HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMI�SItJNERS' PRCICEEDI�TGS Week af August 21, 2��0 The Grant County Commissioners sessian -v�as called to a�der at 9:00 a.m. by Chainnan Deborah Moore. All af the Co�am.issioners were in attendance with the Clerk �f the Soard. The Commzssioners read and appraved ihe minutes of the precedzng sesszon as written. �t�/���The C�mmissioners approved the salary increase af Arnold Garza of the Juvenile Probation Depaztment io $2,271 per month. ��j,��� The Commissior�ers approved the purchase of �he 1994 Suburban ta Gran� County Fire Distric� #5. ,��1��T-As ofthis date ihe Bc�ard by a majority vote does approve for payment thase vouchers zncluded in the Iist fiied in the Auditars Office 8121/�Od{� in the tatal amount of $431,905.32. I�,���3 The Cammissioners received a Summons and Complaint from Jared A. Kemp. The matter was refer�red ta the Prosecutin� Attorney for handling. �; ���"��Z'he Commissioners appraved ihe reque�t by the Boundary Review Board for a budget extension necessary for remuneratron to board members for their meetings. �%�/ ��f.� The Camznissioners held a Public Meeting regarding a Re-plat af a portion of Fann Unit 116, Black 4I creating one 5.��-acre parcel in ihe Suburban 1 zone requested b� Pau1 McCor�kle. A mo�ion was mad� by Con:�nzssioner Snead, seconded by Go��m%ssioner Al�zson that the Planning Commission recommendation for approval be upheld wi-�h the findings and conditions as provided by the Planning I7epartment. The mofiion carrzed. As there was no further business to come before the Board the sesszon was continued until Au�ust �2, 2�Q0. August 22, 20Q0 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with al� of the Commissioners in a�tendance wi�h the Glerk of the Baard. The C'ommissioners met with ihe Public Works Director regardin� Vehzcle Purchase-Fire Dis�rict Nc�. 5, Cont�act Execut�on-`2{�' NE Pedestrian Path, RAP Projects-Rating Points. %�1�'�-� The Commissioners appro�ed ihe purchase by the Maintenance Depart�ent of a 1996 Ford Pickup. ����� -� The Commissioners signed a Contract with Basin Pavzng for 201�TW Pec�estz-ia� Pa�h, CRP 2000-5. ;���.�/ The Comznissioners approved the requesi by the Grant County Department of Emergency Management for the publication af an update and publication of the county wide emergency response plan for hazardous materzals in the amaun� of $587.50. r d�- ���� The Commissioners apprc�ved the salary increase of the Grounds Manager for the Cirant County Faa�rgrounds ta $2,965 per month effective July l, 2000. ��.� �� Chairman Moore was authorized ta sign the Security Cantract with Nloan Secu�ty to pxovide private security guards for the Cauniy's D'zstrict Court Department. ���� � The Commissioners set a Public �Iearing for S�ptember S, 24(}0 at 1:00 p.m. regardin� a supplemental budget for Grant County P.A.R.C. Fund # 115, Departmeni # 157 in the amount of $150,t?Ofl from unantzczpated state/federal funds. l�� ��"�A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner 1Vloore that Resoluiian Number 2040- 9b-�C rel.aiing to a supplemental extension in �he budget of the Domestic Violence Fund # 128, Department # 1�a in the amouni c�f $$4,791 be passed. The motia� carrzed. i� !��"� A Public Hearing was held and a moiion �T�.s made by Can�missioner A1lison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolutian Number 200a- 97-�C relating to a supplemental e�ension in ihe budget of the Curreni Expense Fund #t�(} 1, Prasecuting Attarney Department # 109 in the amount af $28,802 be passed. The motion carried. As there was no further busin�ss �o come b�fare the Board the session uTas continued until August 24, 2000 at 1:00 p.m. August 24, 2000 The session was continued at 1:3{? p.m. with a11 ofthe Commissi�n�rs in aitendance with the �lerk of the Board. �����4�The Cammissianers spent ihe afternoon in a Development Regulations Workshop. ��-{ S���The �ommissionez-s signed a Hald Harmless agreement with Michael T. Ratigan regarding the Grant County Metal Drive fi am August 3 0 through September 30, 2040. ,�.�/,���Chairman Moor� was authorized to sign Foz�m Amendment #2 io amend the interagency agreement between the North Cen�ral Washzn.gton Regianal Support I�etwork and Grant County. ��.� ���Chainnan Maore was authorized to sign Rural Arte�ial Pro,gram Prospectus on Road G-S�V,11-SW,L-NE,N-NEISE, and Martin Road. ��- g' ���hairman Moore was autharized to sign the �xcused absences in the Law and Justic� Center on August 23 and 24 du� to excessive paznt fiunes in the offices. As ih�re was no fizrther business to come befare the Board the sessiQn was continued unti19:00 a.m. on August �5. August 25 The sesszc�n was cflniinued at 9;OQ a.m. with a11 �fthe Commissioners in attendance wit� the Clerk of the Board. f�����The Commissioners spent the day in a Development Regulations Workshop. As there was na further buszness to come before the Baaz�d the session was adjourned until August 28, 20�0. t {' '�..�t.:J�: ��x � �e BOfi�RD (JF COUNT� COI��SSIONERS GR.ANT �OUNT�Y, WASHINGTCJN � Chairman