HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-087-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF APPROVING THE ) MODIFICATIONS TO THE MOSES POINTE ) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT ) PLAN TO INCLUDE 186 SINGLE-FAMILY LOTS ) 36 MULTI-FAMILY LOTS, AN 11.11 ACRE ) COMMERCIAL SITE AND A 122.08 ACRE GOLF ) COURSE AND ASSOICATED USES IN A ) PORTION OF SECTIONS 7 AND 18, TOWNSHIP ) 19 NORTH, RANGE 28 EAST, W. M., GRANT ) COUNTY, WASHINGTON ) RESOLUTION NO. 2000-87—CC RESOLUTION APPROVING MODIFICATIONS TO THE MOSES POINTE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT PLAN M. H. MOORE PROPERTIES WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that an open record public hearing was conducted on May 3, 2000 on the matter of modifications to the Moses Pointe Planned Unit Development Concept Plan which includes 186 single-family lots, 36 multi-family lots, 11.11 acre commercial site, 122.08 acre golf course and associated facilities. The proposal is for the acceptance of the modification to the original concept plan layout; and, W�REAS, the Grant County Planning Commission made a recommendation to approve the modifications to the Moses Pointe Planned Unit Development Concept Plan at the open record public hearing on May 3, 2000; and, WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Comrnissioners held a public meeting on May 22, 2000 at 3:30 P.M. in the Commissioners Hearings Room of the Courthouse in Ephrata, Washington; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have made a decision to uphold the recommendation from the Grant County Planning Commission to approve the modifications to the Moses Pointe Planned Unit Development Concept Plan; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have upheld the findings and conclusions of the Grant County Planning Commission; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the modifications to the Moses Pointe Planned Unit Development Concept Plan is consistent with the approved Moses Pointe Planned Unit Development concept plan; and, WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the modifications to the Moses Pointe Planned Unit Development Concept Plan does comply with the conditions of approval of the Findings, Conclusions and Final Decision of the Grant County Board of Commissioners; and, Page 2 of 3 Resolution Approving Moses Pointe, Phase l, Final Planned Unit Deveiopment Map WHEREAS, the Board af County Cornmissioners have found that modifications to the Moses Fointe Planned Unit Development Concept Plan does compiy with the conditions of the Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance; and, WHEREAS, the Board c�f County Comtnissioners have found that modificatians to the Moses Pointe Planned Unit Development Concept Pian does camply with the conditions af the Substantial Development Permit; and, WHE1tEAS, the Board of Caunty Camrnissioners have approved the madifications to tha Moses Painte Planned Unit Development Concept Plan as accepted by the Grant County Planning Cammission; NOw THEREFORE, BE IT RE30LYED, that the Board of County Camznissioners for Grant County, Washington agprove by this Resalution, khe modifications to the Moses Point� Planned Unit Developrnent Concept Plan which includes 186 single-family lots, 36 multi-Pamily lots, 1 l.l 1 acre commercial site, 122.48 acre golf caurse and associared facilities. Located in a portion of Sections 7 and 1$, Tawnship 19 North, Range 2$ East, W.M., Grant County, Washington more fully described as fallows: Legal Description: nuT n�nr a sccmHs r �r�o �a TowNswv rs nann�, RANGE 2E EASi, w.w., oe'..c.nem �s rauows: C9i/MEIM7MG Af TiE 3EC.1fO1 COlbiE11 COi1ilON TO MdNl1ENT IOCAIED N't'!IE W7ERSECI�GN OF' ftOAC 9Ef�l1lMG 7HtNC£ Sa!"3�C0'E KONG M£ CQIiEf siuo xcnaNs � un ,a wz� n�cr: n+c� sc aaiMo�llr uwc a' sue Ro�o 's' t1E: iFtlEHCE �1 ro� s n�a+ w�tros � crw � muc vt�t aF � nq�a noa SCC�ION UNE Cp1Ytl1� fp ¢C110N3 12 PCNT ON iHE EAif s04NOMY tK Oi Sq�V/'�7"W� AO! RET: i1R1MC[ SkM70 MQOO�'S7i. Jtlk04:ELT. RR!!CL 56YS NM74'�M"W, 2S3.Oi iEEh 1fE1M� MO Ti[NCE N34K0'OO�M. 1ilS.N R[ET; TIO BQIMUMY tM1E QF SAD ROliQ '£' NE; '. ilC CENikit LI11E OF SA1M1 110M 'f"" NE iMl110E N00'+04'37'E'. M.01/C 3111D C£Ni! stcnars ��+ko �z. ao,s2 t�r ro a caw�w ro sr�o sccnwes � u+o �a: AND SND SE4119N 11l1E Ca1NON TO SE BEARS 5004#'�4'W. 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TO lYE 9E4MMIC OF A C011PdIHD GMt4E NikfTllME3T 1N1H A RAQR)S QF tQ40Q iEih i}KNCE MGNC iHE NtC Of 5! 1YiRqlfil A COIIRIL MIaE Oi Z6ZT13�. 7].6� iEET; 1YIENC£ ON A N4NTi 91.i0 RET, � Sf41i'2!"YR �6.lN 1iET: itKIiCE 'SJT36'12'ri. 161.�35 aaai rter: nioa� �woo^ao'a. ww rtet: � sass+roe�w, rs.�+ i ee.x� r�[er: n�nce sn'a'on°�r, �2e.as �et: n*'.Hcc Hrrar2�hv. iet.s� ss+.n � n�ecc serr�ss�€. �a rtri m n+c �cM.+c oF a cu unu � �ufra er `tsm etY7: riEN[Y.' A1d10 1NE MIC OF SND WIIVL T CONTAiNNO 2Jt.29 Ad�S MUIIC t7R LESS A ]' MA�M� 'A' 1ltt1L! Ot AIENt'd Mi0 111E �dttE5416A 1KNC[ ALdW M SIUD A POMT 1NAT lARS MIU/T: TiO1C[ Page 3 of 3 Resolution Approving Moses Pointe, Phase 1, Final Planned Unit Development Map Done this o,� /`�-� da of `� , 2000. Y G. Attest � " C1erk�Board �< < , c ��c �t���.�'1'� � Chairman, Deborah Moore L. Commissio. r, LeRoy Allison ..m.� j �i�;�; l fL.�;Z��r, � Commission r, Ti Snead Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington