HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCC�MMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of Navember 2a, 2()(}0 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:40 a.m. by Chai�-man Deborah Moore. A11 of the Commissir�n�rs u�ere in �.ttenc[ance with the Clerk of the Baard. The Commissioners read and appraved the mznutes from the previous session as written. 1�''����' The Commisszoners approved the starting salary o� �ody I�assler of the Prevention and Recovery Center ai $�,287.80 per manth begin�ing NQveznber 8, 2000. %�, %���° The Comznissione�s approved the starting salary of Shareen E. Laughlin of the Juvenile Probation Department at $6.SQ per hour effective November 14, 2000. I����--The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds in the Tourism Fund #114, Depar�ment #156 zn the amount of $11,500. ���'�The Commissioners approved the �ettlement of the Ja�obs v. Grani County Case. ����,��The Cammissioners notif ed the Accountzng Department of the �ala�y increase afAngie Favero to $5{i,000 per year effecizve I3ecember 1, 20fl0. J1�.�;�'The Commissioners received an amended Summons and Complazn� from ATLT Legislative Counci� of Washington State, et a1. �'he matter was referred io the Prosecuting Aiior��ey for handling. }°r���'�The Commissioners approved the request b� David NelsQn of the Department of Cammunzty Development for payment of �epatitis B shots for same staff. ,�c���� The Cammissioners recezved the Order Fznd�ng Pracedural Compliance from ihe Growth Management Hearings Board rega�ding the cities af Ephrata, Moses Lake, Rc�yal City and Warden v. Grant Coun-ty, ������ The Co�missioners approved tl�e recanamendatian by the Grant County Fair Association for Bonnie Rea and 3udy Warnick to fill the vacancies an the Board of Directors. ��� �'� The Commissioners appro�ed the requesi by the Juvenile Frobation Department for a budget extension from Law and Justzce �unds in the amouni af $1,� 50 for revisions to the security system at the Wheeler Road o�ce. �.��-/G�� The Commissioners a.pproved the salary of Florentina Hernandez of the Grant County PARG at $2,543 per manth effective Novernl�er 8, 2004. �`�i:.�af The CQmmissioners receiv�d a let�er of complaint from Richard Rumbu.rg . The ma�ter was referred ta the Prosecuting Attorney for handling. �� �-���-As of this date the Baard by a. major�ty vote does approve far pa,yment those vouchers included in the list filed in ihe Auditor� Office 11/20J200(} in the total amount of �616,884.�4. f�-� i�.� The Commissioners appraved the salary zncrease of Sonia Davis of the Clexks (�ffice ta $2,045 per month. ���.�c=� The Commissioners held a Public Hearing regarding the review af cammunity development and housing needs, to inform ci�izens c�f' the avazlability of funds and eligible uses af the state Communiiy I}evelopment Block Grant, and to reeeive eomments on praposed activities, particularly from Iow a.nd moderate income persans and persons residzn� in the Grant Couniy area. The public hearing notice was provided in English and Spanish. After discussion with A1 Lundberg from th� North Columbia Communii� Action Cauncil and Rhonda Corrick, Special Projects Coordinatc�r the hearing was adjourned. � r,��-�� � Chairman Moare was authorized to sign the L�AYdrive Guide Contract wi.th LC7C}Ptours for the production of a t4urism brochu�e m�p. ������ The Commissianers held a Public Meeting to address the request for amendment to Phase T of the Moses Lake Estates Planned Unit Development. A m�tion was made by Commissioner A1lison, seconded by Cc�mmzssxoner Snead specific to the amendment to the PUD, to uphold the Planning Commrnission recommendation, wiih conditions and findi�gs as provided by Planning. The motzon carrzed. A motion was made by Comrnissioner Allison, secc�nded by Commissianer Snead ta set a Clased Record Public �-Iearing fo�r December 1 i, Z00� at 1:3(} p.m. tc� add�ess the approval o� denial of ihe Moses Lak� Estates, Phase 1-Dune Lake Farms, Final PIJU 1V1ap. Th� motion carried. As there was no furiher buszness to come befare the Board the sessian was continued untill'�Iovember 21, �OtlO. Navemb�r � 1, 2Q00 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. wzih Cha`arman Me�ore and Comm.issioner Snead in attendance with the Clerl� of the Board. The Commissioners met with �he Public Works L}irector regarding Loca1 Age�cy Agreement-�ridg� No. 380, `7' 1�1W, Bid Authorization-Two- way Radios, Loader Purchase Request, Reirnbursable �Vork-C�rand Coulee, Budget Transfers-Fund 40I, 510, and 5�0, Sidewalk Ramps, Personnel. ��L�..���A mation was made by Commissianer Snead, secanded by Cammissiar�er Moore thai Resolution Number 2000-145-CC relating to -the transfex of funds wzihin the 2004 budget of the Solid Waste Fund be passed. fihe ma�ion carried. ���. t�� A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Con�nissioner Mooare that Resolu�ion Number 2040-146-C� relating to the transfer of funds within the 240(} budget of the Equipment Rental Fund be passed. The motion carrzed. �;1�.-%C� A mation was made by Gommzssioner Snead, seconded by Commisszoner Moore that IZesolutzc�n Number ZOQO-147-C� relating to the transfer r�f fiznds in the 2�40 budg�t of the Pits and Quarries �'und be passed. The motion carried. ��,,; �r� The Commissianers signed the Authorization ta Ca11 for Bids an December S, 2000 at � �:30 a.�n, on 2(�-40 wati two-way mobile radios. ����;� The Comnlissioners approved the reques� by th� Public �Vorks Director to purchase a 3 cy �Vheel Loader in ihe amouni of $154,908.b0 with sales tax. ��.�� p.�.. The Coznmisszoners approved the Requesi for Transfer c�f funds in the Juvenlle Probaiion Department in th� aznount of $19,250. ��,�,t �3 The Comm�ssioners approved the salary incxease of �im Coak of ihe Sheriff's C�ffice to $3,760.72 per monih effective November l, 2000. j'� �` The Comm�ssione�s appraved the starting salary of Kxistine A. Tz�owbridg� af the Sheriffs Office ai a salary of $1,723.20 per month effective November 14, 2Q00. �! �(�� The Commissioners appraved ihe starting salary of Brian Evans af the Sheriffs Office at $2,092,70 per man�h as a Corrections C3ffi�er effective November I3, 2000. �:��-.( f� The Cornmissioners approved the salary zncrease v� Corrections 4ff'icer Mila Bushman to $2,462 per month effectzve Novemb�r 1, 2000. ,�.1�,.,f,t � The Commissioners not�fied Jeny 3asman that they had taken actian to appoini him as the Grant County Coroner. ���-%!� A. Public Hearing �vas held and a motion was made by Commzssioner Snead, s�conded by Commissione�r Maore that Urdinance Number 2000- 148-�C, �Z.esolution Number 2000-148-CC amend'zng Chapter 9.46 of the Grant Couniy Code by add'zng Grace Acres Estates to Grant County's Dog Cont�rol areas, and amending the bc�undary description for Larson Subdivision and other matters properly relatin�, thereta be passed. The moiion carried, ,'�>����'� A Fublic Hearzng was held and a motic�n was made by Commissroner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore that Resoiutian Number 204Q- 149-CC authorizzng an apprapriaiion and expenditur� of fi.znds in the �mer�ency Servzces Fund # 102, Department # 144 in the amount of $10,43 0 be passed. The motion carried. /���-='-� The Commzssianers held a Public Meetzng regard'zng the Pre�iminary Plat Time Extension on the Crystal Springs Phase I�T Subdivision, located 'zn a portion of Section l, Township 19 North, Range �8 East, W.M. requested by Crary Margan. A matian was made by Com�nissioner Snea.d, seconded by Cor��ma ssiflner Moore to upho�d th� Planning Coz�::imission recommendation for approval. The mQtion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Board the sessic�n wa.s adjourned until Navember 27, 20QQ. BOARD (�F CUUNTY CC}I��VIISSIO►NERS t�.TT`�ST: GR.ANT COUNT'Y, WAS�-3[TN�T4N � �`� � � , � , �.�,-."'....�.��dl'�' � �t:�l,' '` �,� ��.rt :'�d �€.��:��..r- Clerk ���ie Board � Chazrman � _�_.--------._---