HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCE)MMiSSIC}NERS' PI�O�EEDIN�S �'EEI� +D�' AUGIT�T 10,1998 The Gra.nt County �ommissioners sessic�n was call�d to oxdex at 9:0� a.m. b� �hairman L��c�y Allzson. Commissioner Fancher was in a�t�ndanee with the Clexk of the Board. Commissioner Snead was aut c�f the office. The CammissiQners read and appr�oved the minutes af the preceding sessran as written. :�� ��� The Commissioners approved the salary �ncrease t�f CozzectiQns �}�cer To�n Bo�i�.gtQn to �2,321. _����, The Commissioners received a signed Professic�nal Services Agreement fo�r Public In�c�rmatian and Communicatians Cansultant fc�r the Columbia Basin Gz�ound '4�Vater Management with Scoit Cave of 5.�. Communica�ions. _t .� ��, 5r3 The Commissioners rec�ived a szgned First Amendment tc� Gra.�.t Coun€y's Publie Services ��mmunity Development Block Grant #F-98- 74�98-�44. Tl�e supplemental fiu�ds request is for an increase of $12,319 tv assist �nigrant farmworl�ers in �he Matta�a area with emergency hc�uszr�g and other emergency needs. ����,� c� The Cornmission�rs received notice from the Teamsters LTnian of thezr de�ire to open t�� cantract for the purp�s� crf m�di.ficatifln c�f wages and bene�is only far th�e 1999 year. As there was nc� further business io c�me befare the Board the sessian �vas cc�niinued until August 11,1998. August 11,�.998 The Session was continued at �:QO a.m. with Chairman A�lison an� C�mm�ssiflner Fancher in atte�dance with �he Clerk of the Board. The Cornmissi�ners met wrth the Public Works Director r�garding 1Q:00 a.r�. Bzd C?pening(Randolph, Tyndal, 22�`�, and `7' N�), Reimbursable work-�Ti�son Creek, Resolutions-Declaring Surplus Prflpe�y, and C}rde� Grantzng Sal�, V+TSD4JT-Detou� .t�greement{`3' SE�, Kerbic�de Application Co�tract?, RAP Proj�ct Submit�als. t� `� ���JThe �ammissioners held a Bzd dpening an the Randalph Road et aI project. A moiion �vas made by Commissianer Fancher, secanded by Commissioner Allisan that the bids be referred ta the Public Works fc�r t�ei�r revievv and recom�nendation, ��� �� �, Th� Cammissioner� sign�d the Publzc Wt�rks Claims Fund Voucher appraval #7-1 through #�-195 in the total amount of $1,�86,999.42. �� q�, �-� The Coz��nissioners s�g�ed an order establishing a�ountywide burn ban effect�ve 12.�1 p.m. Au g ust 12,1�98. rf��� �� The Commissioners received a copy af the Certi�cate of Liability Insurance f�r Tc�mmer C�anstruction Co., Inc. ��i�� -� A motion was made by Comn�issianer Fancher, sec�nded by �ammissioner Allisan that Resalutian Number 98-113-CC apprc��ving Kennedy/�enks CQnsu�tanis t� perf'orm cha�acterizatic�n and mc�nitori�g in the Columbia Basin GWMA be passed. Th� mati�n carried. �,��� t�c� The.Cammisszoners upheld the �ecQ�nmendation of �1ae Publxc �c�rks Director and awarded the Randalph Road project bid to Nc�rth Central Construc�ian,Inc. in the amaunt of $1,286,577.92. f�� 1�� As c�f this date the Bvard by a majority vate does apprave far payment those vouchers included in the list �iied in t�e Auditt�rs (�ffice 8/� (3I98 in the amc�unt of $�0'7,700.9U, ;� 9�,��. Cl�airman Allisan was autharized tfl szgn the Substant�al Development P�rmii and �ondi�iona� Use Permit ft�r Cascade l�Iatural Gas project e�ending a six i�ch high pressure steel natural gas pipeline �1ong �e �rab Creek brzdge crossing on County Rt�ad 7 NQrtheast. As t�ere was no fia.rt�.er 1�usiness to cc�me befe��re the Board the session was adjourned unt�l August I'1,19�8. .�.TTEST: �� � � Clerk o�� Board � � � j * � � � � � ' � � � r� � , ! } � f �N .._.�� .� �L !''. E'�,/ � I r � t �� f J � ✓ �- Il _ t r'',`_.�:.�=.�/ -.,.i .�.*! .a�''" ���-� e������