HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 10-001-CCBCiAR.D UF COUI�T�'Y �OMMIS�I4NEI�S Grant County, Washington UIZDINANCE No. 10- C� 1 -CC An ordin�nce re�at�ng t€� a� amendm�nt af the Grant Cor�nty Zau�ng lY�ap, �hanging the zon;ing of approximately 384 �cres ow�ed b� l�iorth �ointe I�aldin�s LLC, M�r�;aret Schiffner, Schiffr:ker 324 LLC, and Schiffner 8Q LLC, from �2urai Residential 1 to'Urban Resadential 2. The subject area is north of Rd. 5 N� in ihe 11�ae iralle� �rea west of Moses Lake, WA., approxim�tely fc�ur miles north of �nterst�te 9U, anc� near the inters�ction af Rd, 5 NE and Rd. F N�, �t is 1�cated in the south half of Section �1, Township 24 Narth, �tange 2$ E�st, in the nc�rth h�lf of Sectian 1, Tawns�tip 19 North, IZ�nge 27 East, an�i in a poriian of �ection 6, Township 19 North, Range 28 East, WM, Grant County, WA. {Parcels #31-2711-000, #31-2710-tlUO, #31-2709-Q00� #31-2"712-QQO, #�.7�0174�QUQ, #17-0173-004, #17-� 427-U40, #17-0174-OQQ, & #16-1353-OQQ.} Re�itals: W�IEREAS, in camplian.ee with the Growtl� Mana�ement Act of 1994, Grant County adoptet� a Comprehensive Plan in September of 1999, and WHERFAS, Grazlt Cc►unty adopted the Uzaifed Develc�pm�nt Cade (UD�) in C?ctaber af 2(}00, �stablishing of�'icial �onin� districts in conformance with the Comprehensive P1an, a�d 'WHER�;AS, the Uni�ed Development Code Chaptex 25.12 "Legislative Actions" � 030 �stablxshes ��roc�ss fox makin� Amendments to �h� Cona.prehensive Plan, and WHE�EA�, the U:�ified Uevelopme�at Code Chapter 23.04 "Zoning Dzstrxcts" � 150 estab�ishes a process for M�nor Zoning Amendme�zts (Minc�r Rezone�} wlaich a�e consistent with the goa.ts and policies a�'the Co��prehensive Plan, and WIC��K�AS, on Septembe� 30, 20Q$, ResolutXon 08-�084-CC "t112esolution Relating to Comprehensive Planning in Grant Count� in Accordance with the Wasl�ington State Grawth Managet�ent A.ci (TtCW 36.70 A} and atnending the 20Q6 Comprehensive �"lan" was signed by the Cxrant Cvunty Ba�.rd of Commissio�ers, and W�iEREA.�, Resolution {�8-084-GC inc�uded approva� of la�.d use designatian Changes (CPA #07-48�4, CPta #Oi-4891, & CPA #07-4892) from Itu�al Residential 1 to Low Density �esidential, and North Poaz�te T�Ioldings LLC Minor Lone Chz�nge -]��CC Ordixianoe - paga 1 WHEREA�, an ap�lic�tion (#09-5351) for a 1Vlinor Zoile Change has been processed in accordance with the UDC Chapter 23.04 "Zoning Districts", Chapter 24.04 "SEPA", and Chapter 25.04 "Permit Application Review Procedures," and WHEI�EAS, the Grant County Planning Commission held an Open Record Public Hearing regardill� this proposed Minar Zoi�e Change, during their regular meeting on December 2, 2009, after which they voted unanimously to recommend approval ofthis Minor Zone Change, and WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a Closed Record Public Hearing regarding this proposed zone change on January S, 2010, and `WHEREAS, after consideration of the Planzaing Co�nmission's report and staff comrnents, the Board of County Commissioners voted to approve this Minor Zone Change, and WHEREAS, the Grant Coui�ty Bo�rd of Commissioners have established the �'ollowing ten "Fir�dings of Fact" sup�orting their a�praval of this Minor Zone Change: 1) The prapased rezone will not be contrary to tihe intant or purposes and regulations the Grani County Code or the Comprehensive Plan; 2) The property in c�uestion is suitable %r uses allowed under the proposed zoning district; 3) Uses allpwad. under the proposed zone change are compatible with neighboring land uses; 4) The proposed rezone can be served by adequate facilities including access, fire protection, water, storm-w�tei� controx, and sewage disposal facilities; 5) Substantial changes do exist to warrant an amendment to the current zaning district; 6) A public need does exist for the proposed rezone. Public neecl shall mean that a valid public purpose, for which the comprehensive plan and this chapter have been adoptad, is served by the proposed rezone; 7) The proposed rezone wi11 not result in significant adverse impacts on th� human or natural environments that cannot b� mitigated by canditians of approval; 8) The curnulative impact of additional requests for lilte actions (the to��l of the rezones a�er time or space) will not produce significant adverse ef�'ecis to the environment that cannot be mitigat�d by conditions pf �pproval; 9) The pec�estrxan and vehicular traffic associated with th� rezone will not be hazardous tv existing and anticipated traffic in the neighborhood; and North Pointe Hoidings LLC Minor zone Change - BoCC Ordinance - page 2 10) The pro�osed zoning district dpes not include any allowable use or activity that would result in the location of an incompatible use adjacent to an airport or airfield (RCW 36.'70). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, that the Grant County Baard of �ounty Commissioners hereby rescind ihe current zoning designatioia of Parcels #31-2711-000, #31-2710-Q00, #31-2709-000, #31-2712-000, #17-Q174-000, #17-0173-QQO, #17-1027-OQQ, #17-0170-000, &#16-1353-000 on the Official Zoning Map, and BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that through the adoption of this Ordinance the Grant Couuaty Baard of Commissioners approve the Minor Zone Change for Paxcels #31-2711- OOQ, #31-271p-000, #3�-2709-000, #31-2712-OQO, #17-0174-p00, #17-0173-000, #17-102'7-000, #17-q170-000, &#16-1353-000 from Rural Residential 1 ta Urban Rasidential2, and BE IT FURTHER ORDAIT��D, that the efFective date of this ordinance shall be 5:00 pm of the date signed. ATTEST: DATED ihis ��' h Yea Na� ❑ o � day of �Ja�,�a,.r , 2010. BO�RD OF COUNTY CQMMISSION�ERS Abstain GRANT COUNTY, V�ASITYNGTON o -GX Cc.�-e�.� Cindy Carter, Chair . ❑ � Richard Stevens, Vice-Chair of the Board ""' � ����� � �� � � Carolann Swartz, Member � Constituting the I3oard af County Commissioners of Grant County, Washit►gton North Pointe Holdings LLC Minor Zone Cha�ige - BoCC Ordinance - page 3