HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOh�SSI(�NERS' �'IZQCEEDINGS Week of May 26,1998 The Grani Couniy Commissioners session was ca�led ta order at 9:OQ a.m. by Chairman LeRvy Allison. All af t�he Commissianers we�e in attendan�e with the Clerk of the Board. The Cc��ssic�ner approved ihe salary increase af Lesl�e 4ver�nan of the Sheriff's Offic� tc� 90 percent of �o�ec�ons 4�fficer salary. The Commission�rs approved ihe sa�azy incr�as� of I�eputy Ma�t N.[esser of the Sheriff's flf.�ce ta 1�0 perceni of contrt�l salary. '�['%e Commissioners approved the salary increase of Deputy �asan Mitchell to 90 percent af Step Level I salaxy. The Commissioners appr�ved the salary increase of �orre�ii�ns Of�cer Haro�d St. Pierr� to 90 perceni of cantrol salary. The CQmmissioners approved the salary �ncrease of CQz-rections �fficer Jae S�rflggins to 94 percent of �vn�rol salary. The �ommissioners apprc�ved the salary increase of I�eputy Steve Martinez �o �0 percent of Step Leve1 I contrQl sa�ary. A moizan was made by Gt�mmissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissi4ner Snead thai Resolution Number 98-66-CC re�ating to ihe transfer flf fi�nds witliin the 1998 budg�t c�f the 7a� Cancession �und #112, i7epartmeni #154 in the amc�unt �f $5,OOt} b� pa.ssed. The motion car�ied. The Caz��nissioners appraved the salary increase c�f Da�id .A.. I�Telson as Di�ecta�r af �c�mmunity I)evelopment to $4,�'72 per month, effective 1VIay 1,1998. A motion wa� made by Cc��nmissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resc�lution Number �8-6'7-CC in the ma�ter of changing the zoning from Agriculture to Suburba.n-Agriculiure in a pc�rtit�n of SectiQn 14, Tc�wnship 20 N., Range 25 E., �V.M. request�d by Vita�y T��nozav be passed, The mc�t�on carried. The Comnr�ssf o�ers approved t�e job descriptions and requirements in �he �uvez�.i.Ie Department far Treaiment Counselor positi�ns for F.�ck J. Bamar, Sally Cassella, and I�aihy �Valthc�. Chairman Allison was autharized to sign approval of ihe Substantial Development Permit and Condit�anal Use Permii c�f the Public Utility Dish-ict #2 of G�rani Caunty fc�r the Iocation of an overhead 23Q kV and 13 k�V Electrieal Transmission Line and T}istribution Circuits crosszng wet�and ar�as in a portic�n t�f the southw�st c�uarter of SeciiQn 9, 14, I5, 23, and 2�, Township 20 Nflr�th, Range 28 East, W.M. The Cc�mmissioners held �. Public �-Iearing cflnc��i�g C?rdinance 98- 32-�C adoptang interiam Offi�ial c�ntrols in the Agricultural Zpne. Since an emerge�.�y e�isted the Ordinance was adopted March 24,1998 and the H�aring was held on this date. The Comm�ssioners held a Public Mee�ing regarding the Ahmanz�- Yamanee �.,and Company LLC Zone Chang� request from .�.griculiure ic� Subi�rban �ne on apprQ�ma�eiy 1�S acres iu the Sguthwest �uarter of Sec�on 26, Toumshlp 20 North, range 27 East W��amette �Vleridian. .A mati4n was made by Commissioner Fancher, secanded by �ommissioner Snead to �.phold �lae Planning Cc�mmi.ssion denial of the zan� change with the findings of the Planning Commission and an adda.tional f"mding ihat this prc�posal is outsid� of the ITJUA fc�r the City af IV�ases Lake. The motion ca�rr�ed The Commissioners met with the Public �Varks Direct�r regarding �.�vised Sup�le�ental Agz�eements-Dodson Road, `12' SW/SE, Reu%sed R;I� Procedu�res, proof of Loss-�ilsan Creek Shop, Financ��l Assuxa�.ce- Un�ergraund Fuel Tanks, and Bid A�ihorization-Auctianeering Services. As �f tl�is dat� the Bc�a�rd b� a majority vote dQes apprc�v� for payment ihose vouchers included in the Iist �Ied in the Auditors Q�ce 5/26/98 in the total amau�t af $�54,215,81. The Commissioners signed an Interlocal Cooperative Agreement Amendment wzih the Poz� �f Mc�ses Lak� regarding sharing e�penses c�f the Pc�ri �astewater Praject. The CommissiQ�ers approved the praposal by M c� ��on�ractc�rs for pr�pased changes on the bid for inierior pa.in�ing in �he Satellzte Justice Center. The Cvmmissioners signed the I�atice of Decisian �n the Mat�er a�' Ahmann-Yamanee Land �c�mpany, LLC on th�ir petiti�n for rezone. The Cc�mmi.ssi�ners signed the Public WQ�ks Payrflll Jc�urnal fc�r the month c�f May in the amouni of $267,130.69. Th� Commissioners signed the Publi� Works Clai_ms faznd Voucher ApprQval #5-1 through #5-2 in the tc�tal amQunt of $20,590.90. The �c�mmissi��ers den��d the request by an emplQyee in the Clerks Office to use bonus days before they were rec�ived. The Comm%ssioners signed the no�ce of Public �Iearing far a supplemental budgets fc�r Coape�ative Extensian DepartXnent #1��, Current Expense F�.nd #0�1 f�am unar�ticipate� state/federal f�nds in the amount t�f $8,107. Fu�lic Hearing ta be held June 8,1998 at 1:OQ p.m. The Cammissianers apprc�ved the request by �e �,ong Range Flanning I�epartment �'or GIS traini��g for �heryl3acvbs. The CQmmissic�n�rs reeeived a l�Totice �� Cla�i�mm fr�m Joseph Patxick I�avis, The matter was referred to the Prosecuting Attarney fQr handling. The �ammiss�vners apprc�ved �he request by th� Sheriff's O�'f'-�ce for the purchase of a ballistic entry sbaeld from Law and Just��e fiinds in the amc�unt of $15f�0. As there was no fz�rther business to cQm� befor� the Board the session ivas adjaurned until June 1,1998, ATTEST: \T l �ler the Boar :i•'�• i t!'! • ' � 4 , 1 , �.��.�I ., :� � �y..,..�I �. .t ....--- �� �� � �r �....�✓�