HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC� 1..����.7ti71��iiti74 ���4...L'r9'.r9.J�l�[.7"� �Veek of S�piember 8,1998 The Grant County Comm%ssianers sess�on was called to ard�r ai 9:4� a.m. on September 8,1998 by Cha:�man LeRoy C, Allisom. All of �h� Cc�m�sszaners were zn attendance wit� the Clerk Qf ihe BQard, $�� i�..� The �om�missic�n�rs appr�ved a request by the 3uvenile Probatian T?epa�-tment for a budget extez�s�on fl� $30,824 for implementatian of a CJAA State Gran�. ���i.�� The Commissioners appointed. Gail Dav�s of t�e Grant County Deveic�pme�tal I?isabilities Depa.rtment as the National t�rganzzaiion of Disabiliiy` Grant �t�unty Commuraiiy Partner. ��� ��"`��he Commissit�ners approved the saiary of R.achel Cransor� of the Assessors O�ce as a F1Qating Data Entry employee ai $1,973 per mc�n�h effect�ve September 1,1998. I�`� �� � The Commiss�aners apprc�ved �he R�qu�st fc�� Transfer o�` funds in i�e ��"d.11� CQU11� S�l��'1�5 C��7C� iIUC���� 1T1$I2� a.lztf3UIli �� �2,200. I.� �`� �� The �ommissiane�s app�oved th� Request for Transfer of fiinds i� tlae Grani �ounty S�eriff s 4�fface budgei in the am�uni of $�,OQO. l� ��� The Commissic�ners approved the salary increase of Danna BrewinYg�tan csf tlle Prc�secuting Attorneys (�ffice io Legal 5ecretaxy IV effective Qctober 1,1�98. ���'��- ( The Commissioners received a�laim against the Grant Ca�n� Nc�xiaus �Veed District frc�n� Darry A�ir, Inc. The ma�ter was referr�d to the Prosecuting Aitarney for handling. �� �'�;��..-As o�'this daie th� Bc�ard by a majority v�te does approve for payment �hase vauchers included in the Iist filed in the Auditars Q�`f'ice 9/4/98 in the total a�oun� af $I�6,7b9.03. {��'7`�'�The Commission�rs approv�d the starti�.g sa�ar� c�f ihe fQ1lc�wing emplc�yees af the Sheriffs �f�ce, ��lliam E. Sievens at $�.856.80 p�r ma�th �ffectzve Septemb�r 1,19�8 a�d DaT�iel 5amon at $185�.80 per mc�nth effective 5ep�ember 14,1998. They were alsa notified of the hiring af Brian Kisler �n a provisiona� status to �11 the DOE C�r�nt Positit�n sin�e Anth�ny Rutherfo�d �vas hired full time, l�aving the pc�s�iic�n vac�nt. ;����� The Cammissioners �et wit� the Public �orks Direcior regarding R Solid Waste-Disposal Stc�dy and SWAC Members, Reimbu�-sement Wc�rk- �; 1V�arlin and Current Expense Loan. #�� ��.�The Cammissi�ners signe� the Request to the Cc�unty Rc�ad Departt�nent far Rezmbursabl� Wor1� from �he Tounz af K:rupplMarlin. ��`� �� The Commissianers received an Application for Writ of Garnishment from Jackson Consulting Service,Inc. et al vs Basin Tree Service,Inc. et al. The matter was referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling. ��� �� The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Carri Bujacich of the Prosecuting Attorneys Office to Legal Secretary II effective October 1,1998. j�j�j�'� � As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers filed in the Auditors O�ce 9I8/98 in the total amount of $511,721.22. i��7�� The Commissioners approved out af state travel for Steven Hallstrom to attend a seminar in California. �; ���L�he Commissioners approved out of state travel for Harry Ha.nson of the Prosecuting Attorney's Of�ice to atte�d a seminar on don�estic violence in Idaho. As there was no fi�rther business to come before the Board the session was adjourned until September 14,1998. BOARD OF COUNTY CONIlV�SSIONERS ATTEST: GRANT C�UNTY, WASHINGTON � � ��� �/; � j� � Clerk c�f�he Boar Chairmar� � � ������� _� � �� : �,. �