HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-064-CCGRANT COLINTY BOARD OF CONIMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington RESOLUTION NO. 00- 64-CC ORDINANCE NO. 00-64 -CC AN ORDINANCE RE-ADOPTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE GRANT COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE RELATING TO PERMITTED USES AND RESTRICTIONS, AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) of Grant County, Washington, intends to fully comply with the orders of the Eastern W�.shington Growth M�nagement Hearings Board; and WHEREAS, the BOCC adopted Resolution No. 97-143-CC entitled, "A Resolution Adopting Grant County's Work Plan for Continued Compliance with the Growth Management Act," and Resolution No. 98-25-CC entitled, "Resolution Adopting GMA Work Plan/Critical Path Schedule, Expressing An Intent to Approve Supplemental Budget to Complete Elements of Approved GMA Work Plan, and Designating Review and Consideration of Additional Interim Measures;" and WHEREAS, RCW 36.70A.390 empowers the BOCC with the authority to renew interim official controls to protect, inte� alia., the Agricultural Zone; and WHEREAS, RCW 36,70A.390 empowers the BOCC with the authority to adopt interim official zoning controls without holding a public hearing prior to the adoption of same; WHEREAS, Grant County is currently studying �nd preparing code amendments to its zoning code regulating its Agriculture Zone, to establish new zoning categories to protect the Agriculture Zone; and WHEREAS, the BOCC finds that interim official controls addressing residential uses and densities within the Agriculture Zone, previously �dopted in Ordin�nce/Resolution No, 98-37-CC, on April 7, 1998, re-adopted by and through Ordinance/Resolution No. 98-158-CC, on October 6, 1998, and re-adopted by and through Ordinance/Resolution No. 99-45 -CC, on April 5, 1999, re- adopted by and through Ordinance/Resolution No. 99-215-CC, on November 1, 1999, and as set forth herein, are reason�,ble and necessary to protect the Agriculture Zone during the period of time AN ORDINANCE REGARDING INTERiM AGRICULTURAL ZONING CONTROLS Page 1 of 4 CIVILB\ORDINANCE\LAND-USE\AG-ZON�.OR6 reqt�ired to prapare and adapt a new, updated zoning cade and deve).opmental regulations iznplementing Grant County's GMA Camprehensive Plan, including the adoption and est�blishment of'new zone categories in the Agriculture Zone; and WHEREAS, the BOCC adopted Ordinance/Resolution Na. 98-37-CC, �dopting interim afficiaJ cantrols in the Agricultural Zone, containing a�a amendment ta the Grant County Zoning Ordinance providing for a definitian of"farm," containing permitted uses, and containing restrictions �nd re-adopted same by and through Ordinance/Resolution No. 98-158-CC; and WHEREA,S, the BOCC adopted Ordinance/Resolution No. 99-112-CC on July 19, 1999, a�nending the minimum 1ot size in the Agriculture zone to fart� (44) acres or mare; and WHEREAS, the 130CC re-adopted the above referenced interiin zoning contrals in OrdinancelResalution Na. 99-177-CC, and re-adopted same in 4rdinance/Resalutian No. 99-215- CC, which were reasanable and necessary to further the County's purpose. N(}W, THEREFCIRE, THE GRANT C(�UNT'I' BOA.RD OC C�MMI"�STONERS D4 NEREBY ORDAIN AND E�TABLIS tN AS FOLLOW S: Section 1, The amendment to Grant C'ounty Zoniyag Q�dinanee, Sectian V"A (Agriculture}", Uses Permitted, subsectzon (B.)(8}, adapted by ResolutianNo, 80-39-CC (Ordinance No. 80-39-CC) on April 15, 1980, amended by Resolutian No. 96-147-CC (Ordinance No. 9b-147- CC), on November 12, 1996, which was rapealed and re-enacted �s a new subsection b� and thraugh Ordin�,ncelResalution No. 98-37-CC, on April 7, 1998, re-adapted by and throu�;h Ordinance/Resolution No. 98-155-CC, on October 6, 1.998, and re-adopted by �n.d through OrdinancelResalution No. 99-45-CC, on Apri] 5, 1999, and re-adopied by and thrc,u�;h OrdinancelResolution No. 99-177-CC on November 1, 1999, continues to read as follows; 8. Any awner occupied residence located on the far.m as defined in RCW 84.34.020(2) which is located in the Agriculture Zone District may be subdivided once every five (S) years in accordance with the Grant Caunty Short Plat Ordinance ("An Ordinance Relating To Short Plats And Short Subdi�isions") Section 2, Exemptions (7), so long as the smaller portion of the subdivision contains no less than one (1) acre vvith the owner occupied dwelling unit; and the rernaining farm parcel contains no less than forty (40) acres. Parcels created pursuant to this exemption may not be further subdivided for a period of five {5) years except for land divisions created pursuant to ,Section V, subsection (B.)(10), of the Grant County Zoning fJrdinance. AN ORDINANCE REG.1�Rf�ING INTERTM AGRICULTURAL ZONING CQNTROLS Page 2 of 4 CI VIL81U I�DINANC] i1LAND-US�\AG-ZdIVE.OR6 Section 2. The ame.ndment to ihe Grant Cvunty Zoning Or^dznance, Section V"A {AgricultL�re)", subsection (C.) Restrictions, adapted by Resoiutian No, 80-39-CC (Ordinance Na. 80-39-CC) on April 15, 1980, amended by Ordinance/Resolution No. 98-37-CC, on Apri17, 1998, re-adopted by �nd through Ordinance/Resolution No, 98-158-CC, on Octaber 6, 1998, and re- adopted by and through Ordinance/Resolutian No, 99-45-CC, on Apri15, 1999, and re-�dopted by Ordinance/ResolutionNo. 99-177-CC, continues to read as follows: C. RESTRICTIOl'�S l. Lot Are� Required. 40 acres unless as provided under Section V 13., 8 and Section B,1 Q.) Forty (40) �cres, except as atherwise provided for by Section V�B.)(8), Section V{B.)(10) and Section V(D.) {Conditional Uses by Special Permit� of the Crrant Caunty Zaning Ordinance. Z. Yards Required: There shall be a front yard not less than twenty-iive {25} feet deep and two side y�rds each nat less than �ve {5) feet wide.) No building shall be placed closer th�n twenty-fve (2S} feet to any road, street, or public right-af-way. No building shall be placed closer than five {5} feet to �ny side �ard praperty line which daes noi cont�in a raad, street, ar public z-ight-of-way. A temporary stand far the display and sale of agricultural products produced on the premises farm m�y be lacated in the frant yard but not claser than ten (10} feet to any public raad, streat, ar rzght-af-way. There shall be na subdivision of l�nd for housing purposes other than as provided by Section V(B.)(8}, Section �(B.}(10) and Sectian V(B.)(12} (40 acre minimum lot size), of the Grrant County Zoning Ordinance. Section 3, A public hearing will held an the re-adopiion ofthe aforementioned interim official control within the time period required by chapter 36,70A RCW. Said hearing has been set for June 26, 2000. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT THE GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS adopt this ardinance to tal�e effect 7une 20, 2000, for the preserv�tian af the of the Agricultural zone during the time period required to prepare and adopt an upd�ted zaning code and develapmental regulations consistcnt with Grant County's GMA Comprehensive Plan, including without limitations, new c�tegories in the Agricultur�l zone, and these interim official control sh�ll be in full force and effect to the earlier of G months from the date of adoption of this resolutionlordinance by the Board of Grant County Commissioners, or the �doption of a new zoning code, to include new categaries for the Agriculture zane, AN (3RDINANCE REGARI7ING INTERIM AGRICULTURAL ZONING CONTRQLS Page 3 of 4 CT VI7.,810KD1NANCEILAND-LTSEIAG-ZONE.OR6 DATED this ��� day of June, 2000, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON ���,�.,��.,,, �.._c�, d ��,f��'c� Deborah Kay Mo�e,_ hair � ������ � _1�i � /%/ .-..,r�— �— -' • �� • �- Attest: �.:.J� Clerk of the ard: Notice Published: 06/�/00; 06/�/00 AN ORDINANC� REGt�RDING INTERIM AGRICULTURAL ZONING CONTROLS Page 4 of 4 CIVILB\ORDINANCE\LAND-USE\AG-ZONE.OR6