HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of January 25,1998 The Grant Cour�ty Commissioners session was called #o order a� 9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Commissioners vtirere in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Cornmissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as written. - The Commissioners approved the salary of Robert Schiffner of the Prosecuting Attorneys Office at a Deputy Prosecutor V, effective January 1,1998. The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Laura Berens of �he Cooperative Extension Office at $1625.fi0 per month effective February 2,1998. The Commissioners received statement of intent to pay prevailing wages from Popes Plumbing,lnc. on the Grant County Satellite Justice Center. The Commissioners received a Statement of Intent to pay Prevailing Wages frorn Mathews Steel Buildings,lnc. on the Satellite Justice Center. The Commissioners received a Notice to Contractor regarding materials, supplies, or equipment for retainage claim frorr� Telect,lnc./Control Products Division on the Satellite Justice Center. The Commissioners approved the proposed changes for the intersect6on at Valley Road and Airway Drive. The Commissioners appointed Barbara Elliot to a position on the Grant County Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Advisor�/ Board. The Commissioners approved the liquor license assumption from Eric Jason Smith, dba Smith Bros. General Siore to Ranlorrac,LLC. The Commissioners appointed Gary Sieg to a further term on the Noxious Weed Control �oard for Section 1 and Ron Tebow for a position on Section 3. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by CommissionerSnead that Resolution Number98-2-CC continuing Grant C�unty's involvement in 1CBEMP be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 98-3-CC relating to the abolitian of the Cooperative Extension Equipment Maintenance Fund #124 be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resofution Number 98-4-CC relating to the abolition of the Growth Management Fund #126 be passed. The motion carried. 'The Commissioners approved the saiary increase of Theresa Sheets of the Sheriffs Office ta $2,007 per month. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Charity Hastings of the Sheriffs Office to $2,007 per month. The Commissioners approved tf�e request by Grant County Juvenile Probation DeparEment for the purchase of an additional HUB at a cost of $2,213.24 from Community Commitment Project fiunds. The Corr�missioners approved the salary increase of Cathy Muller of the Sheriffs Office to $2,047 per month. 'ihe Commissioners approved the starting salary o#' Allen Sleeper of the Sheriffs Office at $2,773.80 per month effective January Zfi,1998. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Tamie Jenkins of the Sheriffs Office to $2,047 per month. A motion was made by �ommissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead to re-approve Grant County's Ir�vestment Policy as presented in Grant County Finance Committee R�solution Number 98-1. The motion carried. The Corrr�missioners signed the Centennial Clean 9lVa#er Fund Grant Agreement between the State of Washington, Departrnent of Ecology and Franklin County on the Mid Columbia Basin Ground Water Management Area. A motion was made by Commissioreer Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 98-5-CC denying a zone change from Residential II to Agriculture requested by Roger and Judith Schafer in a portion of Section 3, Township 22 N., Range 28 E., W.M. be passed. The motion carriec�. As there was no further business #o come before ihe Board the session was continued until January 27,1998. January 27,1998 'The session was continued at 9:00 a.r�. with all of the Comrr�issioners in afiEendance with the Cleric of the Board. The Cr�mmissioners r�et �i�h ihe P�biic �Iforks C►irec%�r regarc�ing Cantract Execution-1998 Grushing, R11dV Easement-�fal[ey Road, Reimbursable 1�c�rk-Port of Mattawa, Resv[ution-l.aad R�s#riciions, Purchase Requests-Grad�rs & Sweeper, B�d Authori�ation-Bas�line West, F�roject Agreemer�ts-Bridge t�o. �20,`18" ME, Bridge i�c�. 31A�, 'C,�` NE(Cityi�o�anty Project}, Bridge I�o. 38�, :K' N1fl�, '10:30 Bid C3pen�n€��Cars & Pickups}, Ephrata, FlvQdway, Spring Ciean-Up�, Purchase Request. The Commissic�ners apprave� the recommendation caf the Pubiic 1�Ivrks C3�rectvr and �warded the bi�I on '3' SE �oad, CRP 9fi-�91 �o Tc�mm�r Cc�nst�uction Cv.3 Inc. �n th� amc��nt of $572,71�.82. The Cc�m�»issic�ners signed the Author�zation �ta Cail �'c�r Bids ar� Basei'rne-1N Rd., CRP 9�-23. Bid opening to be February �17,'l998 at 10:t3{} a.r�t. The Commissianers signed a�ontractw�ith DeAtfey Company,lr�c. far ihe 1998 Crushing �nd Siockp�[�ng Project. A ma�ic�n was made by Commissioner Snead, secc�nded by Cvmr�nissianer Fancher that Resalution Number 98-6-C� in �he ma�er of �oad �estric�ions on �ra�t Counfiy Roads be pass�d. The motion +�arried. The Commiss�on�rs heid a Bid +C�p�;ning on Aut�s and pi�kups. A mo�ron was made by Comrniss�oner Snead, secanded by� Gommissi�aner Fancher ta refer #he bids to Pubfic V�orks for th�ir review and recammendationo The� mvtion carr�ed. The Commissioners appre�ved oui of State travel for Chief Deputy Butler and Chief Deputy Pratt to attenct a Law Enfarc�mer�t Liabiiity �eminar in C}regon. The Cammissivners signed th� Pub�ic 'V5#arks Ctaims �und Vaucher apprQval #1-'1 thrvugh #'1-2 in the ivta[ arracaunt of $'l2,9a8.92. A Fubtic Hearing �nras �eld and a mc�iion wa� made t�y Cammissioner Snead, se�anded !�y Commissioner Fancher that Resoiutiar� Number 98-i-�C, t3rdinance No. 98-7-CC am�nding Chapter 9.Qfi o� ihe Gran� County Code r�tating ta the payment of fees by the own�r vf a�ei�ed dog, �orrecting a scriv�ner's error; adding an arQa �io fh� def�niiion c�f dog �ontrol areas, and o�her maiters prop�rly relating ihereta be passed. T�i+e motion carried. The Cc�rn�nissioners apprav�d the plan by �he Sheriff's t'Jifce regarding the saEary for an Administrativ�e Assis�an� and Rece�rds Sergeant. The Com�nissivners signed the Public �iorks Payrott Journa[ for ihe mon�n of January in th� ic►tai amount �a� $2fi�,9�9.17. As of �his date �he Board by a rnajorifi� vote does a�prave for payment those va�chers flec� in the �uditors C)ffice 1i26198 in the totat amount of $Gi9,92s.34. As �here was no fur�her bus�ness ta com� before the Board the session was adjourned unt�1 February 2,'0998. i � f. s . :.. � � ��� 'j s � � � . # ��� . � . �� � : � . . .. � � � , y � .,� � � c���:����.� `� ___ � �� � � ._.. � ,,