HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-138-CC B+DA12�D t�F C+I3Ul'�TTY CC?N.[�.VIISSI�NERS VfJil-i.l�t 1 l..�V 1\.A .i g i�y 1-iS�li�!X JL RJi�! �SG)Ld.TTION NU:[[��IIBEI� 20oo-��s-cc A RES�3LUT�ON authorizing an �pprap�atian and expe�d'zt�re of fu�.cls for the following departmentlfund: Current Exnense Fund ��001, .,. Superiar Court I�ept.��103 , togethex with a budget therefore, pursuant�o�.Z.CW 3�.40,140. WNE-�EREAS, it has b�en brought �o the a�tention of the Board af Cou��y Commissiar�ers of Grant Ccaunty that e�erge�cy ca�d'ztions �equir� that an appropriation and e�penditure of�ua�ds be a�thaar�.zed for the abave- m�ntioned depa�tment/fund,together with a budg�t therefor; and WHERE.AS, pursuant�c�RCW 36.40,14Q, Resolution Na. 2.���-�.�o-cc. Was dulg� adopted on �017�!?t�.� , �.nd publlshed in the �az��x��a�a an�o12�&�a/2000 declaring a�a emerge�cy and statir�g the �acts cc�ns�i�uti�ag the em�rgency a�d th� - est�ra�ated aznount c�f :��=uunds r�qui.red tc� �neet i�, togethe� w:ith a n�tice of publ�c hearing, a�d sa�d public hearing was he�d tl�erea� where interes��d persons were allowed tc� appear and be heard; . Nf�tiV, 'THER�FC�RE, BE I'I` RESC�LVED B4� '�`I�E BC��D C}� �C�UNT�Y CC���M[ISSICJI`�RS d��' GR.ANT ��UNT'Y, �'TATE OF WAS�IINGTC?N, tha� a.n appropr�atian and expenditure of funds is hereby authorized for the following de�artment/fund: c�rr�n� ����� �u�d .�q,.�� s���r�.or ct.��pt.���o3 �z� the total sum of� ��,2�� aecordin� t� the al�ached budge�. This resolutic�n is in the best interests of good gavernment and shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Don�this. �z�� da.y c�f c���Q��r , 20 00 '��`���- �� � cn�.l� -.__..._.._. AZ`TEST: 1 J� r � � � Clerk c���.e Boaz` �-� Constituting the�oard af County Commiss"roners of Grant Caunty,Washington - . � RESOLUTION WO.RI�SHEET R2 CUR�2E�T�,XPB�tSE FIT�I}�#001 StiPERI�R COURT DEPT.#� Ifl3 R3 CURRENT EXPENSE FUI��D#OQl SUPERIOR COURT DEPT.#�1Q3 ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION 20Q0-13�3—C� APPI2OPRIATIONS PRO(pl'�1M#101 OTHER COMPENSATION 512.21.13.00 $ 7,498 t.TNEMPLOY.COMP. 512.21.25.99 $ 1,43'7 TNT`ER�"LTNllINSUCtANCE 512.219b.00 $ 330 PRt�GRANt#102 OFFICE&OPERSUPPLIES 512.21.31.00 � 2,40d PUBLICATIQNS 5123131.19 $ 8,000 PRC}GRAIbI#103 PROJECT#013 WITNBSS FEES 512_21.49.14 $ 15,OQ0 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 35,265 FINANCING SOURCES OPERATING TRANSFERS-IN LAW&NSTICE FUND 103397.21.00.00 � 35,2bS TUTAL�IN�NCIN�SOURCES � 35,265 EXX3"LANATION TO Il�TCREASE APPR(7PRIATIONS FC}R UNANTICIPATED COST OF A TI LIR.D JUDGE ANU UNFORESEEN OTHER COURT RELATED EXPENSES. �� - ' � ���� � � � �� �� ��� � .�� �� �c ��� 6RANT COUNTY COtlRT40USE PGST JFEIGE 30X 37 EPHRAiA,WASHtN6TON 98823 EVAN E. SPER(�INE,Judge, Depi� i (509)754-2i111 MING! FlNKE GcuR Adminisirafor KENNE7H L.JORGcNSEN,Ju�ge, fJept. 2 LfNDA �. SPERLINE JOHN �. Ah�TC?SZ,Judge, Ge,ot. 3 Reporter,Dept- 1 Septembe:27, 2000 �o�z cast SUZANNE SEBURN,Covrt Commissioner Reporier, ospt.2 ����� �f��1�Sf3t3t�ilf �;�?�3;s��?Q�;E� �ra���c��������s�ic�ne�s � �.fl. �ox 3? ��� 2 $ 2GD0 �.��-���, ��sss�� �: �3ud�e���#�a�si��,- ������r������ �ear��rnr�issi�z�ers: Su�e�c����a:�r��ues�s �.bu�gL� ext�nsi�n f�r�he f��t�wing v�e�d��res: � �,aw� 3us�ce�'un �12���ept. #163: flral a r€�vat�vas 'ven to Ju� e�ntosz PP � � tQ p�rchase�~�t�tre for his neva c��nce_ '��e c�st is �7,50t�. �I i�a.ve:�2,900 in the I,aw c�.�ust€ce�un~�`�cat�a far a cassette c�pier ' we agreed to apply io tl�e , �� ,���,�� cost Qf the i�.�rnihzre. �'fii�eaves a tc�t " ,�Oa needed for the furniture. �udge �����.� Aa�tosz alsta purchased a comt� = or his office,which was boug�t throu����e Grarit � ��ur�ty�f�rma�io ces depart a� a cos� of$1,768. :�his�rzngs the total � �����at � t�$6,368.00. �'he account�a�`'r� e �rtment req=aests writter�approval �om you�'or these increases in apprc�priations. � �u.�er�c�r�ourt, Curr n��ense�und #1£�1-51�.21_1�.(�0 - �ther �om���.satiQa�: �� z�e �i�e �ur�ropos�� ZOQQ �ud��t was pre�a�-ec, w�ciidn'��lan for t�.v deat� of Cornn�i�sioner 3i�n�3rown. �.Tp€�n his deat�, hrs estate was paici�'7,498 for unused vacation and sick leave. #�01-5�221.25.99 - �empl.�om�-In�erfn.: I�ue tc� an errc�� in preparing t�ur propased budget, we nee� an additional $1,43'7 to cover the remainder of�ze year. #10I-512.21.96.00 - �ntrfi�d Insur Serv.: �e neer� an additional $33a tt� cov�r the remainder e�fthe year. ��0�-�:2_:�1.49.14 - ��i�ness �ees: �ue io un��reseen ex�enses in expert witr�ess fees, �ve request an additionat aznaunt af$1b,000 to cover expenses for the remainder of the��e�. �, C�rant��unty Cc�mrr�issi��ers �epteznber 2'7, Z000 �'age 2 #102-�12 2131 ��-C3�ce�fl,.per S��l��Ne r�quest an additzanal $2,Qflf�t� c��er �fnreseen ex�aenses for�udge Ant�sz and�ommission�r�e�urn. #�f�2-51� 2� 31 l3 - �'ublicati�ns: We request an a�iditz��a1 �B4OOfl to c�ver publicatic�r�e�penses i�r�ud�e�t�s�. '�"i�a�vo3.z�'�����:a�s�rasr����.�ic��z����e�e�a�t�rs. Very tr�ly yc�u�s, � �� � Ci���- r / John�. Antosz � � 71,zd�� L � � ,� ��.,.�: t�; z::��n�.y Cc��missic�ne:s �.�e�an�t C�unty, �ash't�g�t�� �p�ro�� D�sapprcave C�isi. #,r' '�`'°r �9�'�. ,�� ._. _ I3iSt. ,�,`-�-2 �45�.�2 �is�. �� �is�. �3