HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC�'C)l��I�SI�IVE�S� �`�OC����l`�G� We��. of �Decem�ber 2"',1999 The Gr�nt County Commrssioners sess�on was called �o arder at �:�i0 a.m, �y Ch�irman Tim Snead. All of the C���ni��ic�ner� vvere �n attendance witb the Clerk vf the �o��°�c '�'�a� C�mmis�iane�s read and appraved �he m�inutes of the pr�eeding session. ��� 1�'-� �'he Commissi�aners approved the starting salary of Mich�el .�.. Hinsley af the Juvenile Detention C�nter at �1,7�1�6�i per month. ,�.�,�1��� �'h� �ommissioners apprc��ed ihe starting sal�ry of Edith �. �flm�z of ��e Juvenile Detention Center at �5.7Q per hour ef��ctive November 20,1999, �,� j;�� The �on�missianers approved the carry aver of 3. day of a�nual leave for Penny ���°dong of the Prosecuting Atiorney's (Jff ce. {�.� ���, Th� Commissioners held a coniinuation of the P�blic �-I�a�°ing an ihe Major I�dustrial Deveiop�ent areas. A�n��ion �vas r�ra�e by Commiss�oners Allison, seconded by CQmmissioner Moore ta ident�fy the Ephrata l�orth site �nd the Ma��zn RoadlQuincy s�.te as the iwo preferred s�te�, The mo��c�n �arrie�l. l��'»� Th� Commissioners set a Public Meeting for Jan�ar� 10,2i140 ai 1:30 p.�n. reg�rd�ng the Pr�liminary �'lat appl'zcat�ion from Maxers Developmeni Corporation for Desert R,idge, a si�ty-seven lot subdivision on approximatel.`- 33.74 acres in the Residential�Qne �one near Pelican Point. �� i��� As of this date ihe Board by a majority vote does approv� for p���ment those vouchers included in the list �led �n the A.uditars �Jffice 12/27/99 in �he total amount af �b66,879.f5. ��l1�'� The Commissioners szgn�d the �'ublic Works Payrall Journal far the month of December in the total amount of �267,9�7.74. As there was no further business to �ome before the Boa�rd ��e session �cTas continued uniil Llecember 28,1999. December 28,1�99 The sessivn �vas continued at 1(�:00 a,m. �vich all of �he Commissioners in attendance wi�h the Clerk af the Baard. The Commissianers met with the Pubiic Warks Director regarding Bridge Timber Purchase �tequest, Fue� Tank Purchase Request, Budgets, and Personnel. ,' �' ���li The Commissioners received the Title Insurance on the S�eriff s �Vark Release F'acility. �� t=�� Tbe Commissioners received ihe notice of r�tzrement �rom Nlike Alvarado of the Pubiie Works Department. � r�. ����, „ The Commissioners approved the request by the Treasurer to allow Barbara Cornwell to carry over 5 da�� of an�ual leave into the year 2000. i� i�� A Public Hearing vvas he�d and a mo�an was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Comm�ssioner Allison that Resolution Number 99-224-CC autharizing an appropriation and egpenditure of funds in the Curreni Expense Fund #OQI, Superior Court and Indigen� Defense Departments in the amaunt of �54,240 be passed, The motian carried. �=� i��; � The Cammissioners heid a�'ublic Meeting regarding the Plat AZieration Application from John and Verginia Thomas for Astro Acres Phase 2, Replat #1, a two lot subdivision alteration vn approximately 4.195 acres in the Suburban-1 Zoue . A motion was made by Commission.er Allison, se�onded by �`nmmissioner Moore �o aceept the recommendation of the Pianning Commission with conditzans and �ndings of fact as provided by the Planning Department. The matian carried. r�-� t� A motion was made by Commissioner Al�ison, seconded by Commissivner Snead io appoint Commissaaner Debarah NToore as the Commission Chair beginning January 1.,20Q0. The motion cararied. �� ���� The Commissianers recezved a Petiiion for R.eview of Land Use Deci�ion from Pamp Maiers, et ug. The mai�er �vas referred io the Prosecut�ng Atiorney for handling. �{-.� ���� A moiion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Maore that Qrdinance Number 99-221-�C retating to amendment of the Grant Countty Comprehensive Plan to T7►esignate Mas�er Pianned Locations fo�° Major Industrial Development as auihorized under Chapter 3fi.7(}A.367 RCW be passed. The mot�vn carried. _�� e��� The Commissioners held a continuation of the budget hearing and a matian was made by Commissioner Ailison, �ecanded by Commissioner Moore that Resolut�c�n Number 99-222-CC adapting the year 20�Q budget b� passed. The motion carried. A moiion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Moare that Resoiu�ion Number 99-223-CC setting the levy raie far the Grant County Road Budg�t af 1.42 pereent or fhe amc�unt of �5,474,948 b� passed. Th� mo�ian carried, A motion was made by Commissianer Allison, secanded by Comrnissianer Moore that Resolutian Number 99- 224-CC seiting ihe levy rate for the Grant County +Current Expense Budget at 1.42 percent or the amount of �6,768,49$ be passed. The moiion earried. J�� r��A rnofion was made by �ammissioner Moor+�, seconded by Commissioner Allisan that Resolution Number 99-225-CC setting the Land Classi�cation and Assessmeni for fnnding the 2000 budget af the Grant �ounty No�ious Weed Baa�rd be passed. The mation earried. As ihere was no further business to cc�me before the Board the session was adjourued untit January 3,2000. BC)AI�D CJF COL:�NT`Y C(�l�'IlV�SSIC}NERS ATTEST: �RANT COUNT�',WAS�-�SNGTC)N � V a/C��,RrJ 4 F � "��� i � ` � f �: ' y �. ; ;���,� %�; �� t�l��<,��,, � - ,��� � .. ';. �> � , a- . � .. C1erk�'c�f�e Boar� � Chaznnan �; .__...,. _