HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCC)M1�IiSSIt.�NERS' PRt3CEEDINGS 11�eek of March 3�,�19�8 The Gran�t County Comra��ssion�rs session was catted ta arder at 9:�0 a,m. by Chairman LeRay Allison. A11 of th� Commis�ooners were in attendance with the Glerk of the Board. The Cammissicaners read and appro�red the minu��s a� the pr�ceding s�ssio� as written. The Cc�mmiss6oners �eGeived #he Cer�6fi�a�e o� Liabili�r Insuran�e from S,G. Marin & Son,In�, The �c�mmissiQners approv�d ihe r�ques� by the Prosecuting Attvrne�'s t�ffice for c+�mputer equipmer�i approv�d at buclgei tim�. The �ommissioners apprc�ved the sa[ary af Alan Key of the Sheriffs {�ffice at ihe Step l.ev�t lIl rate ef�ec�ive 411198. The Cvmmis�ianers appainted Lee Hutsell to a pasitian on the Gran� County Bc�ard vf Equaiizati�n. The Cc►mmi�sianers approved c�ut of siate travet fcsr Jerry Jasman af ihe �orcrner`s t�ffi��e �c� at�end a cenference in Medford, t3rego�a. ih� Ca►r�missit�ners apprvved the request b� ihe Fianning Departenent fvr the purchase of dividing pa��is in the amcrc�nt of $3,712.49. The Commissioners approved the sa�ary of $6.OQ per he�ur fc�r Raina Sp�n�e of ihe Building D�par�m��tt. The CommissiQners appraved ihe requesi by Granf Meniai N�atthca�re to adver�ise fvr a half-time Management [nfor�mation System Assisiant. �hairman Ailisun wa�s authc�r�ized ia sign the GiV1A Planning Contract v+�ith Mike McCarmi�k. Cha�ir�man �Ilison ervas autharized ie� sign ihe Group Health Narthwest medical coverage agr�ement far the �i998 y�ar. The Commission�rs hetd a bid apening for a ma�nufa�tured home for the �rant County Fair Grounds Manager. �► mvtit�n was made by Commissioner Sneat�, seccanded by Commissioner Fancher io refer the bi�Is to the Fair Braard for their r�view and recommenc�ations. '�he motian �arried. The Comrr�issioners held a public hearing and a motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-33-CC relating to a suppleme�tal extension in the 1998 budget of the Sheriffs Department #114, Current Expense Fund #001 due to unanticipated federal funds in the amount of $10,155 be passed. The motion carried. As there �rvas no further business to come before the Board the s�ssion �iras adjourned until 9Vlarch 31,1998. March 31,1998 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendance with the Cl�rk of the Board. The Cornmissioners rnetwith the Public Works Director regarding Resolution-Re-esiablishing 'V' IVE, Public VUorks Accounting Soft�nrare, Personnel. The Commissioners signed the Public Works Payroll Journal in the amount of $252,428.80 fior the month of March. The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Vouch�r Approval #3-1 through #3-3 in the total amount of $20,O�f 1.05. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 98-34-CC in the matter of re-establishing a portion of Road 'V' NE, formerly knov�n as Coun�iy Road No. 329 1/2, be passed. The motion carried. As ofi this date the Board by a majority v�te does approve for payment those vouchers inclucled in the list �led in the Auditors Office 3/31/98 in the total amount of $557,330.47. The Commissioners received a document from the people of Marine View Heights in support of Sunrise WaterAssociation acquiring, managing and operating the Marine View Heights Water System. l� motion was matle by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancherthat Resoluiion Number 98-35-CC resolving that the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosysterra Management Project should be terminated, with no Record of Decision being approved, and other matters pertaining thereto, be passed. The motion carried. The Commissioners appointed Sally Price to a position on the North Central Vriashington RSN Advisory Board for a three year term. As there was no fur�h�r busin�ss �c� come be�vre the Board the s�ssion was adjourr�ed unti! ,Apri1 6,�998. _ � � _ �, � �, � � - . � �-�� i � . .�. . . • • � . J � ,ri� /�' f%/� ���il ,t: i��1: _i</ ��.. ::�i,i l/'..Li/'�I _� {�', �l.. a`r �' i� ...��/ �'•��..�?,t�",= '..�.f> / _ d � n 6 ` �.,...,.�`