HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC4 � � CE�MN�SSIC►NERS' PR�CEEIDII"wT�S Week �f Septem%er 14,1998 The Grani County Commissio�ers sessic�n �vas called tt� order at 9:00 a.m. with Commissi�ne:r �'ancher and Cammzssioner 5nead zn a.iiendance with th� Clerk of the B�ard. �hairman .Allzsc�n was i�z� att�ndan�e dur�ng the �ft�rnofl�.. The Com�issianers read and appr�ved tlte minuies of ��e precedi�g s�ssion as written. �'����"�� maii�n was made by Cc�mmzssic�n�r Fancher, seco�ded by Comm%ssic�ner Snead ia ac�ept the lc�w bzd fc�r tlre water Ii�e on Ente�prise Streei af I�.amsira �anstructian in the a�c�u�t c�f $18,998.2�. T�e mc�tion car�i.ed, ���� F The �ommissioners appr�ved the salary of Anastasiya I3eLec�n af the Dis�ici Court Of�ce ai �t� percent Qf a Dep�zty Cler� �I effec�ve Sepiember �>zs�s. ���`� ��.. Chairtnan Allison was auihc�ri zed ta sign the Natice of Separatian or Wor� In�em�.ptzon of �milia B. B�z.rgess of t�1a.e Juvenile Department eff�ciive S�ptember 3,1�98. >�� `���Chai_-�an Allisan uras au�horized io sign apprc�vai o� the Speci�i C}ccasion Liquor �,ic�nse of ihe Desert Aire Mens Club. g..�� ��-ihe �c��nmzssic�n�rs set a Pui�Iic Hearing for September 29,1998 at 1:3t3 p.m. regardzng a requ�st for supplementa� budg�t far ihe Current Expense Fund #(�0�, Juven�le Department #117 �ran� unanticipated fu�ds in the amount of $15,412. ;��`�� � The �ammissioners apprc�ved nut af staie �ra�el far De�ective Ki.m �Qa� af the Sher�f�s O�fice to at�end �raining in Ari,zcrna. ���� d�The C�mmission�rs apprc�ved the salar� increase c�f R.obert tsa�rett c�f the Fairgraunds to lf�� perc�ni ofAssista�t Grc�u�ds Keeper r�.ie. i� 1��°�The Com�nissic�ners appraved the selec��on a� Vc�th Custom Cons�ruct�on ta build th� Fa�rground restroom �'acilzties in ihe amr�uni of �9�,859.39. 3���� �' T�e Commu ssic�ners appra�ed t�e request by the Tourism Cammissxt�n for a budget exie�sion in the amount of $15,000. ��� ��� The Commissioners apprc�ved the ��quesi by ihe Department of Emergency Managem�nt fc�r a buc�gei increase frt�m unexpended futad balanc� for costs associated wi� the Lower Crab Creek Fire. >� �%�c�The Commissioners a.pprov�d the rent increase far the �flroners Office �o $.�35.00 per month. �����iThe �om�nissit�ners received the �erti�cate of Liabiiity Insurance from S.G.Morin c4r San Inc. /.��I��The Cam�rnissioners received a pat��.on fram people c�pposed io Long Lake Sh�res bei�g rezaned ta �. wa.l�eless zone. F� �7�.�'he Commissianers approved the salary� of I)awn A.. Heer of the Juvenile Department at $1 {}.�0 p�r ho�zr effeciive September 14,1 �9�. �:�����'he Cc�m�nissioners approved the salary of Melissa J. Lucas of the Juvenile Depaa-tme�� at $S.I.S per hour effective Sepiember 14,1.998. ;��� � A motion was made by Commissioner Fanche�, se�onded by Comznissic�ner Sn�ad that Re�c�lution Number 98-133-CC set�ing a Public Heari�g for September 29,T99S ai 1:30 p.m. relating ta the facts requiring an approprzation and expenditure of :�u�ds far �e Tourism Fund #I1.4, Department # 156 in the amQunt �f $ I S,�C�O be passed. The mmtzon carried. i�� 7�, � A mo�ion was made by Cc�mmissioner Fa�cher, seconded by Comm�sszQner Snead tlaat Resolution Number �5-134-C� settiasg a public I-�earing far September 29,1998 at I:3� p.m. relating tc� the facis requiriing an apprt�priatzan and expenditure of funds for the Current Expense Fund #0�}l, Courthause Facilzties Departmen:t #112 in ihe amt�unt of $500,(}00 be passed. The motzon carried. J� q��. � A I'ublic Hearing was held and �. motian was made by CQmmisszaner �nea.d, seconded by Gommzssioner F�,nch�� ihat Resaluiian Number 98-135- CC auih4xzzing an appropriatic�n a.�d �xpendi�ure of funds for the Current �xperise Fund #0�1, Various Depa,r�ments zn the am4unt of $21&,622 be passed. The mat�on ca�-ied. i��� �,� A Pub�ic Hearing u�as held and a mation was made by �omrnissioner �nead, seconded by Cammissioner F�nch�r that Resc�lution Numb�r 9$-136- CC authari�ing an appropriatiQn and e�penditure of fiznds f�r �he Insurance Fund #503, De�artm�nt #182 in ihe amaunt af �325,813 be passed. The moiion �ar�ried. 1�, y��;� A Public �[earzng was held and a maiion �vas mad� by Co�amiss�oner Snead, seconded by Cominissic�ner F�nch�r iha.t Reso�utian Number 98-137- CC aufhoxizing an appropria�fln and expenditure af funds fflr the All Terra�.�n Vehicle �`und # 11 �, D�partment # 161 i� the amount af $1,1 �9 be passed, The motic�n carried. t��7 �r� A Public :Elearing was held and a mc�tion was mad� by Co�nmisszoner Fancher, seconded by Comr�nission�r Sn�ad ihat Resolutic�n Number 98-I38- CC author�zi�g an apprapriatio� and expenditure of funds for ihe Emergen�y Services Fund #�1a2, Department #144 zn �he amount of $1,Q9�} be passed. The mc�tic�n carried. �� i i�� A Public �-Iearing was heid and a mc�iion was made b� Cammissioner �'ancher, seconded by �ommissianer S�ead �hai �esolution Number 98-139- �C au�horizing an appropriation and e�pendi�ire �f fiulds far tl�e Fair �'und ##116, L3epar�nent #I58 in the �.mo�n� of $9,260 be passed. TI�e mQtian carried, 1.� �-� 7� A Public �Iearing was held and a moiion �as made b� Commissianer S�eac�, seconded by Co�ssioner F��cher ihat Resolutic�n N�mber 9�8-14Q- CC authorizing an appropriaiion and exp�nd�ture c�f fi�nds far ihe Grant Co�u�ty P.A.�.�. Fu�d �#115, #d157 i� �he amc�uz�i 4f $1,446 be pass�d. The mc�tion carried. ����7 �.,� A Public Hearzng was h�Id and a motion was made by Commissianer Snead, seconded 1ay Commissionex Fancher that Resolution 1Vumber 98-141- CC authorizing an appropr�a�ion a:�d expenditure c�f funds far the Law L�brary Fund � l l�, Department # l 5� in the am c�unt of $2,0� 1 be passed. The motit�n carried. ������The Cammissianers set a Public IW�ee�ing fox Sepiember 29,19�8 at 2.30 p.m. regarding the MMichael Bernse�, Sandcasile Estates II Preliminary Pla.t request io create a 48 lot subdivi.sio� an approximately Z9.15 acres in the Resic�ential Qne Zone. The plat xs lncated in a portio�t of ihe North Half of Sectian 3, Townsh�ip 1 S Narth, Ra:nge 28 East, W.NI. As there was no fiirther business to co��e b�fflre the Boa�d tb�e session was continued until September 15,1�998. September 1.5,1995 The session �as continue� at 9:OQ �..m. with Cammissioner Fancher, and Commissioner Snead in aitendance �avith t�e Clerk of the Braard. �omm�ssionex .�,l.lisc�n was in a�tenda�ce in the afiernac�n. The Carnmissioners met with the Public Warks Directar regarding Herbicide Application Discussian, Bid Authorizatian-Crushing & Stoc�ilingy Inier-IocalfR.ezmbursabl� Wc�rk Agreement-Port of Ephrat�, Travel R.equ�st Apprc�val. %� i' '�'��The Comm�ss�oners signed aac� Ag�reement �vith �'rrant Cou�zzty Pc�r� Distrzci NQ, 9, Port of Ephrata regard�ng street work. �� ���� The Commissioners signed the Authc�rization to Ca11 for Bids on �he 199� Crushing and Stockpiling Pr€�ject. �3id C�p�ning to be held September 29,1998 at 1�:00 a.m. ��� `� ��The Commissioners signed the Public '4�orks Cla�ms Fund �7oucher Appraval #8-1 through #8-2�1 in the iotal amount of $8�8,211.6�. ��, ��i'�Tlze Commissi.oners appraved ihe Request for Reimbursable WQrk for the Port o�'Ephraia. 1�' �'�'1�The Commissioners approved the salary c�f C1ara Fitzger�.Id of the Auditors tJffice ai $8.00 per houar, effective �eptember 8,1998. /���'�� As of ih�is date the Board by a z�ajQrity v�te does approve for paymeni thase vouchers included in t�e 1is� f�ed in the Auditors Ciff"ice 9115/98 in the tota.l amount c�f $533,087.65. ��� i�� Chair��a� Allison was autharized to sign the Lure Brochure Caniraci with L(�OPtc�urs,Inc. 1�����.,A moiic�n was rnade by Commiss�aner Fancher, secanded by �ommissio�er Snead that Resolutio� Number 98-142-�� set�ing a Public Hearing for September 29�,1998 at 1:30 p.rc�. relating to the facts requi�ing an appropriatio� ar�d expenditure o�' funds in the Curren� E�pense Fund #a0 �, Variaus Departments in the amauni of $3,57'� be passed. The mation carried, As there was na further business ta come before the Board the session was adjnunz�d until September 21,19�8. B{.�A�D C}F CfJUNTY CC���VIISSIQr�ERS ATTEST: GP.A�+TT �UT.�N':�C�, �IA��GT(JN • r Clerk � Boar C ai.�� __-- �� � t i ��