HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 98-029-CCGR,AI�TT CCiUN'T� o�Fzc� oF �C}A,RD {�F Ct�tT�i'I`�' Ct�MMISSIONERS ' PC>s7' oFFiCS BC►x s7 j EPHRATA. WASktil�lGTt11V s8823 t8491 754�2dti • � 1 s � � � . � � � I� IN�iH� MATTER C�F EXTENDING INIERIM ZOIdtNG taRDINANCE 97-39- GC WHtCH TEMPORARILY AMENDS THE CRANT GC}UNTY R�1 {RESIDENTIAL}, R-2 (RES�QENT[AL}, SUBU�tBAN I {S-1}, SUBURBAN f[ {S-2}, SUBU�BAN It1 �S-3), P=D �'LANN�EQ UNtT DEVELt�PMENT, AND t3-5R t3PEN SPACE �ECREAT�C}NAL ZONING DISTRiCTS aUTS1DE {3F INTERIM URBAN GRt3WTH AREAS TC? P�CiV1DE FOR A MINIMUM LtJT AREA t}F TWtJ AND C}NE-HAL.F �2.5} ACRES AND MAXIMUM RESIDENTIA� DEVEL+QPMENT DENS[T1ES Ft3R THESE DISTRtCTS AT TWt'J AND ONE-HALF �2.5} ACRES PER L.IVING UNIT. 4RDINANCE No, 98-29-CC AN EXTEN�1CtN OF THE tNTERIM GIRDIN/�NCE AMENDING THE GRANT C�UNTY RESIDENTI�L, SUBURBAN, PLANNED UNIT DEVELt)PMENT, AND t�PEN �PA�E RECREATIC►NAL ZQNE� TC} PRt3V1DE FtJR RURAL RESiDENTiAL.. DEVELCiPMENT DENSITIE� FC)R THESE ZG1N[NG DISTRiCTS {)UTS[DE t�F INTERtM URBAN GRQWTH AREAS t�N AN 1NTEi�1M � BASiS AS A PART t�F GRANT Ct�UNTY'S PLAN FCiR CC�NTINUEQ CC�MP�IANCE iNiTH TME GR+�WTH MANAGEMENT ACT. WHEREAS, The Board of Couniy �ammissic�ners of Grant County Vi/ashington in#ends to fully compiy with the Eastem Vllashington Growth Manac�ement Hearings Board; and, WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Gran# Cc�unty Washington adopted Resoiution No. 9fi-148-CC entitied, A RES�?LUTION ADC�PTING GRANT C(�UNTY'� P�AN FOR CC}NTINUED COMP�IANCE VI/ITH THE GRQWTH MAI�AGEMENT ACT, a"work p[an" as required by 3fi.7aA.390 RCW; and, �oc��.�ac � Wherea�, �aid res�lufion stipulates that the Cour�ty will adopt interim residentiai zoning density regu[ati�ns for the existing zoning distriets af �uk�urban {S-'1, S-2, S-3), Residential {R-1, R-2), and apen-space {C�-�R�; and, Whereas, The Baard of County C�mmissioners of Grant Gounty Wasnington adopted Ordinance Na 97-39-CC on March 25, '[ 997, AIV {�DINANCE ADQPTING f NTERIM Z(�NING FtaR TEMC?RARI�Y A11/LENDING GRANT CtJUNTY R-1, R-2, S-1, S-2, S-3, P-D, AND O- SR Zoning Districts; and, WHEREAS, 3fi.7aA.39Q RCW provides f�r the adoption of Interim zoning contro[s provided the Gounty halds a public h�aring an the proposed interim zoning ordinance wi#hin at least sixty (�0} days of its adopiic�n; and, that the interim zoning ordinance may be effective for not Ionger t�tan six (�} manths, but may be effective for up to one year if a work plan is developed; and, #hat the interim zoning ordinance may be extended fior one ar more six-month periods, and, Whereas, Grant County Zoning Ordinance No. 97-39-CC was adapted and implemented as stipulated in Grant Counties "work plan", Resalutian 96-108-CC, and that exfiending Ordinance 97_3g- CC complies with the directior� provid�d in 3�.70A.390 RCW; and, Whereas, the Board of Caunty Cc�mmissianers extended Urdinance No. 97-39-GC for an addifiional s�x (�} manths with the adoption af Ordinance Nc�. 97-154-CC an Sepiember 23, 1997; and Wher�as, Grant Coun�y �rdinance No. 97-154-CC will expire an March 25, 1998; and VVhereas, the Board of County ��mr�issianers makes the following findings: 1. It is appropriaie to renew the existing Zoning ardinance because Grani Cauniy has a work pian within th� contemp[ation of RCW 3G.7�A.390; 2. Density resfirictivn are required because Grant Caunty is comp[ying with the previous �rder flf the Eastem Washington Growih Management Hearings Bc�ard. NC1W, THEREFt)RE, BE IT C3RDAINED BY THIS 1NTERIM ORD�NANCE, as falCaws. The Board af Cour►ty Ct�mmissianers hereby extends inierim 4rdinance 97-39-CC far a secand six {�) month period, effective March 26 � 998 through September 26, 1998, which temporarily amends the following Sections of the Grant Count}r Zaning C?rdinance to establish a minimum Iot area of two and one-half �2.5) acres and a ma�cimum residenfiial density of one {1 } resid�ntia! un'rt �oci2.�oc per two and one-half acres (2.5 acres) outside of interim Urban Grawth Areas for the follov+�ing districts entitled; �EGTION Vf--A, R-1 {RESIDENTIAL}; SE�TIC}N - VI--�i, R-2 (RE�IDENTIAL); SECTIQN - SUBURBAN - (S-') }; SEGTiON - SU�URBAN-li �S-2}; SECTION - �UBURBAN - III (�-3); SECTION -X(➢ O-SR (OPEN SPACE REGREATION). Additionally, the �oard of County Commissioners hereby extends the temporary interirn amendments which amend the Planned Unit Devefopment Ordinance (P.U.D.} to not take precedence over the affected (nterim Zoning Chapters. DONE THIS 23rd DAY OF March 1998. ATTEST: � the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Prosecuting Attomey � � I Le oy Allison, Cfiairman II / � � I � Helen Fancher, Commissioner j I � - � im Snead, Commissioner ( The Gounty Board of County Commissioners I DOC12.I�OC