HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMIInISSiONERS° �ROCEEDINGS VVeek of January 5,1998 The Grant County Commissioners session v�as called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Corr�missioners read and approwed the minuies of the preceding session as v�ritten. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Dianne Atkinson of the Assessors Office to $1740.60 per month effective January 1,1998. The Commissioners notified the Auditor of the �1998 salary increases for County employees. The Commissioners approved the request by Grant Mental Heal�hcare regarding salary increases for their employe�s. The Commissioners rnet with the Board of Realtors regarciing the Growth 11�Ilanagement Act and related concerns. As there was no further business to come before the �oard the session was continued until January 6,1998. January 6,'i998 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in atter�dance with the Clerk of the Board. The Comr�nissionee�s met with the Public V1�orks �irector regarding 10:00 a.m. bid opening(County-wide Crushing), Reirrr�bursable Work- Port of Royal Slope, Valley Road/Airway Intersection-Sidewaiks, � 998 Budgets-Equipment pwrchases, Personnel, Sunland Estates Boat Launch. The Comrx�issioners held a bid opening on the 199� Crushi�g contract. A motion was rr�ade by Cornmissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead to refer the bids to the Public Works Department for their revievv and recommendation. The motion carried. The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Brent Mullings of the Sheriffs Office at $2,128.80 per month, effective January �i,1998. The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Scott Granger of the Sheriffs Office at $2,128.80 per mont�, efFective January 1,1998. The Commissione�s approved the salary increase of Tom Jones of the Sheriffs Office t� $2,661 per rnonth, effective January 1,'1998. As of this date the Bc�ard by a�na�ority vat� do�s appr�ve for payment the�se vc�uch�rs inciud�d in the iis� fited in �he Auditc�a�s �}ffic� 12/�1I97 in �he ta�ai amQ�ni t�f $76Q.�4. As of this date ihe Bcaard by a majvr�iy vote daes approve fcrr p�yment ihos� vouchers inc[uded in �the iist fied in the Auditors t)ff"ice 1i5/98 in the total amou�t af $�24,721e4Q. The Cnrn�missivners s"rgned fhe �ldarrants List #91429 through #91995 for the Decemb�r,'1997 payro[!, The �ommissioners held a�ontinuation of the Pubiic Hearing regarding the prr�pc�sed ord�nance r�ta�ing to public records. After hearing cc�ncerns fram serrerai in attendance a m�tivn was made by G+ommissioner Fancher, se�anded by Cc�mmissioner Snead t+a ceniinue the ma�er to a time uncertain. The mo�Eivn carried, It was de�ermin�d that a cammiiiee c+�mpri�ed of Biil Varney, Coun�jr Auditor, Dan Bi�ck c�f the f?aily Herald, Randy Bra+�h� af the �rant �ounty Journal, Gar�/ Jasi�ek of t1�e 1filenatc�ee V�'arid and Heien Fanchers Grant County Cammiss�aner, tc� wark tr�geiher on warding ef an ardinance that would meet the reauirements af the 1aw as �reli as the cancerns of tho�e in atkendan�e, The Ccamar�issioners apprc�ved the recc,mmendatian of the Public Wc�rks Director that the 1998 Crush'rng Contract shoutd b� award�d ic� DeAtley �o., inc. in ih� amaunt of $934,84�. As there was rao further busir�ess tc� come befiare �he Bc�ard the session was continued untii 7:00 p.m. 7;0� p.r�t. The sessit�n was co�tin�ed �nrith alt of the C�►mmissioners in a�tendance with ihe Clerk of th� Board. The Commissic�n�rs heEd a Public Hearing regarciing reconsideration of the January 4,1993 fnal decisian by the Grani C�ounty Board of Carnm�ssion�rs to �len� the lVleadc�ws Majc�r Subdivisit�n Rreiiminary PIa�. Th� applicaiion praposed ta create an eighty-four i�i subd�vis�t�r� on apprvximately �158 acres in � Suk�urban It Zoning Distri+ct, The site is Ic�cated in the NlcCc�nihe Ftats area Narthw�st o� the City af Moses Laice. After iaking pub9ic comment �c�th fc�r and appc�sed to the projec� a r�otion was made by Gommissioner Snead, secanded by �ommissioner Fancher to ctose the public camment. The motivn car�ried, The �ommissione�s stated thai �hey fett the concerns c�f the public had been met, and that the prt�panent had mei all �h� appli�cable rules required as of i�'s app[icaiion submittai daie, as welf as more stringent req�uirernents inciuded a� per the MDNS= A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Cc�mmissic�ner Sneaci to reverse the prirar decision and appro�re the Meadov5rs �dlajc�r Subd�visic�n Prelim�nary Plat wi�h staff to make changes discussed and wr"rte up �ndi�gs using att�chment A. There was �Isv a�tipuiaii+�n ihat an up t+� dat� �Iat map be �ravided. The mofiion carri�d. As ihere was no fur�her business i� come �efvre the Bc►�rd ihe sess�on v�ras continued untii January 9,'�998. Janua�yy 9,'l99� The sessic�n was �ontinued at °1�:�0 a.m. with Chairman Allison and Gvmmissioner Snead in attendance wiih the Clerk af the Board. The Gc�mmission�rs intenriewed app[icants for ihe departmeni directc�r of ihe Grant County Alcohot and Drug Cereter positian. As of this date the Board by a rna�+�rifiy vote does approve for payment those vvuchers included �n the [6st �l�d in the Auditvrs C)ffice �19/98 in the total amount of $4v,990.'�7. As �here was no further business tv come before the Board ihe sessian was adjourned �until January °i2,9998. ATT'EST: �A�' a � � �terk e Board �� :s,-r • • : � • _, ; � , i � - �� .fr►f..rif1� �- � . � �`� II�II I� i�"���J[.y�a�[ .� �� �/ �,''e �' � � � /� ...