HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC � CC}MMIS�IUNE�S' PRt��EEDINGS Week of October 1G, 20Q0 The Grant Ccrunty CQmmissic�ners session was called to ord�r at 9:Q0 a.m. by Chairman Deborah Moore. All af the Cam�nissione�rs were in attendance wzth the C1erk af the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the zninutes of the preced'zng session as written. ,F c�:7�q� The Commissioners approved the request by the Community I�evelopment Department for Srenda Larson to at�end the National Fire Academy Arson Investigation course in Emmitsburg, MA. ��j;,��� A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by � Commissioner Allzson that Resolution Number 2000-125-CC in the matter of notice af decision on the a Randal and �indy Niessner application for zone �hang� from Heavy Industrial to Generai Commerczal be passed. The motion canrzed. � ��U�� The Ccrmmzssioners appr�ved a request fre�m the Columbia Basin Graund tiVater Management Area to begzn a study on exposure to nzt�ate and methemoglobin lev�ls in infants. They also apprc�ved a propasal tc� hold ou�reach clinics to reach under-served and Iow income audiences. i:����, The Commissioners approved the request for transfer af funds in the Current Expense Fund #001, Capital Uutlay and other Departm�ent #I41 in the amount of$1,244. f�����Ghairman Moore was authorized to sign the Special C?ccasio� Liquor License approval for Pot�-Ioles Ducks Unlimited. ��.�.���The Cammissioners signed the Contract with Seubert Excavators,Inc. for the 20�10,'2001 Crushing and 5tockpiling, ����A motion tivas made by Cammissioner Allison, secQnded by Gommissioner Sn�ad that Resolution Number 20{10-126-CC relating to the �ransfer of funds within the 20{}0 laudg�t of the County Road Fund in the amount of$56,00(� be passed. The motio� carried. ��.����The Commissioners held a Publ�c Hearing regarding the Interim (,�fficial Cantrols in order to take public comment on t�rdznance Number 2000-121-GC. An Ord'znance relating to the adoption af Inte�m Qfficial C�ntrols temporarily amending the residential development densities in Rural Residential 2, Rural Residential 3, Rural Cc�mmuni�ty, Agricul�are Service Center, Recrea�ianal Development, Shor�line Develapment 1, Shpreline Develop�nent 2, Shc�reline Development 3, Shoreline L}evelapment 4, and prahibiting non-agricultural indu�trial develc�pment and commercial develapment in Rural General Comm�rcial, Ru�ra.� Neighborhood �ammercial, Rural Freew�y Commerczal, Rural �Zecreational Commercial, Rural Light Industrxal, and Rural Communzty, Agriculture Service �enter, Recreati�nal Develflpment, Shoreline Develapment 1, �horeline Develapment 2, Shoreline Development 3, Shoreline Development 4 zoning district, and other ma�t�rs properly relating thereto. Scot� Clark, Grant County Long Range Planner �xplained the purpose for the hearing and the pa�t hzstory. Pul�lic in attendance was Vicki Johnson, I�atherine Kennisan, Shari Katzer, I�arald Janet�, Everett Brissey. {��R�� A Public Hearing was held and a znot%on was made by Cammissioner Snead, seconded by Comrr�zssioner Allzson tha� Resolution Number 2000- 1�7-CC authorizing an apprapriatian �nd expenditure of funds far the Infanna�ion Services Fund#501, T3epartment#179 in th� amount of$Si,53{� b� passed. The motion carried. ���� A Public �-Iearing was held and a motion was made by Commisszoner Snead, seconded by Cc�mznissic�ner Allison that Resolution Num.ber 2000- 128-Cc autha�izing an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Grant +County P.A.R.C. Fund #115, Department #157 �n the amount of$15,229 be passed. The matic�n �arrzed. � �,�-��� The Camrnisszaners apprc�ved the 2 percent cost of lzving increase fQr Joan M. Duffin and Edurard L. Hernandez of the District Court �ffice, effective January 1, 200a. ����i� As c�fthis date the Baard by a majority vote do�s approve for payment those vouchers included 'zn the list filed in the Auditors Clff'ice 10/16/20�0 zn the total amount a�$944,456.03. ��..��t i The Conur.�zssioners set a Public Hearing for October 31, �00{� at 1:00 p.m. regarding the request for supplemental budget for cu�rent E�pense Fund#��1, Sherif�'s L}epartment#1 i 4 in the amount nf$21,460. r���--�t�A motion was made by Commxssioner Snead, seconded by Corrimissioner A�lzsan that R�solutzon Number 2000-129-CC relating ta the transfer af funds within the 2000 budget of the Law & Justice Fund #121, Departmen��163 zn the amount of$35,265 be passed. The mntion carried. ,r�.?�13 A mation was made by Commzssianer Snead, seconded by Can�nissioner A1lison that Resolution Numbex 2000-130-CC setting a Public Hearing for Octaber 31, �OOQ at 1:00 p.m. relating to the facts requiring an apprapriatzon and expenditure of funds for the Current Expense Fund #001, Superior Court I?epartment #103 in the amount af $35,2b5 be passed. The motion carried. ` ��.,��rc,� Cha�rrnan Moore was authorized to sign the Schoal Resource Officer Agreement wzth�he Wahlulce Schaol I}istrict No. 73. As th�re was no fizrther business to come before the Board the session was adjourned until fJctflber 23, 2�OQ. BOARD C�F COUNTY CO��IVIISSI(�NERS �TTEST: GRANT COtTNTY, WASH�TN�Tt`�I'�I �� ' �� ',�'���� � Clerk of the Board Chai�-man �� � ,