HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-060-CCGRAN°r couN°rY OFFICE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS P05T CIFFlCE BOX 37 EPHRATA. WASHINCiTON �ee2s 1�091 754-2011 BOARD OF COi;tNTY COl��MISSIONERS ' � ! � 1t � IN THE MATTER t3F CHANGING'r -THE ZONING FRtJM� AGRICULTURE TO CdG (GENERAL-COMMERCIAL) IN' A PORTION OF `SECTION 32, TOWNSHTP 19 N:; RANGE 29 E., W.M.,-GR.AN'T CQUNTY, _- - _ _ — -- WASHII�IGTON Resolution # 98-bo�cc RESOLUTICiN APPROVING A ZONE CHANGE FROIVi AGRICUL'TURE . T4 GENERAI, C(J1�MER�IAL � ` FARID ALTAYAR . � �YHEREAS, the �oard of County Conunissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that a public hearing was conducted an Mazch 2, 1998 a�n the matter of changing the zoning fram "AGR (Agriculture)" to "C-G (General Commerci�l)" af Lot 4 of the Franz Shart Plat, lacated in a portion of Section 32, Township 19 North, Range 29 East9 W,M., Grant County, Washington, and� W�IEREAS, the Baard of Caunty Camrr�issioners af Grant Caunty have been advised by the Grant Caunty Planning Department th�t the Grant Caunty Planning Commissian recammended approval an said matter, and; WHEI2.EAS, the Board of County Comrnissioners, having said recommendation, have giyen notice this matter would �be considered at a public hearing bn. .. May 4, 1998, and; . WHEREAS, the Board of Cauaty Conunissioners have found that the proposal daes noi fall within a critical area as defined by the Grant County Resource Lands and Critical Areas Develapment Ordinance, and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Cornmissioners have found that the proposal is �consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan and surraunding uses, and; WHEREAS, the $oard of County Carrunissioners have %und that the praponent has presented suff'icient evidenc� that changed circumstances in the area of the subject property warrant a rezane af the property, and; VVHEI2EAS, the Board of County Camrnissioners have %und the propased property is surraunded by General Cammercial and Heavy Industrial zoned property. Page 2 of 3 IN THE MATTER OF THE ZOr1ING FROM AGRICULTURE TO GENERAL COMMERCIAL IN A PORTION OF SECTTON 32, TOWNSHIP 19 N., RANGE 29 E., W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal is consistent with the Growth Management Act, RCW 36.70a.070(5) Rural Development. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington do by this resolution approve the zone change request from AGR (Agriculture) to C-G (Ger�eral-Commercial) on the following described property. - - --- Lot 4; Franz-Short Plat in-a-portion-of-the-Southeast quarter- of-the-Northwest-quarter- - of Section 32, Township 19 North, Range 29 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington (Parce130-1126-000, owner Farid Altayar). FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The propasal is not within a critical area as defined by the Grant County Resource Lands and Critical Areas Development Ordinance. 2. The proposal is consistent with the Grant County Comprehensive Plan and surrounding uses. 3. The proponent has presented sufficient evidence that changed circumstances in the area of the subject property warrant a rezone of the property. 4. The proponent has presented sufficient evidence that there is sufficient need in the area for the types of uses allowed and size of lots. 5. A Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance was issued for this proposal on March 11, 1998, and the requirements of SEPA have been met. 6. The zone change is in the public interest. Page 3 af 3 IN THE MATTEI2 OF THE ZONING FROM AG�t.ICULTURE TO GENERA.L COMMERCIAL IN A PORTION OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 19 N., RANGE 29 E., W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHIl'VGTON Done this � day of , 1998. , C1�airman ATTEST: `�' ^ �rk af the d - - -- -- - -- -- -- - -- --- . . - - --------- - -- - - -- Commissioner- �.,�.,�,.,.,�.w.,.�. � Comrnissioner Coastituting the Board oC Cuunty Commissioners of Grant County, Washington.