HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-190-CC 12�+ SOL,TITI�I�: 99-�90-CC WHEl�EAS, Grant County may �,pply to the state Department of Community, Trade �nd Economic Development for funding �ssistance through the Washington Community Economic Revitaliz�,tion Te�m; WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain conditions be met as pai-t of the ' applic�tion requirein�nts; �VHECt�AS, Tim Sne�,d, Chauperson is authorized to submit this interim prioritization to the State of Washington an beli�lf of Grant County; l�TOW, THEI�EF0�2E, be it resolved that the Gr�nt County authorizes submission of this inte�•im prioritization that rates Farm Worker Housing as the First priority fa�• C'rra.nt County. Specifically noted is the North Cohunbia Community Acti�n Cou7icil request for up to one million dallars to suppor�t its TWH/Rent-a-Tent project, and cei�tifies that, if Funded it: Will comply with a,pplicable provisions of the W�shingtan Cammunity Revitalization Te�m progr�,m, and other �.pplicable state �nd federal l�,ws; H�s provided opportunities for citizen p�.rticip�tion comp�able to the state's requiY•ements; has complied with all public hearing��equirements �nd provided citizens, especially low- and moderate income persons, with re�,sonable �dvance notice of, and the opportunity to present theu•views during the assessment of community econo�nic development and other needs, during the review of av�ilaUle funding a.rid eligible �ctivities, �nd on the proposed activities; Will provide oppoY-tunities for citizens to review and comment on proposed changes in the funded project arid progr�m performance; Will not use �ssessments against proper�ties owned and occupied by law- and moder�,te incorne or ch�ge user fees to recover the capit�.l costs of CDBG-funded public improvernents from low- and moder�te income owner occupants; Will estaUlish � plan to minimize displacement as a result of activities assisted ' with the CDBG funds; �,n� assist persons actu�lly displ�ced �s a result of such � activities, as provided in the Unifoi�n Reloc�tion Assistance �nd Re�l Property Acc�uisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended; �'�, i Will conduct �nd �dminister its program in conformance with Title V1 of the Civil , Rights Act of 1964 �.nd the Fair Housing Act, �,nd will affi�m�.tively further fau housing, (Title V1 ll of the Civil Rights Act of 1968); a.nd i �, i Has adopted and enforce a.policy proliiUiting the use of excessive force Uy law enforcement �gencies within its jurisdiction �gainst any individu�ls engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstt�tions; and h�s adopted and im�lement � policy of enforcing applicable state and local laws ag�inst physically baiYing ent�•ance to or exit fi•om a facility or location which is the suUject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstration within its jurisdiction, in accordance with Section 104(1) of the Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as �mended; �,nd Will provide, upon request, �nd prior to �ny oUlig�tion of funds being m�,de, a complete �nd accur�te CDBG Feder�l Funds Disclosure Report detailing the requu•ed applica,nt/grantee infoY•mation, and as �ppropri�te other government assistance pi•ovided or applied for, interested pai�ties and expected sources, and uses of funds. Gran� County designates Tirn Snead as the authorized Chief Administ�ative Official and authorized representative to act in all offici�.l m�ttezs in connection with this application and Grant County's participation in the W�shington State CDBG Prog��am. _......�..�,� ..��.,�A���.�.�.` �ignature - �-��� Date // '/l� � �q Na7cne Tim Snead Title Chair�erson, Cn•ant Count_v Boai•d of Commissioners � � Attested: Date ,� —��� �� t`�