HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC � �C}MM�SSI{Jll��F�S' PRC3CEELlII'�GS Week of+C►ct�ber 19,1998 The Grant Caunty Gommissioners sesszon wa� called to axder at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRc�y Allisan. AII of the Co��ssic�ners were in attendance wit� the �lerk of the Board. The Cc�mmissianers zead and a.pgrave� the miIlutes of�he precedin.g session as written. �`������.:$The Commissianers approved the requ�st by tbe Sheriffs f�f.Cice for the pu.rchase of 2 b�dy wire repeaters. C)ne fram the Sheriff s 149 account annd one from Law and Justice �unds. �':�����° The �omm�ssioners approved the F.equest for Tr�nsfer c��'Funds in the Long Range Planning Department #13�, �urr�nt Expense �'un� #001 in the amount o��22,794. ��-�f��'� The Cc�m�ss�oners apprc��ved the salar� of Allen D. Hc�lma� as �a�r and Facilzt� Manager for the Gran� County Fai� �`rrounds, effective October 19,1998 �c� replace LaDell �ada whQ will be retiring at yeaar end. They alsa approv�d the request by the Fair,grounds f4r a transfer c�f funds to accoz�mc�date the salary af Mr. I�alman until the first �f the year. r,���,�The Coz�mi.ss��ners appraved ou� of state t�avel fQr Shaw� Regan, Adv�sozy BQard Mernber t�f t�e {�rant County PARC to at�end the CAD�A National Leadership Forum zn WashingtQn D.C. J����� The Commzssioners approved the rehir� c�f Alma Garcia by the �-ra.�.t County PARC effective C�ctaber 1,19�8 an a part tim� b�.szs with a base sala� af$�,03�.25 per month. ,�����`� The Commissianers appraved the request for Qut of state t�avel far Pamela Dugga� fron� Grant Mental Healthcare tc� attend th� 19�8 Leve1 II Traini�g of the iwo-par�EMDR Training. °���'� The Cammissioners apprc�ved �he starting salary c�f Sliaron M. S�awe of the Juven�le Departme�t at �2,244.8t} per znon�h e:Ff'ective �ctober 13,1998. r`�l'�`�'� The Commissioners approved the salary increase of HarQld St. pierre of the Sher��ffs C�f�ce to �2,321 per m�nth effective November 1,1998. �.����� The Commissioners apprc�ved the startimg salaa�y c�f Eric Talbat of the Shez��'f s �ffice at$2,�92.80 per mc�n�h effee�ive flct�ber 26,1998. �_� 9��'�'T�ae Cam.zz�issio�a�rs approved the salary incz-ease of the fc�llowing emplo�ees in the Clerks C}ffice: Carla L. Gonzales: Eff'ective 11/1I�8 $1965.55 per month M. Gretchen Butterly: Effective 11111�8 $19�5.55 per month Pamela A. Kursave: Effective 11/1I98 $17i0.4� per month Shea I�. La�-k.�n: Effective 11/�/�8 $2123.I0 per month ���'���The �o�n.missioners approved the Request for Tra�sfer of Funds in the Caoperat�ve Extension I�ep�rtmen�in the amc�unt of$12,0�0. :���'��' The Com�n.issic�ners s�t a Public M�eting for I�TQvember 1,19�8 at 1:30 p.m. regardzng the Plat Alteration request by James M. �.awson to subdavide a 10 acre parcel anto two 5 acre parcels located i� Farm Unit 2, . Irxiga�iQ� B1ock 881, Lot 3 c�f tbe �,c�vel�ss Sh�rt Plat, zn a pc�rtic�n of th� Northwest t�uarter of Sec�ion 1 S, Townsh�p 16, Range 2� East, VV.M, t���'���-. The Commissione�rs set a Pub�ic Meeting £c�r 1`�ovember 1,1998 at 2:00 p.�n. rega�rding the Plat Alterat�o� request by Frank B. Fexg�stram tc� co�nbine lots 5 and 16, �J�visian 2 of Marine V�ew Heights into ane ���. Lc�ts 5 and 1�, Divisian 2 of l��arine View �Ie�gh�s whi�h Iies in a portion c�f the East�Ialf flf Sectzon 18, Tawnsl�ip 17 North, F.an�;e 28 East, W.M. �����.� The Commissioners set a Publie Meeting for Navember 1,1998 at 2:3� p.m. regarding a proposed C�rdinance relatzng tQ the siting af�irel��s �ozn�nunica�ion Fac�litie� a�►the uni�corporated areas of Grant Caunty. i����� The CammissiQners r�cei�ed a Tempc�xary Restrain�ng (Jrd�r and C}}rder tt� Show Cause frcrm the City of Ephrata. Tbe matter was referred ta the Prt�secuting Attorney fc�r hanci�ing. r.���`y�=A I'�b1ic Hearing was held and a �xaotic�n �vas made by Cc�mmzssi4ner Fancher, secQnded by Comtnissianer S��ad that Resoh�tion Numb�r 98-160- CC authflriz�ng a� apprapr�at�on and ex�enditure af funds in �he Emergency Servic�s F�u�d #102, Department #144 in the amaunt Qf $6,100 be passed. The motion carr7ied. As th�re was no fi�rther business to come before the Baard the session v�as continued until (�ctober 20,1998. Uctober 20,I998 The session was ccs�tinued at 9:00 a.m. wi�h a11 af the Comunissioners in a.ttendanc� with the Clerk of the Board. The Cc�mmissioners met with the Fublic �oz�ks Di�-ectQr regardang Bid L�ws, Haul Road Agreeme�t-�VSI)(�T, LQ�a.I Agency agreement-Briclge Nc�. 31�, `C.8' hC�7V, Contract Executian-Crushing, STF Redzstribution-TEE1 21, RAP Pz-o�ect Lis�.ng, B�dge Nc�. 1�0-Scheduling. �����'!� The CcammissiQners sig�ed the Ctin�tra�t with S�ubert Excavatc�rs,Inc, for 1}99 Crushing and Stackpiling Prajeet. � ��.��� . A mot�an was made by eammi�siv�er Snead, secQnded by Cc�mmissioner Fancher that R�sQlutzt�n Number 98-1�1-�� in the matt�r c�f authorzzing a certain i:�t�rfund �aan from �he County Raad �und in the amQunt of$S(}C�,OQ�o°� be passed. The mo�ion carried. }`�L�:�`��` The Commissianers approved th� s�arting salary of �arrie E. Nt�rdberg of the Prosecuting Attorney's {�ffice at �0 percen� o�' a l�gal secretary II class%�eation. i��'��� As o�this date th�Board by a majority vote does approve far payment thase vauch�rs �iled in �he Auditors �ffice 1(1119/98 in thhe total amount of $5`16,539.31. As th��e was na fiuther business to come befQre the Board the sess�on was continued uunti.17:�0 p.m. {�ctober 20,1998 7:�0 p.n�. 'T�e sessi�n was �ontinued at 7:00 p.m. �vith all of the Commissisaners in at�endance wi��.the C1erk c��the Bc�ard. f����� The Co�missiQners held a Public Hearzng regarding the Ephrata In terim �[Trban Growth Area. A pres�ntatian was given by Proulx Cearns,Ir�c,, a�d testim�ony was g�ven by many in a�enda.�ce. A m€�tian was mad� by Commiss�oner �'ancher, se�onded by Com�zissior�er Sn�ad to continue t�e r�eeting untzl November 5,1998 at �;04 p.m. The mc�tic�n car�ied. As there was no fur��er business tc� come be�are �he Bc�ard the session was adjourned uu��til October 26,1998. BO,fi�RD C?F �C}UNTY �(�1�'IlVIISSIflT�ERS ATTEST: GR:ANT CC3LINTY, WAS�]SNC.�T(�1'�T � ' ��� �1erk the Bo Chai�rma . ___—�—¢"'"�``��€ ! � � a �^ �