HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-154-CCBoa�zv oF co�r� coM�ss�o�� GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTO�i RESOLUTION�UMBER 2000-154—GC A RESOLUTION relating to a supplemental �xtension in the 2000 budget of the EMERGENCY SERVI�ES FL1ND # IO2, DEPT. # 144 due to unant�cipated state andlar federal fiznds. VdIIEREAS, it has been bxought to t1�e atiention of the Board of Grant Commissioners that unanticipated state and (or federal funds have been made available for the 2000 budget of the EMERGENCY SEi2VICES FU`I�TD # 102, DEPT. # 244 in the amount of $2,$61 . WHEREAS, RCW 36.44.I00 authorizes supplemental appx�priations fram unanticipated state andlor federal funds after pubiications af notice of the time and date of a public hearing at which the s�7pplemental appropria�ians resolution will be adapted, and the amount of the apprapriatian, onc� each week, for t�vo conseeutive weeks prior ta such public laearing zn the off�iczal newspaper afthe county; and �JI-�REAS, publication of the requisite legal notice was made in the Dail� �ierald newspa�er of �rant County oz� November 24 & llec . 1 and said public hearing was held in the Grant County Coan�nissioners' C}ifice, Grant County Courthause, Ephrata, Washington; NaW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE B�ARD OF COUNTY C4I��VIISSIQI��ERS af G12.ANT COUNTY, STfiTE OF WASHINCrTON, that the 2000 (year)budget of the �MERGENCY SERVICES �[1i�iD # 1�2, DEPT. # 149� supplemented and e�tended in the suzn of $`2,86 i from unanticzpated state andlar federal funds according ta ihe fo�lowing schedule flf categories and items: Appxo���Ic��s CAPITAL C7UTLAY MACHii iERY 8c �QtifPMENT Fi�'VANCTtii'G SOURCE U.S.I?EPT. OF Eh'ER�Y Done tb.is �th day af �ecember ����.�rf `��...lii.: * � •, fl.• � 525.64.64.Q0 TOTAL APPROPRTA.TIONS 333.82�00.60 T4TAL FINANCING SC}T�1tCE , 2000� s z,s�l $ z,s�i $ 2,861 $ 2,861 �� n '��u��--����� Chairpersan � 5�9-762-1462 Fax: 509-762-1465 e-znail: gc�m@atnet.net Grant County �oard of � CouYity Commission�rs � P. O. Box 37 Ephrata WA 98�23 Dear Commissioners, �RANT �,OUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EM�RGENCY �ANAGEMENT Suite 911 6500 32nc1 Ave NE Moses I.,akr�, WA 98837 October 31, 2000 Gran� �ou�ty �o�mi�sioner� �,� ,�.���,a �au � �a �,�,������� I��ave Friclosed a co�y cf an anlendmEnt to flur cozatract with US I�UE Richland, showing an amendment of �2,861.00 th� casts for new equipment. An ink-jet facsimile rnachitle and a laser printer. I respectfully request a resolution to increase our budget for the amount of $2861.00 a revenue source. For th� purpose of e�pending these f'unds offered by the US Dept of'Energy to puz�chase equipment. Tl��� you .�.� � �r , a Lor Director , ,:; �i �u��C9�C� ���Y�i'�1i�39pi1�ia :.s=�:a:t�� ����t�� ���hin�'t�r� ������� f�J��p��av�+ �i�$. �.� -.� cc Bob Mosher, A.uditors Office �,��` �& �.:�;���, �� �i��. �� :;�+���. �� [���t, ���„ ��. t. ����T—.�" -2����� il7• 32 �aRF�NT �.��Uh!"1'`f DE��1 /�,�1dl�1�Lm1#VI1�!`� 1 �c��vr���:�r��t �tan��rAc�Q�t��s. �. �orv�'�A��r rau �r�r�t ��au�ty Em�r9�n�y M�n���ment �1'�� �� � '�rJ` �� ,���� JQVQ {��y Mt7a'�"���i L»�I��y �� ��$+�% �M�� �� �� ��'a "�'r�� 1r�s=,�: P.t�2 R; I 3. � �Oi�T1�r4�TC]R �i7i�1TA�T 1�EFiSC�N� 1`�iAMFJ`t'lil�E: �. iui{� STAFF CCJtktiA�T� tVAM�fI"Ei.�Pt-iC�NE; ��ri1 i.c�r�+n�, Ciir+�ct�a� M�r?� Ali�e P�#�r�or�, ��I��) 7��-�C}"!�i 1"iN oC S�N; 7� CA�`AI..C� ,�a Ca� FE1��FiAE. G�C�M��TIG ii, F�NC}{tV�`a �QtJ��E �*1AM A��i' �1-6ti�1��9 A��T, (�FC�Aj #: �1�C�92-Em�r��e�i�y �.� ���artm+�nt �f �n�rgY Prep�r+wdnes� �or N�r�fio��i �it� n: W��h'rngt�n �tst+� tVlilit�ry �e�r�rtm�nt (h�r�inafter knawr� �s the "L�epartm�nt"j, �nd t�s� lJ a LJ��t�rtrngnt +�f '�n�rc�y �her�in�ft�r known as U�4��J�}, D�:�CF1lPl`ibNlJLl�7iFICATIc�N t'JF AM�NL?M�N'T, M�C�IFI�ATI�N, �?�i �HAN�� C7Rd��t: "�'`�+� l�� C����rim��t ��' ��a��'�� (�����) �+�� ��r�� ���sti�are�i faart�ing g�a�t h�� ta�co►n� �vail�bl� for �quiptt��rtt nt�t li��+�d �n ih+� ori�9��i ��ra�r��#, ': � z. �,n�tEr��n��tv'r'r��I�ts �tv� �carvoi�rior��: 1. P�c� �h�n�� ta th� �Qntract �xpiratiQn date r�f t�ec�mb�r ��, �D��. �. �h�n�� the av�r�l! c�ntra�t �rr��unt �rc�$� ��iS,Q�� �cs �70,���; an increas� af ��,��i �. In t}�� �r�j��t �u�dg�t ��r ��ctfe�r� � �r�n� Cc�unty �rnerg�n�y �I�.n�g�m�nt, �dci th� f�llowing new �Sr�e it�m �quiprne�t Ir�k,1�t �� {��61}, an�i �.��er €�rin�er {��,QOG). �. In th� Praje�t Bucigei f�r �e�ti�n � t�r�nt �ca��ty Emerg�ncy M�n�g�rr�ent, #he tc�t�k i� �h�r�+�ed fr�rr� ���,0�� t� ��7G,�25; �,n in�r�as� �f $�,8�1. �c� ca�l��r �h�ng�� �r� r�q�air�. Ait ath+�r t+�rm� �n� �c�rt�titi�rr�� cr� th� �rir�in�1 �r�nt �nd �ny rr��i�!�� �m�ndrn�r�t,� ���r�t� r�m�ir� in futi ��ar�� �r��t ����•i. #3U VV#`F't���� Wi����C}�`, �h� l��p��m�rst an�i �r�r�t� ackn�rwl�dg� an� ����pt t�� t�rms of tt�i$ �r�ntr�ct �rn�r�c�rr��t�i �nd att��hm�nts h�reto ancl in witr�e�s wherecaf have execut�d thi� �m�nctm�nt �� �f the dste �.nci year wrltt�n bel�w. ihe rigi�ts an�i obiigatian� af bath ��rtie� to this contra�t are �c�v�rn�d by thi� �'".;;�'r,,At Am�ndrrr�nt �`ac� �17e�t �nd ot��r do�urr��nt� ir�carpcarat�d fi�rcin bY r�ferenc� c�r attach�� �nd 'sci����:.,�i�c} �, th� c�riginal cc�n#r��t clocum�fl#, A cc�py �� this �c�ntra�t �r�n€.r��irn�nt si��il i�e �tt�ch��i t�s anG ir�corpc�r�r�d ���to th� c�ri�tnal ��re�m�r�t between tfte Dep�rkr�ectt �.nci the �rant��, Any ref�r�tte� in su�h ���tr�c't�t4} t�� "c�ntr���" sf��4! r�`t��.� "c�r�tr��t �� �m�ndc�d." thl WITh1�5� WMER�tJF, thr� parties he�eko have axecwC�ed ���t i'M� I��i�,4i�Ttvl�N�i; ec�c���tar� �t� � +G1�t� L. �V��adbury, �ire�t�r -- -- �rr��rc��ncy N��n��er��r�t Divi�ic�n W ��hin�tcan Military D�p�rkm�nt A�p�it�'�E� A� T� �t���vt: J����h�.n Mc��y . m 1 L��te �,��i�t�.nt �ttt�arr��� +��n�r�l � �arm Da��: 9�z': !oU 7i� �mendment �s erf th� d and ysar lasc written b�iow, �i�i� E �C)�T .�, T�i�, �'c�� �' � —�%� � n�tur� ��t� ��,m Lc�r�rtz, L3ir�:ct�� t�r�.rtfi �c��r�iy �m�rg�r��y M�r��g�ment j �'�;�t 1 a:,�91-�t�Q 13 � � : �, TC�T�L P. al