HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC r�' COMMISSI()NERS' �'RtJCEEDINGS Week of May 22, 2000 The Grant Caunty Commissioners session was called i�o order at 9.00 a.m. by Chai.rman Deborah 11�Iaare. All of the Commissic�ners in at�endance with the Clerk of�he Board. The Comnaissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as u�itten. � �..���� The �ammissioners approved the s��ary increase of Leon Byrd of the Maintenance Department to $1,653. per month in a ful� time janitorial pasition. �������`� The Commissianers appraved the salary increase of Bert (a-reenwalt af the Maintenance Department ta 100 percent of the janitorial salary. �_..�.;��� The Commissioners notified the Accounting Department of the hi�ing af Angie Favero as the Human Resources/Administrative �oordinator at a saiary af$45,00� per y�ar effective May 22, 2040. ��c.�.���t The Commissioners approved out of state travel for Kim Coak of the �heriff's C}ffice to attend the Nozthwest Officers Resource Assaciation Training. �,���q�.,The Commissioners approv�d the salary increase of Dennis L. Haley of the Juvenile Department to $2,245.60 per month. �r,����, The Commissionez s approved aut af state travel for Sheriff�rVi�ster tQ attend a presentation to the Federal Bureau af Land Management Law Enfo�cement Leadership Team. ��q��� The Car�zmission�rs received �. Summons and Complaznt frorn Roger Fazr, efi a1. The matter was referred to the Prosecuting Attarney far�iandling. �����'The Commissioners held a Public Meeting on the prapased Moses Pointe, Phase �, Final PUD Map, Final Planned Unit Develapment. After review of the informatian from the Planning Departm.ent and questians Qf Planning Staff a rnotic�n was made by �ommissioner Snead, seconded by Gammzssioner Allison to uphold the Flanning Cammission recommendation tc� accept the rnajor modifications. The motion can?ied. A motion was made by Com�rrussioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner A1lison to acc�p-t the final Planned U�ait Deve�opment map as listed tivith finding and 4.b changes. The matir�n carried. After further di�cussion Commissioner Moore asked that the 4 findings of fact an the second mt�tion and the 12 canditions be read inta the record. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, secand�d by Cammissioner Allzsan to accept Phase 1 with fandings and conditions as read into �he reeord. The motion carried. As there was no :further business ta come befare the Board the session was continued �antzl May 23, 2000. M�y 2�, Zoao. The session was continued at 9:04 a.m. with Chainnan Moare and Commisszoner Allison in attendance wzth the Clerk �f the Board, Commissioner Snead was attending meetings out of town. The �omznissianez�s met �ith -tl�e Public Works Director regarding 14:aa �..m. Bid {�pening (`S' I��W}, Agreement E�ecution-Hauling Services, Reimbursable Wark�Rayal City, `9' NE-Pavzng Proposal, Ruff, H.l':�W Survey. ;1�;�q� The Commissioners held a bid opening on the 5 NW Road Prc�ject. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison to r�fer the bzds ta the Public Works Director for review and recommendation. The motian car�ried. ��$��� The Commisszoners signed the Request to the County Road Department for Reimbursable Work requested by the Czty of Royal City. ������ The Cammissianers upheld the recommendation af the Public Works Director ax�d awa�rded the con�act for `5' I�fW Road project to Narth �ent�al Construction,Inc. ��-���� The Comrnissioners approved the proposal by the Cegnar Company to complete and BST 60Q f�. of Road 9 NE in conjunction with the completion t�f the N�orthridge Plat roads, ��� ��� The Cammzssioners signed an agreement with t�kanogan Seattle Transport fo�Asphalt Haulzng Services for the year 2040. ��,�t�,c�� As of thzs dat� the Board b� a majority vote does approve for payment thase vouchers included in the 1is� filed in the Auditors Offzce 5/22/2000 in �he total amaunt of$7S4,OIQ.2b. ;����.,A motian �vas made by Cammissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolutian Number 2000-54-CC regarding an employee of the Maintenanee Depa�t�nent needed donated sick leave days due to a serzous illness be passed, The motion carried. _�f i�� Chairman Moare was authorized to sign the Notice of Separation of Barbara Cornwell of the Treasurers Offzce, effective June 1, 200a. "���.-�a� Chairman Moore was authorized to sign the Not�ce of Separation of Sue Flaherty o�'the Treasurers C}ffice, effective May 19, 2000. � ���The Commissianers received a Notzce of Intent to Sue, �ram Gary L. �ominguez and Ryan Bradley. The matters were referred to the Prosecuting At�orney for handl'zng. ��,t.����, .A Public lV[eeting v�as held regarding the request by Crzlbert Levander for a ane year time e�ension for the filing of S�ratford Road Estates Preliminary Plat. A motion was made by Commzssioner Allison, seconded by Commission�r Moore that Resolution Number 2000-55-CC approvzng the time extension for the complete filing of the 75 remaining Stratford Raad Estates P�reliminary Plat in a portion of Sec�ion 2, Tawnship 19 North, �ange �8 East, W.M. be passed. The �ation carried. '�`�' " The Cc�mmzssioners appraved salary i�creases for the Prosecuting � , , �r Attorney's effective May 1, 2000. i�� ��� The Commissianers approved the retentzon of the L��kins and t�,nnis Law Firm to obtain a legal analysis regarding the County's options znvolving the treatment of the Hanford Reach by �"ederal Agencies and the U.S. Governement, As there was nc� fi.�rther business to come before the Board the session was adjourned unti� May 34, 2000, BC}AEZT) flF COLSNTY C(�1��IVIISS�NE�S ATTEST: �R.ANT �CIUNTY, WASHINGT(�N � ' �-e � C1er the Bo Chairman � x � �� � ��� �.� �