HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC�t3t1��V11SSICaNERS' PRt�CEEDING.S il�eek 4� 1Vlay '1'i,1998 Chairman �eRoy AI#isan caCled the �r�nt �ounty Commissioners session to arder at 9:04 a.m. AI[ of #he Commissioners were in a�endance with the C1erk of the Bc�ard. The Commi�sioners read and a�praved �i�e minutes of the preceding session as �rritt�n, The Gommissioners appraved the reque�� by the Coun�y Clerk to place Shay D. Garrisan on as a seasor�al emplc�yee frc�m June �,1998 tt� �ugust � 4, 199f�. The �+�mmissioners received a Glaim for Damages frc�m �utaan Y�aa�rditee, The mat�er �ras referred t� the Prflsecuting Afi�arney fvr handling. A mot��n was made by Cammiss�oner Sn�ad, se�onded by �ommissianer Fancher that Resoiution Number 98-59-CG approving a zone change from Agricuiture tc� S�uburban 2, requested by Jactib and Susan 1��Ilema i� a partion of Sectian 6, Tov�nship 19 N., Range 2? E.� W.Ni. b� passed, The motion carried. The Cc�mmissior�ers received � Declaratic�r� of Se�vice regarding James J. Sahli, et a�, vs Marine View Heights, fnc. The m�tter was referred t� the Pr�secut�n� A�torn�y far handling. A moti�� was made by �t�mmissione-r Fancher, seco�ded by Cc��missianer Snead �hat Rest�lutic�n CVc�mb�� 98-��-G� in the matier c�f approving a zone change frQm Agriculture to General C��mercial requested by Farid �itayar in a partion of Section 32, Tovuns�tip 19 (�., Range 29 E., �l.M. b� �assed. ihe mQtion carried. The Gc�mmissioners heid a Pubfic Neari�rg regarding the prop�sed z�ne change requ�st frc�m Deseri lnvestment CorpJl�urtz Equipment lnc. fr�m Agricu(fiure to ��neral �ammerciai on approximateiy � acres located an Parcel #2�-� 384-QQt� IQcated in a porti�n of F�rm Unit 174, Irrigation B1ock 7�, Columbia Basin Projec� in the Southwest Quarter of the Soufihwes� Quarter af Section 29, Township 19 �iarth, Range 24 East, W.M. Gommissioner Fancher recused herself since t�tey have [and and a business in the area. After ccrosideration �f the evidence a motior� �ras made by Cammission�r Snead, s�cc�nded by CammissiQne� Aliis�n to ap�rove the requ�st �i�h the findings of fact as su�g�sted by the Planning Departmen#, with the inel�sion af one furtner finding to be that the application �ras received an January 8,1998. The motion carried. C�mmission�r Fancher abs�ained. As there was no further business ta come be�ore th� Board the sessic�n was ct�ntinued until May �2,19�5. The sessiar� was continued at 9.�� a.r�. with aE1 c�f the Cammissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Bc�ard. The Cc�mmissioners met with ihe Public VVorks Directar regarding Pit Si�e Access-Pit No. 53, `E' Si1V, GTA iCehicie Maintenanee R�quest, Househoid Hazardous 1i�aste Results, Free/Reduced Dispasai Resuffis, P�rsc�nnel, The �ommissiar�ers signed Vaucher Apprc�val #4-1 through $1,015,873.1�. the Public Wo�cs Claims f�nd #4-196 in th� tc�tal amaunt of The Ct�mmis�ioners held a Public Hearing regarding the prc�posed �one change r�ques� from Vitaly Tc�rmozov, �rom Agriculture to Suburban Agricuiture on approximately 1�� acres laca��d in the Northeast quar�er vf �ectio�t 9�, T�wnship 2� Nor�h, Rar�ge 25 Eas�,1t�.M. fifter review of #h� rec.�rd there was a question regarding road access. A motion was made by Gommissior�er Snead, sec,�nded by Cc�mmissior�er Fancher to continue the maiter tc� May � 8,1998 a� 1.3a p.m. The motiQn carried. As of fihis daie t�e Board by a majority vote does approve fior paymen� those �ouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors C��fice �f 1�/98 in the tata! amc�unt af $329,4� 9.81. As #I�e�e was no fur�her business to come before the ��ard the s�ssic�n was adjourr�ed until May 18,�998. ATTEST: �� � � � � Cierk �if�e f�oa� Bt�ARD (JF �(7l1NTY Cf3MMiSSICiNER� GRANT CC?�1NTY, tfVASHiI�GTC�N Chairman