HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCi,-''� Comrnissivners Proceedings Week of July 31, �(i00 The Grani �ounty Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by �hairman Deborah Moore. Commissianer All�son was in attendance with Yhe Clerk of the Board; Commissioner Snead was in attendance duu�ing the afternoon. The Commissian�rs read and approv�d the minutes of the preced`zng sessian as written. �;�� i��- The Commissioners approved the request by �he Fire Marshal for a County Wide Burn Ban begznnzng at 12.01 am an August 2, 200Q due to severe fire danger. � 4- �`� �� The Comnzissioners receive� a Notice of Intent from Peier Erzksen. The matter was referred to the Prosecuti.ng Attorney fo� handling. ��.� ���, The Commissioners appointed Kathy Edwards to a posi�ion on the Grant County Plannzng Comn�ission. r� t i� i As of this daie ihe Boaxd by a maj ority voie docs approve fo� payment tha�e vouchers filed in ihe Auditors Office 7/31/2000 in th� total amount of $367,$43.42. E�� �1 ��� Chairman Moore wa.s authorized to szgn approval of the liquor Iicense application of ihe Cc�Iumbia Sasin Rodea Association. As there was no fizrther business to come befare �the Board �he session was contznued until Augusi 1, 2000. August 1, 2000 The sessian was continued at 9:00 a.m, with aI1 af the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners met �vith the Public Works Direc�or regarding Notzce af Hearing-Road Establishment {Laring & Grape Ext.}, Pit Site Purchase-Bill Seig, Straiegic In�rastructure Pragram, Gravel Road Study Update. ��. (�1 �� The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Sally C�.tlin oithe Assessors Office �o $�232 per month. �� ��� A mo�ian was made by Commissianex Snead, seconded by Cammzssioner Allison that Resolutian Number 2000-8S-CC relating to the trans�er of funds withan the 2000 budget of the Cunent Expense Fund #001, Clerk's Department # 1{?5 and the Co-ape�aiive E�ension Departmeni # 122 in �he amoi�nt of $3,200 be passed. T`he znotion carried. � ��!�'� � Chairman Moore was authoxized to sign the Exemptian from Shoreline Managemeni Act Substantial L?evelopment Permit Requiremenis for Power Engineers, Inc. for �he installatzon of fiber optic communication conduit. �� ��� ��--�The Commissianers �igned a letter to the Columbia Basin Rodeo Assoczation s�tiing out stzpulations to be incarporated 'znto the approved plan for a beer garden at the Moses Lake Roundup Rodea and demolition derby, August 16 through 19, 200Q. �� ��� 3�hainnan Moore was authorized to sign the permit for Share�ine Management Substantial Developmen�tConditional Use for the Washington State Department of Fish and Wzldlife for improvements at Martha Lake and Burke Lake. ��-( ��� The �ommissioners held a PubZic Hearing and a motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 2000-8&-CC relating to a supplemental extension in ihe 2000 budget of the Menial Health Fund #408, Department # 150 in the total amaunt of $55,678 be passed. i�e moiion ca�ied. ����,��� A motion was made by Commissioner Aliisan, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resoluizon Number 2004-$7-CC approving modaf cations to the Moses Point Planned Unit JJevelopment Concept Plan be passed. The motion carried. � c.� (��� A motion was made by Commissioner Allisan, secanded by CQmmzssioner Snead that Resolution Number 20Q0-$8-CC approving Moses Pointe, Phase l, Fina1 PUD Map be passed. The motzon carried. j,� ��� A motion was made by Cammissioner A.Ilison, seconded by Commisszoner Moore that Resolutian Number 2000-8�-CC in the matter of setting a Public Hearing for August 29, 2000 ai 10:3Q a.m. regarding the matter of establishing a portion of Loring Drive and Gra�ae Drive at part of the Caunty Road System be passed. The moiion carried. As there w�s no further business to came before the Board the session was adjourned until August 7, 2040. BO�RD O� COUNTY C(�I��VLISSIt�NERS ATTEST: GRANT COUNT�, WASHi�3GTUN _ ��. Clerk� he 8oar�� � _ �..������ �-...�`��'�,c��� � Chairman