HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 99-132-CCB+DARD t?� COUNTY COMMISSiONERS GRANT COUMiY, WASHtNGTON RESOLUTION NUMB�R 99-132-CC A RESOLUTION relating ta the �acts requiring an appropriation and expenditure a� �unds �ox the foliowing department/fund: Gra C , �oge�her with a budget �hereior; eclaring an emergency; ar�c1 � setting a public hearing date; all pursuant to RCW 36.44.140. WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board o� County Commissianers o� Grant County that an appropriation and expenditure a� �unds should be authorized �or �he abave- mentzoned department/��znd, toge�her with a budget therefor, in the es�imated amount .o� $ $116,174 ; and WHEREAS, e�penditure af s-uch �unds was nat included zn the current budget of Grant Caunty, however, emergent conditions now require that such funds be expended; and �IEREAS, at appears that an emergeney exists and that the expe�diture o� such funds could nat have been reasanably �oreseen at the time o� makzng said county budget; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF C4TTNTY COM- MISSIONERS OF GRANT COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, tha� �he a�ore- mentioned �acts constit�te an emergency and that an apprapriation and expenditure a� funds should be authorized ior the �ollowi.ng dep�.�`tmer�t f�u7�.d: Grant County I'.A.R.C. Fund ��115,Dept.��157 , together w�.th a budget therefor. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that.notice af a publi.c hearing upon such expenditure shall be given, said hearing to be held on Au�ust 30,1999 in the Grant County Commissianers' O�fice, Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washing�on, at the haur oi 1•00 p.m. . DUNE THlS 17th DAY OF August , T4 ° \�� � C' ATTEST: %�i1i � s�����;`- � 1 $ � Cleri� , Zthe Board 'e! v 1�- 2 �, > . .. ..,�,E�. ,.�. _ .��....� Consfiituting fihe Board af Caunfiy Commissioners of Grant County, Washington