HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDIfVGS Week of March 9,1998 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairtnan LeRoy Allison. Cor�missooner Fancher was in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Corr�missioner Snead was absent. The Commissione�s read and approved the minu#es of the preceding session as written. The Commissioners signed an Intee�governrnental Cooperation Agreement with Kittitas County to allow them to purchase equipment from a Grant County Bid. The Commissioners received a Claim for Damages frorr� B611ie Mae Ostel9a. The matter was referred to ihe Prosecuting Attorney for handting. The Cammissioners approved a request by the Sheriff's Office concerning the liquor license of Ogden Entertainment Service. The Cornmissioners received a Summons and Complaint from Kellie L. Stockton. The rnatter was referred to the Prose�uting A�ttorney for handling. The Commissioners hetd a Public Ilneeting regar�ing the Dor� Jacobson Prelirninary Pfat Request for Sunset Acres to create an eleven Iot subdivision on approxienately 58 acres in � Suburban- Agriculture zone, located in a p�rtion of ihe Southwest quarter of Section 7, Township 20 North, Range 26 East, W.tl�. A motion was made by Comrr�issioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner A19ison to uphold the Planning Commission approval of the Plat with the Planning Commission findings. They also statecl that the narne of the Plat should be changed to .Dacobsen Sunset Acres since there are other plats with the Sunset Acres name. 1'he Road should have a fi0 ft. easement on the west boundary of the Plat if necessar°� for access. Planning Department coraditions #'I through #11 are also to be complied with. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Comrnissianer Allison that Resolution Number 98-21-CC in the matter of approvirog the Jacobson Preliminary Plat be passed. The rnotion carried. As there was no further business to come before the �oard the session was continued until IVlarch 10,1998. March 'i 0,1998 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners r�etwith #he Public Works Director regarding °I0:00 a.m. Bid Opening{VlOilson Creek Garage), Bid Award Recomrr�endations-Turkey Bridge, Fuel Purchases, and Herbicide Purchases, Resalution-Correcting Road Vacating Legal Description, WSDOE Crant, Annual Certification-CRAB, Righ� Turn Improvemen�- SR28i'R° NW, Bridge Repair-Beverly Burke, Letter, Personnel- Mechanics. Chairman Allison was authoriz�d to sign the Annual certifica�ion for calendar year 1997 with the County Road 00�►dministration Board. Chairenan Allison was authorized to sign the Agreement vvith �he State Department of Ecology for a Grant. The Commissioners awarded the Bod �or °l99� Fuel I�urchases to Cenex Supply and Marketing. The Commissioners av9ra�-ded the Bid for Bridge #153, '29' NE Road to iVlike M. Johnson,lnc. in the amount of $194,079.99. The Corr�missioners awarded the Bid for 1998 Herbicid� Mat��-iais to UAP tVorthvvest and Wilbur-Ellis. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 98-22-CC supersed�ng Resolution iVumber 97-�14�5-CC in �he mat�er of vaca�ting a portion of the E-SE Road right of way lying adjacent to Farm Unit 27, Irrigation Block 88, Columbia Basin Projec# be passed. The rv�otion carried. The Commissioners he{d a bid operaing for the Road District No. 1 Garage. A motion was made by �ommissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead to refer the bids to the Pub[ic Works Departrnent for their review and recommendations. 1'he Commissioners approveci the Public I�Ilorks Claims Fund Voucher Approval #2-1 through #Z-182 in the totaB amount of $579,921.62. T'he Comrr�issioners approved a request by the Ptanning Department for obtaining professional services regarding the GIS Zoning Nlap in the amount of $3,600. Chairman Allison �vas authorized to sign the Certificate of Eligibi[ity for Contracted City �4ttorney/Public Defender to access JIS- LINK. A motion was made by Commissioner Sneacl, seconded b� Commissioner Fancher to designate Chairrr�an /�Ilison to sign the Memorandum of Understanding for Interim Urban Growth Area Zoning and Development Standards. The motion carried. The Commissioners received a fully executed copy of the 1998 Law Enforcement Services contract between the Grant County Sheriff� Office and the Town of Marlin. The Commissioners held a Public Meeting on the Dennis and Margie Barger Zone Change Request from Agriculture to Suburban- Agriculture on approximately 63 acres located in a portio of the South Half of Section 1, Township '19 9Vorth, Range 27 East, W.i1�l. A maotion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead to uphold the Planning Commissian approval of the zone change with the Planning Comrr�ission Findings of Fact and mitigations #1-7. The motion carried. As of this date ihe �oard by a majority vote does approve for payrr�ent those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors �ffice 3/9/98 in the total amount of $347,945.73. The Commissioners held a Pubiic Hearing regarding the Sentinel Gap Water Association of Schawana's application to the S%ate Department of Community, Trade and Economic Devetopment for funding assistance. Those in attendance were J.Nf. Brown and Donna Charvet along with Udaya Patnaik with the Rural Cornmunity Assistance Corporation wh� is working with the Vl/ater Association. After hearing testimony Commissioner Fancher complernented ihe Community on their efforts in working together �o try and solve their water problems. Mr. Patnaik stated that 65 percent of the peopie living in the area were of low to moderate income. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead to close the Public Comment portion of the Hearing. The motion carried. A mo�ion r�vas made by Comrnissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher to pa�s a resolution approving #he grant applicaiion. The motion cat-ried. A motion v�as made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 98-23-CC in suppor�E of the Sentinel Gap WaterAssociation application to the State Departrnent of Community, Trade and Economic Development for funding assistance be passed. The motion carried. As there was r�o further business to come befor-e ihe �oard the session was adjourned un�il March 16,199�. ATTEST: � ' r� a �'' Clerk �he Boar B4ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOIdER GRANT C011NTY, WASHINGTON T-� Chairm `� ��� -- �-�i��,�i�1 _----- ..�----�--'� _ �.� �, � � �