HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-158-CC9 � GRAIVT COUNTY BOARD OF COMI�IISSIONERS Grant County, Washingion RESOLUTION NO. RS-15s.CC ORDiNANCE NO. 98-L58�CC RENEWING INTERIM OFFICIAL CONTROLS TN THE AGRICULTURAL ZONE, RENEVVIIVG AN AMEN]�MENT TO 'THE GRANT COUNTY ZONING ORDINAI'�10E RELATING TO DEFINITION OF "FARM", PEI2MITTED USES, RESTRICTIONS, AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO 1�CI�AL� : WHL+:itEAS, i:he Board of County Commissioners (�oard) of Grant Count�, Washington, intends to iu.11y comply with the orders of the Easterxl Washington Growth Management He� ixigs Board; and 'C�VVk�E�AS, the Board adopted Resolution No. 97-143-CC entitled, "A Resolution Adopting Grant County's Work Plan for Continued Compliance with the Growth Management Act", ancl Resolution Na. 98-25-CC entitled, "Resoluti�n .�dap�ing GMA Work Plan/Critical Path Schedule, Expressing An Intent to Approve Supplem�ntal Budget to Complete Elements of Approved G1VIA Work Plan, and Designating Review and Consid�ration of Additional Interim IVleasures"; and �'H�]EtEAS, RCW 36.70A.390 empowers tkie Board with the authority to renew interir� officiai cor�trols to protect, inter alia. , the Agricultural Zone; and 'VVI���tEAS, Grant County is currently studying and preparing code amendnaents ta its zoning cade regulating its Agriculture Zone, to e�tablish new zoning categories to protect the Agriculture zone; and 'b��IE��EAS, the Board finds that interim official controls addressing residential uses and d�nsities within the Agrzculture Zone, previously adopted in Ordinance/Resolution No. 98-37- CC, on. April 7, 1998, and as set forth herein, are reasonable and necessary to protect the Agricuiture Zone durin� the period o� time req�ired to prepare anc� adopt an updated Comprehensive Plan in compliance with the Growth Management Act, adopt and establish new zone categories in the Agriculture Zone, and comply with the aforementioned orders of the Eastern Washington Grpwth Management hearings board; and TNTEI�iM AGRICLTL'i'URAL ZONING CONT120LS - 1 F:\C1VCL\WORK\ORDYNANC\LAND-USE\AG-ZONE.OR2 �'VgiEREAS; the Board adopted Ordinance/Resolution No. 98-37-CC, adopting interim official controls in the Agricultural Zone, containing an amendment to the Grant County Zaning Ordinance providing %x a definition of "farm", containir�g permitted uses, and containing restrictions; and W�-IEItEAS, the Board desires to renew the above referenced interim zoning controls, which are reasonable and necessary to further its purpose. NOVV, THEREFORE, THE GRANT COUNTY BOAit� OF COIi�dM�SSTONERS DO �IE12.E]B�' (litDAIN AND ESTABLISH AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The aforementioned amendment to Grant County Zoizing Ordinance, Section III "Definitions," adopted by Resolution No. 80-39-CC (Ordinance No. 80-39-CC) on A�aril 15, 1980, and amended by and through Ordinance/Resolution No. 98-37-CC, on April 7, 1998, is hereby renew�d, by renewing the subject new subsection to "Definitions," and by renewxng a "�arm" definition, to read as follows: Farm: A farm is defined as a parcel of land in which the primary use of the parcel is devoted to, and used for, the commercial production of livestock or agricultural commodities, and whereby the residence is ancillary to th� primary use. Seceion 2. The afarementioned amendment tn Grant County Zoning Ordinance, Section V"A (Agriculture)", Uses Permitted, subsection (B.)(8), adopted by Resolution No. 80-39-CC (Ordinance No. 80-39-CC) on April 15, 1980, amended by Resolution No. 96-147-C� (C)rdinance No. 96-147-CC), on November 12, 1996, which was repealed and re-enacted as a new subsection by and through Ordinance/Resolution No. 98-37-CC, on April 7, 1998, is renewed, by renewing the subject new subsection, to read as follows: 8, Any owner occupied residence located on the farm which is located in the Agriculture Zone District may be subdivided once every five (5) years in accordance with the Grant County short plat ordinance (An Ordinance Relating To 5hort Plats And Short 5ubdiviszons), Section 2, Exemptions (7), so long as the subdivision contains no less than one acre and the remainder of the original parcel contains Pive (5) acres or more. Parcels created pursuant to this exemption may not be further subdivided for a period of five (5) years except for land divisions created pursuant to S�ction V, subsection (B.)(10), of the Grant County Zoning Ordinance. INTERIM AGRICULTURAL ZONING CONTI�OLS - 2 F:\CIVIL\WORK\ORDINANC\LAND�USE\AG-ZONE.OR2 Section 3. The aforementioned ainendment to Grant County Zoning Ordinance, Section V"A (Agricu.lture)", subsection (B.) Uses Permit:teci, adopted by Resolution No. 80-39-CC (Ordinance No. 80-39-CC) on Apri115, 1980, and amendecl by Ordinance/Resolution No. 98-3i- CC, on April '�, 1998, is renewed by renewing the previously adopted amendment, to read as follows: 12. Single family residences and accessory structures. Sect�on 4. The aforementioned amendment to Grant County Zoning Ordinance, Section �"A (Agriculture)", subsection (C.) Restrictions, adopted by Resolution No. 80-39-CC (Ordinance No. $0-39-CC) on Apri115, 1980, amended by Ordinar�ce/Resol�.tion No. 98-37-CC, on Apri17, i998, is renewed by renewing the amendment to read as fallows: C. RESTRICTIONS l. Lot Area Required: 40 acres unless as provided under Section B, 8 and Section B.10.)) Forty (40) acres, except as otherwise provided for by �ection V(B.)(8), Section V(B.)(10) and Section V(D.) (Conditional Uses by �pecial Permit) of the Grant County Zoning Ordinance. 2. Yarcls TZequired: There shall be a front yard not less than teventy-five (?5) feet deep and two side yards each nat less than five (S) feet wide.)) No buildin� shall be placed closer than twenty-five (25) feet to any road, street, ar public right-of-way. No buildin� shall be placed closer than five (5) feet to any side yard property line which does not contain a road, street, c�r public right-of-way. A temporary stand for the display and sale of agricultural products produced on the pxemises farm may be located in the front yard but not closer than ten (10) feet to any public road, street, or right-of-way. 3. There shall be no subdivision of land for housing purposes other thaz� a� provided by Section V(8), Section V(B.)(1Q) and Section V(�3.)(12) (40 acre minimum lot size), of the Grant County Zoning Ordinance. NOVV TI-�ER.EFORE, BE IT HERE�Y RESC)LVED THAT T�-IE GRANT �OUl`dTY CON1IvYTSSIONERS adopt this ordinance to take effect immediately for the preservation of the of the flgricultural zone during the tirne period required to prepare and adopt an updated Comprel�ensive Plan in compliance with the Growth Management Act and establish new zone categories i� the Agricultural zone, and th�se interim official control shall be in full force and effect to the earlier oi 6 months from the date of adoption of this resolution/ordinance by the Boarci of Grant County Commissioners, or the adoption of new zoning categories %r the Agriculture zone. INT�RIIv� AGIZICUI,TURAL ZONING CONTRQLS - 3 F:\CIVIL\WORK\OI2DINANC\L.AND-USE\AG-ZONE.OR2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this _��t, day of October, 1998. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON � � o ___ _ .. �' Le oy C. llison, C air � Helen Fancher, Member �r—y`�" .e_�..e-�_--�_ � �., 4,�.�; Tim Snea , M�be� � Attest: � 4 Clerk of t oard: � INTERIM AGRICULTURA,L ZONyNG CONTROLS - 4 F:\CIVIL\WORK\ORDINANC\LAND-USE\AG-ZONE.OR2