HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 98-009-CCa . 1 . , � . . - ' ' - - . . _ ,i ' J„ • : ' : • , � �� .:� ¢ � �.; � GRANT _ CO�JNTY , k , OFFICE OF �: _ ` - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSZONERS POST dFFICE BOX 37 �PHRATA, W.ASHINC.,TON ses2s (5091 754-20'ii BOARD OF" COUNTY ,COMMISSIONERS ' GRANT COUNT�, 'WAS�IINGTON IN �C�IE 1VYATTER OF ALTERING �. RESQLU'TION NO,. 98-9—CC - THE PLAT O� ��CHACRES . � RESOLUT�ON ApPROVING LOT ONE, BLUGK THR�E � � A PLAT ALT�RATION � LOG"ATED.IN THE SE'%a OF SECTtON 23, �. TOWNSHIP 22N, RANGE 27 �VVM, � , . G�ANT,�bUNTY;� WASHINGTOI� �, Gloria Jean Strunk WH�REAS, .the Bo�rcl ot County Cotn��issioners of� Grant County have.been advised by the-Grant County Planning Coin���ission fhat a put�l'rc hearing was canducted,ori Januaxy 7, 1998 on the matt�r of.altering a five (S) acre lot, irito two lpts; tWo�and,a h"al� (2.S) � �' acres in size. The subject parcel is knc>wn as Lot On�, Block T,hree of RichacreS. ' WHEREA�S, this pt�t5pt�sal �v�s .transmitted by th�,Grant.County Pl�nning Commission to th� Boarcl of C�u��ty Cominissioners with .a r�e.qtnmenclation for a�proval with saven r�commended coriclitions of approval. ' � � � WHEREAS, the �rai�t C�unt� �oard of Commissioners held_ a public meeting on �'ebruary. 2r 199$ and upheld the I'lannin� Commission recoiiimencl�tion to ��pprove the ,„ plat alteration. , '6�VHEREA�; th� Grant County Bo�lyd of Gomi�nissi�ners founc� the proZ�osal is corisistent with th� Compr.ehensive,Plan; � �VI�EREAS, the Bo�rd of Coiraty C<>�nmissioners have found tt�at the public use and interest will be serv�cl by the pl�t �1ter�tioi�. '. • 'WI-lER,EAS, th� Bo�rcl ot Counfy Com�nissioners have foilncl tliat the propbsal . � is located �vithin an id�nti�iecl Critic;al Area as detitietl by th� Grant Co�tnty I�esource Lands and Critical Areas Develop�nent Orclin�inc�. . " WHERE�lS, the, B�,ai�d of Cc�wnty Coinmi�sion�rs have founcl �that th� proposal dvill not aelversely affect tihe h�alth, rtafety, ancl wel�'are of the general �ublic in the vicin3ty of � tha proposal. ' , . . . �'YI�ItEAS, the �oarcl of County Comrriissioners. ha��e tc7und that the proposal shall be approv�d subject to the fc>llo�vin� Lonclitiotis of aL�prbval. ; TIM SNEAb � ' DISTRIpT T, ' 10999 STRATFORD RD. MPSES LqKE„WA 98837 PHON� 766�9548 � HELEN FANCHER , ' , , � � DISTRICT 3 ' " - - _ 70218 Rp. S N W - ' QWINCY, WA 96848 � -� ' � 'PHONE 787-$737 LEI�iOY ALLISON DISTRICT 2 � � � � 20268 RD. 1 S,E, WARD�N, WA 98857 ' PHONE 3d9�-2S13 Page 2 IN THE MATTER OF ALTERING THE PLAT OF RICHACRES LOT ONE, BLOCK THREE LOCATED IN THE SE'/a OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 22N, RANGE 27 EWM, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON 1. Development shall be in compliance with the Growth Management Act, The County-Wide Planning Policies, The Washington State �nvironmental Policy Act, the Grant County Comprehensive Plan, the Grant County Zoning Ordinance, and all applicable local, state, and federal regulations, rulings or requirements. 2. Development shall comply with all applicable requirernents of the Grant County Fire Marshal including but not limited to the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code. 3. Development shall comply with all improvements and restrictions required by the Grant County Public Works De�artment. 4. Developer shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District ,the Washington State Department of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regai•ding ciomestic water supply, sewage sysYems and storm water control and treatment including, but not limited to: RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards and WAC 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systems. 5. If any Native American Grave site(s) or archaeological/cultural resources (Indian Artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 6. Development shall comply with the requirements of the Grant County Assessor and Auditor. 7. Development shall comply with any recommendations and/or requirements of the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Washington State De�artment of Fish and Wildlife which include, but is not limited to the following: a) Through covenants of the land deeds, require strict control oi' cats and dogs to reduce harassment and predation of the wilcliife populations. b) Through covenants in the land deeds or other means, let it be known that hunting on the adjacent public land are established activities and should be expected to continue. c) Under 58.17.120 written approval of this plat will be required by the Washington State Department of Ecology. Page 3 IN THE MATTER OF ALTERING THE PLAT OF RICHACRES LOT ONE, BLOCK THREE LOCATED IN THE SE'/a OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 22N, RANGE 27 EWM, GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOW, T�-IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, a plat alteration of Lot One, Block Three, Richacres located in a portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 22 North, Range 27 East Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington. The subject property is currently known as tax parcel 14-1664-000 Done this � day of February, 1998. Chairman , ATTEST: � so Clerk of the c rd Commissioner ..... _..�.....-; -,e.°_�..""�:;� �,`"..� (� �,... ��,�4. .(,._c�,.�, � Commissio er Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington