HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC�;�M��������R'S� FRo������ .�,x� We�� �rf I3eCeIllbeP 7,1998 The Cvmmissioners sessz�n was called to o�der a� 9:00 a.m. by Cha�r�aan LeRoy C. A.11ason. A.11 of the Commissioners were �n atte�.dance wiih t�e Glerk of the Board. The CQmrnisszoners read and approved the mirrutes of the prece+ding session as writt��. ���`�� � T�..e Cc�mmissic�ne�s ap�prc�ved the salaryy increase o� Jc�hn Ber�zard of the Grant �o�nty Sherif�s Of�'ice to $2,321 per month. ��-� ����% The �ommissione�s appro�ed the sa�ary i.r;crease of Jaso�. N�itch�ll af ihe Gra�t �ou��y Sheriff s C�f��e to $2,992 per monih. ����' f The Ct�mmissio�ers signed ihe 1'�Tatice of Separation �r Work Interruptian of i��chard N. Fla�ig�n of the Audi.tors U�ce. ������The �omr�uss�on�rs approved the salary increase Qf �un� I�:inkead of the Juveni�e PrQb�tic�n Departmen� �o $2,183 per monfih. ����� ; The Commissioners were nc�tx�ed that Deputy Matt Me�ser successfully �ompleted twelve manih of coniinued se�ce wit.�. the Ci�ant �ouniy SherifE`s C)ffice. � c���� The Comn��sszoners apprr�ved the salar�� increase of Joe Scroggzns of the +G��.nt �c�u�ty Sheriff s Office tQ $2,321 per month. `�;.�=���Chairman Aliisan was authc�rized to sign the Exemption from. Shorelzne Management Act Substant�al Deve�opn�sent Permit Requarem�nts f�r Ric� Sk�nne�. _', �`- .,�The Co�mzssioners received a Nc�tice of Claim fro� �i-rego�ry Paul Rc�b�rts. T�e matter was referred to ihe Prflseeuting At�orney for handlz�zg, ��-`�°`�The Commissioners approved the salary increase of �2.achei Cranson c�f �he Assessc��-s E�ffice io 90 pex�en� of Floating Data Eniry C�erk effective L3ece�sber 1,199�. ���'� � The Coinmissioners �ppr�ved ihe request by the Department o�' Eme�ge�acy Management ta l�ire F. �ames Daniels to �vor� c�n certai� needs of ihe Safety Prog�-am fc�r Urant County. � y'��a`�The �ammissioners no��ed Mike Murray, Di�eciQr of Pub�ic Works �hat they had appz�ov�d �he Chepoda Short Plai based on the agr�ement be�veern the neighbors for maintenance crf ihe road easement. ��� ��Chairman Allison was authorized to sign Amendme�t #1 to Contr�.ci #12976 �vith Cr�rant Cc�uniy Cooperative Extens�on and Washington State Unxversiiy �egarding salary and ben��ts for Sal1y I�ubbs. �`�.�� �`� The �om�nission�rs approved ihe hzrin g o� Moss Adams Advzsory Service fc�r a I� u�eek plan regarding the Year 200� Readiness Assessment. Y� c� �� A Pubiic I-�earing was held regard�ng the 1999 budge�, A motion was m�.de by Ct�m�rsissianer Snead, secanded by CQrr�missioner Fanch�r th�.t the matter be co�iinued �til such iim� as the budget is balanced. The m�tion carried. As t�ere �vas no further business t� came befc�re �he �aard the sess��n was cc��ti�ued until December 8, i 9�8. December $,1995 Ti�e session was cc��tinued at 9:Ot3 a.m. with Commiss�aner Snead and �o�issio�er Fa�che�- in attendanc� wi�h the Clerk a� tl�e Bc�a.�-d. Can-�missione�- A1lison �vas �ttend�ng meetings out c�f town. The Com��iss�c�ners mei wiih the Put�lic War1�s D�eciQ� regard�ng Resolution-�:/W Relinquis�mmeni, C31� Road Vacatic�n-'C,�.B' NE� Current Consinactic�n 5tatus, Resalution-Annual �Zc�ad Program, �udgeis-New Vehicles & Etc., Perst�nnel-Retirements. ��`�� ,��� A�aot�on was mad� by Cc�a�zmissianer Fancher, s�conded by Cam�nissioner �nead th�.t R�sc�lunon Numbex 98-18�-CC in the matter c�f relinquish�g a�auniy Rc��.d rigbt-af way be pass�d. Th� lnotio� carr�ed. ����.°tu� A motion w�.s �ade by Commissianer F�.nche�, seconde� by Cammissioner Sne�d t�ai Resc�Ii�ta.on 1`{iumb�r 98-19�-CC in the r.�atier t�f adc�pting the � 9�9 Annual Road Pragram be passed. 'The mc�izan carried. �,�;�,`; The �c�mm�ssioners� appr�ved the request b�y Rita M, �Vi�e of the Cc�ape�-aiive Extension Of�ice to be a� I�ave �vit�oui pay �vl�ile ha�ng Carpel Tua�.�e1 surgery which w��1 be a Labor and Indust�ries cla.im. ��.�'� ��J The Ca�amissaoners signed the Public VtTarks Departmen� Clai_ms Fund Voucher Appr��al #11-1 thrc�ugh #11-1'7$ i�a ihe to�tal arnount of $i,Ii5,81�}.42. a���,; �. The Cc�mrn�ssione�s held a Pubiic 1Vleeting on the Frenchman Est.ates Prelirn�nary Plat request tfl create a 28 Iat subdivis�on on �pg�oximately 80 acres in �he +�pen Space Re��eational Zone requested by Paul Verhey. This property is l�cated in a porti�n �f Seciian 13, Townshrp 17 hlo�th, Ra�ge 2'7 Easi, W.M. A mc�tlon wa.s made by �c�mm3ssioner Fanc�er, seco�ded by Cc�mmisszoner Snead to uph�Id the Plannzng Commissifln apprt�v�l including all conc�tions and. findzngs with the additi�n c�f a 9� conditio�s regarding the Raght to Fa�n (.�rd�n�nce. The m�tion canri.�d. ���c�� � The CQmmissioners held a P�blic Hearing regarding the possible Ieasing a�-4 x 40 area adj acen� to the Grant Cc�unty Fair �rc�unds Par�ing Ioot for the location af a wireless comx��nicat�Qns site requested by Inland Ce1lul�z-. A motion w�s made by Commissicrner �ancher, sec�nded by Cc�mmiss�onex Snead that the Cc�unty shouid enter anto a lease �n ihe subject prc�periy �vith Inlaa�d Ce11u1ar. The moti�z� carried. !��'r;,�As of �his date t�e Board by a major�t� vote does approve far payment thase vauch�rs filed in the Auditc�rs Offzce on IZ/�/98 �n the tc�ta� amc�uni r�f ��a�,�o�.� � . A.� there was na fi�rther busiuess to come before t�e Board #be sessi.c�n was coniin�.ed until Dece�nber 9,1998. D�ecember �,19�8 The sessian continued at 9:(�0 a.m. with alI o� t�e Gam�n:issioners in attenda�ce �vith the Clerk of the Board. ��� �_� A mot�on was �zade by Comm�ssio�er Snead, secc�nded by Commisszoner Fancher thai Reso�ution Nu�nber 98-191-CC setting a Public Hearing for l�ecernb�r �2,1998 at 1:3� p.m. relating to th� facis requixing an apprc�przat�on a�.d expend�-�ure of fi�nds fcrr the �urreni e�p�nse Fu��d #0� 1, �Tarzous D�paaiments in the amvuni c�f �3I$,(}40 be passed. TJ�e �oiion carried. ,s�=�v�.�A mc�t�c�n was made by GQmm�ssioner Snead, seconded by Com�aissioner F�.ncher �hat Resolui�on I�umber 98-112-CC set�i.�g a Public Hearzng far Deceinber 22,1�98 at 1;30 p.m. relating to the facts requir��g an appropria.tic�n a�d expenditure of funds fo� the Emergenc� Servzc�s Fund #142, 3�epa�tme�� #144 in t�e amount of $2,650 be pa�ssed. The mo�zon carried. ���a� � motic�n was made by �oz�missian�r S�ead, secc�nded b� Cc�mmissio�er Fancber t�at Resc�lutio� Nt�mber 98-i93-CC setting a Public �-Ieaxi�tg for �ecember 22,19�$ at 1:30 p.m. relatzng tca the f�cts requiring an appropriatxan a�d e�endii�re of fiznds for the Pros�cutars Victrm �c�mpensatian Fund #120, Department #��62 in the ar�oun� af $8�(1.00 be passed. Tla� mation carried. ;����-�A mQtion was �nade by Cammissioner Fanch�r, se�t�nded by Comm�ssioner Snead that �esc�iuti4n Number 98-194-CC in the n��.t�er of apprc�ving the F`renchrrza� Es�ates P�elimina.r�� P�ai, a 28 1ot subdiv�szon c�n eighty acres in the c�pe� space recreat�on zone lc�c�.ted in a pc�rtic�n Q� the Nc�rr�h half af SectzQn 13, Townsh7ip 1� N. Range 27 East, W.M. requested by Paul and 3oa�ne �'erhey be pass�d. The motion carrzed. T�e Comm�ss�oners spent t%e remainder of ihe day vvr�rking an the l 999 budget. As there was no furihe� business ta come before the Board ihe sess�on was cantinued uc�t�l L�ecembe� 1�,1998. Decem�aer 10,1998 The session was continued at 2:3{� p.m. with Chairman A1lison and Cammissioner Snead in aitendance with th� �lerk of the Board. Z`�.e Cc�mmiss�vners spent the af�ez-�c�an warJking Qn �he 1.999 budge�. A� there �vas na fi:�rther business to come b�fore th� Board th� sesszon was adjc�urned uu�til December 1.4,1998. BC}ARL� 4F C6JL�TY COI��MI�SIOt�ERS ATTEST: UR.ANT C4UNTY, �AS�GT�N � � � -i v � 1 Clerk the B�� Chairman f-� �-%! �����,�. � � ��� f� ���