HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-046-CCBOAR�U UF C�UNTY C{3MMISSIt�I`�ERS �rant Cou�ty, "��VVashingtan IN T�E MATTER OF C(JUNTY REAL PROPERT�'Y SALE RESt)LUTIC)N NC}, Z000-��-cc QRDER DECLARING SUI2PLUS PR{�PERTY WI3ER�AS, the Board of Coun�y Commissioners conducted a hearing on May 8, 2004 of its zntentioz� to declare surplus and to dispose of ce�tain County Real Property, and WHEPEAS, the property in question �s listed below, Nt�W TI3EREF�}RE, BE IT �IEREBY 12ESC1LVED, that the order be granted deci�ring the below �isted praperty surplus, and ordexs tlie disposal of said pr+�perty. 17-1��9-�}�? A tra�t of la�ci in the ��z�t�east of the Sc�th�vesi r�f �e�iicm 32, Tc�wwnsshi� 2�} �ort� Ran�e 2� E�st 1�.�., an L�rrson Air Forcr Base ��ra� County, �ashingion, �iescr�i�e� as �Iio�vs: Be�inning at the i�tersec�c�n o� 3�� A�re. and Coun.t� road fs�rmeriy Ic�own �s i�ov�; Stzy� az�d �ow �Cnnwzz as Ra.�zdolph Rrsad; thence fallowi�tg th� centerliue of �aid RandoIph rnad along a curve t� #he rigi�t �iaving a ra�ius of 1,fl75.0{3 fe�#, an mter�a.l a�g1s of 2Q°I5'S9" a charri le�gti� c�f 3&0,25 feet; ti��c� �tar� �8°56'26" t�iest a dista�:c� c�f ��i.2t} fe�; t�e�c� Sonth 2�°�3'a4" �Test a cizstance af 4fl.4i{� �eet to the Sct�th ri�ht �f way c�f said Do�re� Stre� a�d t�.e �rue �'sai�E af Be�znn�ng; thencs aiang the �� riglrt of way of I?over St� l�oz�#h 6$°�6'26" �Vest a dista.tfc� af 23f3.I2 �e..-t; ihencu �n a curve to t�e €efi ��av� a radi�zs r�f 3ii fe,.-t, an inter�zal angl� af 94°4U'(�4" and a�i�ard �en� 0�42.�� ��L"i �fl �?@ fi„�St F3�3t Q�LVBjT t7�J�� AF�.; thencu So�t1� 2�°€33'34>3 i�Test a distance of 15.73 feetx thertcti nza a curve tti �he left havin� a radius of '�...� fl fe�t, a� int��nal an�le af ��g�' l�" and a c�c�rd a I�n�th af di�.�4 feYt; then�� Seuth (30°=� I' i 9" Eas� a c�iszanca of 2�.4$ fe�t; t�z�� an a ���v� aurve �o �� 1�ft ha.vin� a radius of 2�} fee�, an i,�ternal aazgle c�f 32°1'7' I2" and a c�cr� �e�� of 1 l. �2 fe�t; thencs c�n a concave curve tc� �e ri�ht havi�g a rac�ius af SQ feet, arz int�.i angie of 25°3 i'49" and a c�Zard Iex�gth of 2�.95 fe�t; the�c� Socrth 83"fl2'St�" East a c�:>tanc� of 23.�5 f�-� ther3ca So�h 04°57°I£i" E�st a c�stanc� of 3t�.40 �ee€; thence Sc�ut.� 89°�2'�f?" East a d�s�zc: of 131.93 fe� th�c� Nc�rth QO°5�'It�" �est a tizsianc� c�f It3fi.19 fe� to the S�u#�i r�gl�t ofway of said Dt��er Str:.et ar�d bac:c to the �'�rze t'�int c�f Se�innin�. Gontaining a�aPraxiu3ate�y 4.� � acr�s mare flr Iess. �eserving �he�efrom, }��rPe2z�ai za.sements fc� tlt.e apera�� and �air�t�c� c�i a�t ��is�i�� ��zii�ies. �'� 13,?�6 ui ;'��SE Sc.c 32-2t�-3� Done this 8t� day of 112ay, 2000 ATTEST: � ,���' Clerk o� � Bc�ard �� Gr�.��t �c�un� BO�RI) OF C�UNTY C(71�'IMISSI{�NERS Gl�.ANT COtTNTY, WA��-IlN�TCJN