HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-150-CC ��,E� �� � � � � � ���� _ � ��°��� ������ �.s�i����� � ��T�'I � �I� � }9- �5o a�� ��� �!��`� ��:� � �.5� ��� ������ �.���° _ ��������� ����. ���% 1 � ��������� �� ����� ���°��d �� ���� t�� �'��.���� ��������.��� ������ ������� � �������� �� ���� �� ��� ��� � ���� �����°c���� ��� ���� ���° � � �-�� ��.��.��.s�9 ��� � ���, �.�� ��� �� ��� �-�'���� ���r€�v�� �� ��� ��°���s��� ��d � � �.��9 ��� �� � ��� �a��.��.s� ���I� �� ���� �� �� ��� ����������, ������T�����5 ��� ��� ����a��� �� ����°��t������� ��� � ���t����, ��� ��e�.�°�� ��� �������nt�.���� ��� � �.�� ��� ���� �� ��� ��°a,���� ���� �� ����°��a��.���� �14��Q � ���� ���� �� ��� ����� ������°��.���� ���°���� r������.� �. ����� �� ��� ���€�� ��� �q��p���� t� �.���� ���� �� c� ����� ����� ���°���� ����� ��°�,����, � � "I' � -�� , �� � � � �.�� �' '� � ��rd �� ����� ����� �����ss�c����°� ����°��� t�� �������t��� �� ��.4�9��� �'�� ��� �I� ��.������, �.�� ��������€�� c�� ��� �"�°����� ������°����� is���t �� t�� ���� ������ ��� �� ��������� �� ��� ���` ��°����� ��� � g �.�� ��� �a����� ��������� ����€� ���� 20� €��� ����������rg���� ��s ��' ��3��'� �C3 SS����S �'�"T��'�': ��.�'� � �; �, ��5���-'�'��3 � � _._*. � ��. t ,�� t. ����� s�� ���� ������� � L�... ` �� �� � Y ��'�� a - � ����� � � � Frankiin 9a .� �c��t���i� ����� ��s�, c�� ,�, 1620 Rd. 44 N • Pasco, WA 993Q� Tom Snead, LeFtay C, Allison, Deborah.Kay Moore September �6, 1999 Gr�nt Gaunt}r Commissioners � P.4, Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 Re: GWMA Praject—GIS Da�abase At the monthly meeting of the Columbia Basin GWMA Executive Comrr�ittee hel� on July 29, 19�9s it wa�� agr�ed t� �ave P�t �a�v c�f t�ae Fr�r�kjin Conservation District present a proposal to each af the five GWAC's regardir�g the need, and data gathering process for a GWMA GIS database. During the August 26, 'I99�, GWMA Executive Committee meefiing, it was further decided that if aach of the GWAC's accepted Pat Daly's proposal, the expenditure of funds necessary ta create the databas� would be taken to the Cammissianers af Franklin, Adams, and Grant Gounties fc�r their approval by Resolution. ApprovaC by all five GVilAC's was unanimous. The GWN]A GIS database wi11 be used by GWMA's consultant, KennedylJenks for purposes of the task of Characterizatian and Mor�itoring, and fiurther, wil� be af use in the future for the task af Research and Implementation. The GWMA GiS Project is be a coopera#ive effort administered by a Memorandum of Understandinq b�tween Franklin CD, Adams CQ, and the Consenration District Water QuaGty Partnership (�thello CD, Warden CD, Moses Lake CD, and Upper Grant CD}. A copy of that agreement is attached. Interlocal Agreements are already in place befiween GWMA, the CD's and each of the Counties. Cost of the project wtil be �ppraximate(y $14�,000 with each c�fi the �ounty CD's rece�ving a portian of the funds and equipment #o a11aw them to comple#e the'rr partion of the praject. We wc�uld request that each of the Co�rnties draft a Resolution approving the expenditure of 140 000 far the GIS Database, and desiqnating the Franklin Conservation District as the lead agency and administrator af the G[S Project for GWMA, and the Coun#ies involved. Please farward your Resolut�on Eaack to: Lynn F. Hall, Administratar, Columbia �as�n GWMA, 1fi2� Road 44 N., Pasco, WA 99301 Thank you for yaur help in this matter. �`'�i�� Lynn F. Ha(I, GWMA Administrator Questians? CaI!Lynn F. Hall. (5(?9) 545-8�46 X918 ar contact at:lynn-hall a�wa.nacdnet.org LetterTo FrankiinCounty091699 � �W1V�A GIS Dat�base MO�T . This is a Memorandum of Unders#andiag b�tween Fraszklin CQnserva�ion District,Adams Conservation District and the Conservation D�stricts making up the Conservation District Water Quality Partnershig(CDWQP),which include C)t�aello,Warden,Moses Lake and Upper Grant ' CDs. The purpose af the MUU zs to outline tlze responsibiii�ses af each en#ity ta complete the � prtiject`GWIv1A GTS Database',as autlined in the attacb:ed proposal. The three entities taking part in this praject(Fza��klzn Conservation Distrzet,Ada�s Conservation District,and the Conservation Distxict Water Quality Pa.rtnership)a�ree: ♦ To use their personnel, £aciliti.es and eguipment,and work cooperativeiy ta complete the tasks anc3 produce the products identified 'zn the propasal i�.an agreed�pon time frame. ' ♦ To begin the praject by Oc#ober l, i 999,or as soan thereafter as autharized by the G�l�, �xecutive Board. .� To share funding af the praject for the period{�ctober l, 1999 t}�rrough September 30, ZOQ4 (assuming au.thorization by Oetober 1, 1999), as foilaws: ♦ Franl.�Ii�z Conservation Distric�will administer fmances c�f the project and wi11 receive vouchers from the other en�ities; ♦ Each of three entities will apply$3�,000 tc�wards a GIS technician#o work on this project. ♦ The Frankli.�z Cc�nservatian District wi11 emp�ay tlae coord'znator positzon,and will apply$25,000 toward that person to coordinate aIl aspects of the project, assure timely completian af tasks,and report progress to the GV�MA. ♦ The Districts will jointly decide upon,purchase and apply equipment identified i.n the proposal{$20,404},toward project comple#ion. . flutho�ized Signatures: Franklin Conservatioz�District: S�ot�Kawauchi, District ChaiY . Adams Conservafiion Distric�: Curtis Hennings, �'hair Conservation Distr�ct Water Quality Partz�.ership Dale T�'en�vorth, Chair, I'artneYs�hip Cornmittee ttem . Cotntrtent E�etSOlttl@# $12t},OOQ G[S Tech 90,000 One per caun#y{3} Projeet Manager 25,00� One persan, 1J2 time Admirtis�ration 5,00� Equipmen# �20,OU� Platter S,O�Q FCD GpS '12,0�0 ACD, UPCD Software 3,ODD Tvta! 20,Ofl0 $940,QOtD