HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-138-CC.�- 'E; }' �. ';� �." =� '� �` ' T µ ; i •� � i�, _ � � . RESi?LUTIC}N N�IMi�iI:�� 98-13$-GC 0 I A RE�OLUTI�l'� authc:7rizin�; an apprapriatit�� �nc� �x�enc�it�ar�� c�L f�x��c�:; � �c)a t11Q f411E1Wiilg c�ep�.T'tmeilt��ilrid: Emergency Services Fund ��102, � I De,part�u��t 4��t�4 ,together �vittt a k�zid�;c�i tlY��re-- � fore� pursuant to RCW 36a4fl.1�0. WHEREAS, it has been brou�ht ta the attenti�n c�f tl7c� I3c>.zx•ci of County Cvmmi�sioners of Grant Cauntp tha� em��r�ency �.c�nc� i t ic3ns rer�uare thai an apprc�priation and expendiiure c�f �und's be 4x�ifi.h- as�ized for the abov�:-meniionE�d department Jfund, to,�ethc?i• witii a �udget thereior; and iNHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 36.4�.140, Resolutic�n No. ��_�?� �,�, was duly adop�ed on Au�ust 3iz1998 :and puhli5t�f�ci in the Dailv Journal Q� 912&�./9198 d�Cl��'in�; 7n �mergen�y and stating the� fac,ts �onstituting thc7 etnex•gc�nc:y aixcl._ the estitnated amount of funds required to meet it, tcrgc�thcr with �� nata.ce of public heari��, a.nc� said public hearin� was hel�i th�rc�c��i cvhere aazter�sted persc�ns were allowed to app�ar �rnd �re I���ird; NC��, T�EREFCiR� , BE IT RESQL�TED �Y THE BOAItD OF COi3NTY C()R�M I S- SION�RS ��' GRANT CC7UNTY, STATk. OF WAS�IINGTON, that zn a���rc>��3•i��t.ic�t� and expendituxe of funds �.s hereby authorized fc�r the followin� departmeni /fund:_ �mer�.enc�.,�.�,� s��n� �t7 n� �,Department��4 in the total sum af $ 1,090 according to th� atiaciled budget. This resoiuti4n is in the best interests of g�od �;c�vern���cnt - and shall take 'effect ixnmediatelgr upon its passa�e. �'t�t5 14th � �AY OF�_Se�tember , 19 98 4TTES3: +�\ti;,� Giarlc of khe 1l8ard � � .r,.T ....._ .� .,� _.,...... i cho�rmw, Lammiss#antt � ---^--'^5--._: _..__ � � � '� Commixnion�s ConsSiSu4knc� fEdB �Otdit� O� C4U6i��t CIItiY:9liSSEQYi6t� o# Gran3 Cousaiy, Washingia�a ��C3��T"�"��� ����ti�S.�i�;�:'3' R2 EMERGENCY S�RVICES �`UN`37 #i02 I3EPART�v€EN'I' # I�#4 1�3 �IViERGENCY SERVICES FLTt�'1 #IQZ � t��PA�.TII�ENT # 144 ATTACH.�vIENT TO RFS{)L�.TTI€)N �'�'�C��'R��'i'� iDi�T�� I2vTER;E��J INSlT12ANCB 525.50.96 � 1,{i90 �'����� �C3I%4t�CE� C}PB�TING TR.ANS�'ER-I3�F CL'RRENT EXPENSE FL'i�TD 397.CG.41 �k,49t3 ���A�IA'i"��1� I'O I_NC�S� �'PR4PRiATIt�RtS �'UR �StiRA�.�ICE CC3S'�S DUE TL3 C£-�A�iGE TQ NEW �OUNTIES IivSIli2r�NCE PC3O�..