HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCC}1VIMISSIC}NE�i�' �'RUCEED�GS Week Qf Augus% 3,19�8 The Grani Caunty Cc�mmissioners session was called io order at 9:0� a.m. by Chairman LE'.R4y A.IIiStJii. A�� of the Commissianers were zn attendance with the Clerk of the Bc�ard. The Commisszaners read and approved the minutes of �he preced�g session as �raiien. ��i ��� The Comm�isszoners apprc�ved the request by the Curr�nt Planning Depa��nent for a water coaler and b�ttled water since ihere are no kitchen fac�tzties on �he 3�� floor of the build�t� they are Ic�+cated zn. 1,���� �� Chairman Al_Iisc�n was authorized ta sign ihe Exempti�n fro�. Shc�relzne Mana�emen� Act Substantial Develt�pme�t I'ermit Requireme�zts for Richard E and Phyll�s E. Pohiot and Zucy C. �Vt�lford. ���i��.� C�ai�an A��xson was authorized �o sign �he Nc�tice af S�p�aratic�n Qr Work Interru�tian of Rabin L. Baxter of the Juvenile Department effective Ju1y 3 3,1998. ������ The CQmmissione�s approved the star�ing sala�y of Ru�.h J. True and Mary 3. Calli�.s c�f the Juvenile L)epartment. � ,�� 3� The Commzssi�ners were noti�ed by Sharc��z Kaehh�, �ilental �-Iealth �irector that Bi11 Fade u�ill be in charge of the Menta,l Health Services and Gail Davis ar Ch�istai Bayd wzll be in charge of Developmenial Disabilzties Services �hile sl�� is on vacaiion, l����, � T'he Cammi ssioners approved the salary increase of Dara Henxy of th� Sherzff's t��f'ice �o $2,129 per month. 1.� ���� The Commisszoners approved the salazy increase of Mark Ames Qf the Sheriff's Office io $2,488.90 per moz�.th. i� �� % A moiion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Comnzissianer Fancher that Resoiution l�tumber �5-108-CC esiablis��ing �he Crra�t Caunty Grov�th Managemeni Act Public Partzcipat�on Program be passed. The mo�zon car�ed. ;��� �'`A motio� �vas made by Com�nissic�ner Fanch�r, secanded by �om�issioner Snead that �esolution I�T�mber 98-109-CC approving a Piat Aiteratican requested by S.L. Matthews fln loi 11 tif Penn �Ieadows loc�ted in a�oriion of Sectzon 1, Townsbip 19 �T. Rang� 28 E.Vi�.M. be passed. The motian carri�d. �� ��3� The Commissioners szgned the �olumbia Basin Grc�und �tVater Management Area Tnteriacal Agreement/Gontract with the F�rank�in �anservation District. /��� y.'� The �ommissioners r�ceived a Quit Claim Deed from the CCrrrani �c�uniy Histc�rical Society. �.����1 The C�mmissianers sign�d approval o� the Payroll W�rrants Lisi #9�220 thr�ugh #96�5� for the month c�f Juiy. /� f��. A mation was made by Commissianer Snead, seconded by Cammissio��r Fancher that Resc�lution N�mber 98-110-CC setting � Public �Ieari�zg f�r August 17,1998 at 1:30 p.m. relating tc� the facts requiring �n apprapriation and expendit��e of funds far ibe Curr�nt Expense Fur�d 0{�]., Lo�g Range Planning Department #�135 in the amQuni af $19�,1.90 be passed. The mati�� camed. �� 9�'� The Cc��missic�ners recezved a Certi�cate c�f �,iability znsuran�e �iram M�.thews Ste�l Buildings,Iz�c. regarding the Grant County Sateilite Sustice Center 1'roject. As there was nc� fiuther business to come before the Board the sessiQn was conianued uur�atil August 4,19�8. August 4,1998 The sessic�n was coniinued at 9:�0 a.m. w%th all of the Commisszoners in attendance with �he C�erk o� ihe Board. The Commissiflnezs mei �ith th� Public �arks Darector regarding a 10.0� a.m. Bi�. �7pening, `U' SE, `E.5 I�TE-Spee. & Limit, L7a� Star, 11:00 a.m. Hea�zng, Surplus Paroperty, Supplemenial Agreement-Bridge No. 120 fln "18'7 NE, Cxty of M�ses Lake-Quit Claim D�ed, �agehill Rc�ads. ;����'`�The �ommiss�ic�ners held a bid apening on the tT-SE Raad Project. A mt�tion was made by Commzssioner Snead, s€cnnded by Cc�mmi�szoner Fancher to refer the bids ta Public �Vorks far their revieur and recommend�.tions. The mo�an ca�cried. �� ���-The Ce►mmissioners held a Public Heari�rg and a moiion was made by Cc�mmissianer Sn�ad, sec�nded by �ommissioner Fancher �zai Resolution Number 98-111-C+C declaring suzplus equipme�i be passed. The mt�tit�n carr�ed. I� y��'� A ma�io� u£as rnade by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher ihat R.esolutic�n Num.be� 98-I 12-CC granting the sal� of surplus equipment be passed. The mt�tian carried. !� 1��� The �c�mmissic�ners approved ihe salary increase af Gazadice J. �JEughes o�ihe Assessars Office to �19'73 per month effect�ve August 1,199$. /�.9t�The G�mmissioners apprc�ved ihe recommendation by �he Publ�c Wflrks Directc�r to award the bid on "I..I"' SE t� Basin Paving �o. in the am�un� of $'787,69`�. f�,�-�� As of t32i� date t11e Boar� by a maj�rity vote dc�e� approve fflr payment thc�se vouchers included in the l�st filed i� t�ie Audita�s flffice 7i31198 in the total amount of $ l �9,�30.8Q. � �� O o� �,�, ,s� � p � i''� �, � 't3 0 � � �'` f � � � � '� .� � �� a � � � � � ta O cn o �' o o� � t> �, � � �� � � � �� �'U � � � � N � �"i � � Q � �*"� � � `a �' � �''' .�-' .9 C.��� u, a"' �� cd N � ck-+ 4�.+, � cU w � p. r� C3 y� p,7 ,,d � Q� e � � � Qr�� Q • � � �""� �� O C cn O O � �ry J � � � 1., G� �""� L%1 �� � Q � � �' t� � � � aa t'� �� � � �, � ��� ca�' � '�',�" � �� � � . �`S' � '�� � � � � o �� �� �.� p�� GA "-� �n p C� �' � �d � �'� � � �''� � �n � �' ° 3 ��v � � �aa � a� y � .� � � o �?, � '� � �, �, � U o � o �i�'� ca N '`�S� N ,� N � �cd o' j 'O •'� `� N � � rta O � N � q�> `'� ,.- y'�' _ � � ��� �� y�� � � � � 4 � �