S��vvices Fund #128, Dep�rtment #170 im the amount of �'78,5�4 be passed. The �nation ca.rried. %;���% � The Commissioners apprQved the start�ng salary of I�aren R. Suiter as secretary of the Long Rang� Planning Department at 8{� percent of the base salary ef�ective 3anua.ry 1,199�. ;��.z� �- � The Commissioners ap�raved the salary �ncrease of Mathew Morto� af ihe Current Plan�ing I�epartmeni tQ 90 percent o� base salary e�'ective January I,1999. ��'-�%��--- The C�mm�ssione�-s speni �he remain�er of the d�y wo�king on the 1999 budget. As there wa.s no fiu�her business to come befc�re the Board the session was continued unti� I�ecember 16,1 �98. December 1�,1998 The sess�an �vas cantinued ai 1:3d p.m. �vzth a11 afthe Ct�mmissioners in attenda�ce. ���a�� T�e �ommission�rs spent the day working Qn the 1�99 budget. As there vvas no fuu�rtther business to cc�n�e befc�re the Board the session was adjozu�ned until D�cember 21,1998. . � . ���.r� � .�.� 1 _f . - �`� :t��� �o.� c�F cou�T� co�v�s�so�z�s G�T C4ZINTY, WAS�iINGT4N S V , d Chaizma � � .----------_`_'-.—�" � ��- �., � f�¢ `a_ J �......�/