HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-154-CC� BOARD OF C4LT1�i'i'Y CO:VIMISSiC3NERS GRAi'VT COUNTY, WASHTI�GTUi� RESOLUTION NUMB�R A RESOLUTIQN relating ta the t�ansfer of funds within the 1998 budbet of the MUSEUM DEPT. # 119 AND THE CAPITAL (IUTLAY DEPT. # i41 CURRENT EXPENSE FLiND # 001 9$-154—GC WHEREAS, it has be�n brought to the attezltion of the Board of Grant Camrnissioners that it is necessary to transfer funds withir� fhe current budget of the above-naaned Cannty DeparTment{s) in the amaunts enumerated beiaw; and WHEREAS, there is nr� expenditure of funds not previausly budgeted but a transfer pursuant to R.C.W. 36.40.I00 at�d County and State auditing pracedures; �TOW, THBREF{)RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BO.EIR.D OF COUNTY COMMISSItJi�ERS of GRAIv7T COU�7TY, STATE C►F WASHIR�GTON, that the fallouring transfers wit�iin the cu�rent budget are hereby made: 199& BLTT7GET OF THH FI20M ACCC7UNfi ?�i 7MBE� CAPT£AL OUTLAY DEPT. I41 PROJECT # l IR-MUSEUM F�ND 594_75.bi I�;��rl:i��11�[�l�l �us��m n�rT. # r�9 ��vr� �x� c�r�Tar. a�7�r.A� u�r�r. # i�x CLrRItENT EXPEISE FU�D # 401 TQ AMOUNT ACCOl1NT NL�M�ER MUS�UM DEP'i. 119 �15,239 575.30_41 TQ RE-ALLOCATE APPRC?PRTATTQNS FOR CLEARING OF THE LAND PUt2�HASED BY TEIB HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND L}ONRTED TO THE COUN f'Y. PROFES5IQNAL SERVTCES This resol�tion is in the best interest o£ gaod gc�vernment and sha11 take effect immediately upan passage. Done this 6th day af October,1998 ATTEST: Clerk o ' Board % , �r:,�. , �1�:� �,�,rr_!ir ��� .�� ._____-------"'"'�_ `� � � � � , Board of G�i��Comn�issioners Grani County, Washingion Chainnan C�x��r� C�..����� ����.���.��,1 ��.e��rr POST OFFICE BCiX 1 141 EPHRATA, WASMINGTON 98823 � (509) 754-3334 May 19, 1998 Grant C�u�nty Co�nmissic�nex� P.O. Box 37 �°�9�1i3�� o W� e g$��� �]�: ���Ue�'� FOx' E.'�CCcR'�T�t1TiC� Of HI—T� 1°i�()��.1, pr(Dp��'ty �E.' 81CC�j?tE�(�. I�ear Gx��.nt County Com�a.ssinners, Pe� our m�eti�ag �rith you on M�y 18, i998, ]� am requesting that orxs� of the attacka�d J�ids b� a��ept�d for t;he veg�t��io� x�e�o�ra�. as soan as pos�ibie. Th�.� is a p�ten�ial �ire hazard. �'h� Gra�ni� G�aan�y His�or�.ca�. Society is a3.so reques�ing that a p��posal fox e�cava�ing of �lx� HI--II MOte1. prcaperty� be ac�ept�d. On b�half of �he Gr�nt Couxaty I-iistoticax So�;���y and m�s�lf, pl�as� accept oux six�cere appreciatinn for your continu�ai �upport. r Wi� Kind�s�; Reg�rds, \ ,� / �' j l<.�C�.—�..� ��-�:�� G`�-> ��./ P�t Wi�ham. Dir�ci�or Grar�t County d�ius�um i '.. ; s , s _. �,..,, , � � *, � `v� i�_. _ .:.:," �i� 1 g �� c�� cou� y'� ��r s oti