HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-189-CC i _ ,, . '�� ��:��� �� ���r�s� �� �ss������ • G��9i Ci3�l�T�,WA5t9l�dCaTt}�d I I RESOLUTION Nt1MT�Fl.t 99-18�-CC � , i A RESC)LUTTON authc�rizing aaz appropriatic�n anc� �:xp�nc�i�.c���f� t�� f�zuci:; � ft3r the #o11t3wi.ng c�.epa.rttne22t f ftxnd; Current Ex�ense Fund �6001, � to ether wit�a � k�ird ret tlYEyre- � M_��(��n.,�,r_a],,��vg,�n�nent De��rtment�'125� � €. i, fore, pursuan`� to RCW 36.40. 14C1. � i W�iE�tEAS, it has �ae�n t�rought ta th� �.ttenti�n of tl�c� Iicr.irti � of Caunty Cotnmissioners of Grant County that em��rg�ncy c:c>�iclitic�ns �: require that an appropraatic�n and exgenditure r�f fund's l�c� �ut:h- � orazed for the above-m�ntian�d d�partmentjfund, togethi�r with a ! � budget therefor, and I � i . EWHEREAS, pursuant to R�W 3�. 40. i4E1, Aesolutivn Na. ��-17�-�:c �as dul3r adopted an 11/1(99 ,anti �uhl3sh���-i in the ( Daily Herald o� 11/8&I5/99 dec�I�rii��; a4� iemergency and statan� th�- fact.� c�onsti�uting thf� c�mer�;c�nc:y <xt�cl ._ � the estimated amount of ftinds required to meet it, tog�t,her wit�t �} fnotice o� public hearirtg, az�d sai.cl ptxblic hearing was helci tl�c�r��c��a � u�here interested pErsans w�:r� allawed to appear a�d �e heard; I ;, I NO�, THER.EFC3R�, B� �T RESOL�FED BY TIiE B(}��I3 Q� Ct3I�NTY t't)MR�IS- 5 SIO�iE�S t3F GRANT Cai3NTY, STATI� OF WAS�iINGT(?N, that �tn .t���i•<����•ia�.ic�ti j and expendature of func�s is hereby a.uthorize�i �or thc� fc�llc��ving ; ' dE�gart3i�f�ri'�f furid= „���-rPnt ��ense Fund ��OOI,Misc.Gen.Govt.De�t.��125 � �n the tatal sum a� $ �0=000 accoxding to th� attached budget. � Th�s resolu�ia�n is in the best inter�sts of gc�od gc�vernf���i�t i • i • and sha3.1 take �ef�ect immediately upan its passag�. �o�aE 7►�15 1�.ICt,L._C�4Y pF November � �g gg � �f, I C.--�------;--�-�" i � �� � Chalrman AT7E5�; /!3% � � � � � s.sk cf ths 3ewd ����� �^ � �� �.C.1' S"ti�t � � Cr»nmiasionrr � , R�� omm(ssfonsr II i . �onafiSuiing fhs Board of C4unfy Camr�issianers of G�ant County, Woshi�gton i i�.l ..�....w+c +w w� I • � I " � RESOLUTIE}N�iV4RKSHEET R2 CURRE�TT EXPENSE FU.ND#. 001 � I�IISC.GENERAI,GOVT.DEPT.#125 R3 CURR.ENT EXPENSE FU?VD#OQ 1 � MISC.GENEKAr,GOVT.DEPT.#125 ATTAC:f�V1ENT TO RESOLUTION 99—J,,�3—CC > APPRUPRIATIONS AIRPORTS,PORTS,ETC. MISCEL:I�NBOUS NOT CLASSIFIED 546.00.49.d7 $ 15d,d00 TUTAL APPROPRIATNJNS $ 150,OQ0 �tANCIlYYG St7URCES MV"ET- 125336.06.33 $ 150,000 TOTAI.lFI1�TANCING SOURCES $ 150,000 EXPLANATION TO APPR(7PRiATE LTiVAi�TTICIPATED FL7NDS FOR THE CC)ST�F ASBESTOS ABATEMENT AT THE PORT OF MOSES LAKE.