HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCa� � �` i !t�' � ,�, �;, �. . .r. ,; ��� `�e �ra�� CQun� �c��m�ssioners session was ca�l[ed i� �rde� �� 3:Q0 a.�i. by �ha�man T�m �nead. A�l of t�a.e �c��missi4a�ers were in a�iend�.�ce w�th i�Ze C�erk ��'the Ba�rd. �'h� �c��cnissianers �ead and app�oved the mu�uies o� the �r��ed�g sessxQn as �ite�. �� � t�,� The Co�nmzss�c��ers a�poa�ted Rc�n Mu1l�niks �o a posrt��n o� �he Gra.�i �oun�-y Nlenial �ealth and Develapmental i}isab�litzes Advisary �3oard �o� a �hree year ten�.. i,��;>.; �-%'I'he �c�m�issione�s app�oved �ih� starting sala�y of Donald �a�aes Co�son ��the 3uven�ie �'�obation Departme�t at $5.70 per hour. ��ii�.-s' The �o�nxss�c�ners a�proved out of state #�avel fc�r iJnders�e�iz� ��e Shay �o a�e�d �eetia�gs c�ut of state. ��%`�:C� `The �€�xn.missio�ers received a Peiition for Review fro�n Ja��s �. �S�ta��� �efore t1�e St�.ie �rov�ih N�an�gement �Ieari�gs S€�ard fc�� East�� �ashi�g�o�. �'�e ma�ter v�vas refe�-red tc� i3�e Pr�se�u�iaag Attorne� fc�r �iaa�dl��ag. �� f�� -� Z`h� Gc�mz�� ssic�ners apprc��ed t�e r�quest by C-��a�i Mer��.� �-Ie�.�thcare ta� �se �he�r �'ersannel a�d Poiic�es 1Vianual and elimi�.aie t�e G�ani Cou�.ty �mplc�ye� �and�oo� �a� use by iheir depa.rtmeni. ��/�;.� �hair�a.� S�ead �ras aut�oriz�d to sign the E�emption fro�rn Shc�re�ine N�a�agerz�e�� �ct Subst�tia� I�eveio�m�r�t Perm�i �-equire�nenis �`or Ria�oc� �Qv� �-Ie��eaw�er's Associa�ic�n. �.cr%�/�-`� A�nc��ion was anade by �ammissione� lVlaare, seco�ded b� Cc� �ss�or�er �Iist��a that Resolui�an Nur�.ber �9-206-CC rela��g tt� the ab�I�.t�on €�� � e�is�ing cou�ty fu.nd nam�d J�.ve�ile Fac�li� Cv�s%c�i�o� Fuur�d �3�2 �� p�ssed. '�h� �a�ic�n car��ed. ..'���`�� The �c��i.ssio��rs �eld a �'�a.blic �3Cea�ing �o cc�z�sider t�e �c��niy year 2QU� budget and �he �eed �Qard y�a�r 200t} b�dgei. A�er �omsad.ea�ation a moiic�� was made by Co�a�iss�o�er AIlis�n, s�cc�nded by Cornn�iss�o�e� Iit�s���e �� can��ue t�ae hearings �t�� a budge� can be adc���ed. �e motic�n ��ed. ,��/f.Y�% �'�� Cc��issioners held a P�blzc Hearing rega�di�zg pc�ss�ble I�a��� �dus%ia% �3evelopme�� in �'rrant Co�ty. A�er taking p�b�i� cc�mm��i � �aa��o� was m�de by �o��issione� Mcs�re, secoaaded by Co�nz�issione�- Atl�so� �� ��r�se i�e public comment. A moiion was t1a�n �ade to eom�i��e ihe �eaxi�g �n�il 2.3�} �.m. c�� I�e�ez�ber I3,1999 ta �ake a d�cision c�� ihe mat�e�. �s ��e�e �vas �a fi�her busi�ess tc� �ome be�a�re the Boa�-d ihe sess�a� �as c���Y��e� �ti� �3ee���e� 7,? �9�. I3ece�ber 7,1999 The sessic�m was c�nta�u.ed �.� 9:�0 a.zn. with all of t�e Coa�miss�c�ne�-s a.� a�ce�dan�e wi�� ��e �1e�� of�he �3�ard, The �or�anissic��ers �ne� wi�h t�� Pub�a� "�ork� �3�ectc�� rega�rdi�g �on�ract Executic��-� 999-���(3 Crushing, l�.esaluti��-Adoptic�� af Was�e D�s�os�.l �ipiio� Siudy, Rc��.d Imp�.ct �ee-k��g Sht�rt ��at, �.�ad �3�dgei Re�sis�n-�rav�� Rc��.ds, �e�s��e1-�i�i�um Wage I�crease, � 3.:04� �r�nnchise �ear�g-Bob ��a.�ste�se�. ����1�,�`he Co�iss�one�s app��ved �h� i�erease Qf the m��im�z� �wage for ��opb�x A�e�dalats to ��.50 per �Qur ef�ective January 1,2000. :=�li�a `�h� ���m�ss�o�ers sfg��d i�e ��n�act wiih L�eAt�ey �r�s�ing �ar � ih� 19�9/2�0�} ��s%ng �nd Sic�ckpil�ng. j,� fr;f� �� �'h� �c����issia�aers ��ld � Pub��c Hearing o� �h� F�-ar�c�is� apP�zca�io� o� Bs�b �h�is�e�se� t�a t��eraie a;nd �nainiain a buried elec�ri� ware a�o�g �e�a� cc�u�t� �c�ads. Af�te� sc�me d�s�ussian a�not�o� was m�c�e by C�rmmissia�er �Iison, seconded by C+�mmissi�ner Moc�re to cc�nt��e the m�t��r �c� 9:45 �rz L�ecember l� io consuli with Iegal cc�ia�s.�il. '�h� �notzon c�ed. ; .��-1 �� �A, zno��on �ras �nad� by �c��nmissioner .�l�iso�, secc��d�d by �€��ss���er �ic�t�re �:h�.� �Z.es���t��� Nu�ber 9�-2�7-�C set�i�g a �'ub�zc �ear�g fc�� I)ecez�aber 2',� 9�9 a� 1:00 p.�a. re�ati�.g �Q t�e �acts �equari�g a� a.p�rop�iatiQn �d expenda�u�e of fia�ds fo� �he �urrent �xpense �u�d #�0�1, V�-i€�us L�3�p�.rt�e�is ir� t�� an�ount o�` $�23,850 be passed. 'I'he �n��.o� carried. a`4=�'�.��-�'The �c��is�iQ��rs h�ld a�'t�b�i� Ivlee�i�g regardi�g t�� Pre�i�sina�-y Plai requesi by �%arl�s �aad �arbara ����rc�� and �}cr�a.�d and I3eb€�rah Ja�€sbso� to �reaie ���tee� 1oi s�bd�v�s�on c�� app�-t��irnately 79.25 �.cres i�. �.e Sub�b�-Agr�c���re Zcane. Frope�-ty is iocated i� a port�o�a af ihe Sc�uthw€st q�.�.rter of Sectio�t 7, Tc�ww�ship 20 North, Ra.�ge 2b Eas�, �Till�et�e �er�dian. .� �noi�oxt �vas made by �omaa�ss��ne� Alliso�, seconded b� �c�mmiss�o�aer Ms�c��� tc� �phold the Pl�n�ng Cc��azss�c�� apprc�v� �a�h the 3�rtciings and 12 �ond�tic�ns p�ovi�ed by �� �1aa��i�g I3epa�tinent. `I'he �oixon �a�r�ed. �=�/; � 7 As o�t�is date ihe �€��raanissi€�ne�s b� a m�.jority vote dc�es a.pp�cave fc�� pay�ne�t those v�uchers �a�l�ded i� �h� �ist filed in �he .�iuditors i�:�i�e 1216/9� i� �� iotal amou�i a�' $�43,606.01. i�`/,�� A. �c��ic�� �as �nade by �o:�nzssic�ner Al�ist�n and seco�ded by C��ss�oa�e� M�are that �i.esc����c�n �u�aber 9�-208-CC i� the mai��� of adop�io� �f �he �as�t� d�sp�sal opt�a�s siudy p�epared b� Pa�a�eirix,Inc. a.nd d�.�ed r�e, 1999 as am �,�e�dz�ent ta ihe C��a�i Cc�uur�ty S�lid �as�� l�anageme�t �'�an u�date, caf J�nuary �.9�5 be pa.ssed. �e r�otic�� carraed. � � 0 �., � '� � � � C� .� •� o � �a r/� �' ��� � � � � � � �� � � � w� � � � ���' �� � � � � � �'� � a� " Q�o � � `� � �, �, °' ,� 's'' Q � °' �°�°` o � �, O � � � � �� �, � ° � '�' � '� � � � .� � � ��p� � � � Q.1 � � l,w� � � � � o � °' � � � � � �� �� ��� �� � � � � � �� � � � � �3�� � � � �� � � °, °' � � .�; �' �� � � �, � � � � �, � q� � � � � �` �, o � C� �= `�C, �d � p � -�°' � � Q �d � � � � � N � .e�" �' �° � '�� � � c�� � �"` ._� �, �Q�� .:�_ � � �.�_ �