HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-034-CCGR.ANT C(7UNTY BtJARD OF COMNIISSIONERS Grant County, W�shington. ORDINANCE RTO. 00-34 -CC RESOLUTION NO, 00-3�+-CC AN ORDINANCE RE-ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE, �MEI�IDING THE RESIDENTIAL, SUBURBAN, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND OP�N SPACE RECREATIONAL SECTIONS OF THE GRANT COUNTY ZONING O.RDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR RUI�L AND RESTDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DENSITIES (7UTSIDE OF DESIGNATED INTERTM URBAN GROWTH AREAS AIUD/OR URBAN GROWTH AREAS ON AN INTERIM BASIS, ANI7 OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THERETO. WHEREAS, the Board af County Cammissioners (Board} of Grant County, `W�shingtan, {the "County"}, intends to fully comply with the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Bo�rd; and WHERLAS, the Board adopted Ordinance/ResolutionNa. 96-108-CC entitled, AResolution Adapting Grant Caunty's Plan Far Continued Campliance With The Growth Management Act, constituting a"work plan" as zequired by RCW 3b.�0A,390; and WI3EREAS, said resolutianlordinance stipul�,tes that the County will �dopt interiin residential zoning density regulations for existing zoning districts consisting of Suburban (S-1, S-2, S-3), Residentia] (R-1, R-2}, and Open Space Recreational (O-SR}; and AN ORDINANCE RE-ADOPTING A1V�NDMENTS TO THE Zl�N1NG ORDINANCE, AM.ENDING ZONING COI7E AND PROVIDING MINIMUM LfJT AREAS AND MAXIlVIUM DEVELOPMENT DEI�TSITIES - 1 ORDINANCE\INT-ORD.003 WHEREAS, the Board desired to passl�dopt a resalutionlardin�nce that tempararily amended the County's R-1 {Residential), R-2 {Residential), S-1 {Suburban T), S-2 (Suburban II}, S-3 {Suburban III), P-D {Planned Unit Devslopment) and O-SR (Cipen Space Recreatianal} sectians c�f the G�^ant Cou�ty Zoning Ordinance, affecting zoning districts outside of established interim urb�n grawth areas, to provide for a minimum lat area of two and one-half {2rI2} acres and maximum residential development densities for these districts at two and one-half �2'/2} acres per Izving unit, as part of tha County's plan for continued compiiance with the Growth Man�gement Act (GMA); and WHERCAS, the Board adopted t).rdinancelResolution Na. 97-39-CC on March 25, 1997, An Ordinance Adopting Interim Zoning Far Tempor�riiy Amending Crrant County R-I, R-2, S-1, S-2, S-3, P-D, And O-SR zoning districts; and WHEItEAS, RCW 36.7QA,390 empowers the Board to adopt interim zoning cantrols, provided the County holds a public hearing on the prapased interim zoning contral within �t least sixty (60) days of its adoption; and W�IEREAS, OrdinancelResolutian No. 97-39-CC was adopted and implemented as stipulated in the County's "work plan", i.e., OrdinaiicelResalution 96-108-CC; �nd WHEREAS, the Board extended Ordinance(Resolution No. 97-39-CC for an additian�l six (6) months with the adoption of Ordinance/Resolution Na. 97-154-CC on September 23, 1997; and WHEREAS, the Board extended OrdinancelResalution No. 9'7-39-CG and Qrdinance/Resolution No. �7-154-CC far �n additional �ix (6) months with the adoptian af Ordinance/Resolution No. 98-29-CC on March 23, 1998; and WHEftEAS, the Board extended OrdinancetResoluiian No, 98-29-CC on September 23, 1998, with the adaption of (JrdinanceiResolution Na, 98-14A�-CC; and WHEI2EAS,theBoardextendedOrdinancelResalutzonNo.98-144-CCanMarch23, 1999, with the adoption of ClydinancelResolutian No. 99-39-CC; and WHEREAS, theBoard extended Ordinance/ResolutionNo,99-39-CC an or about September 27, 1999, with the �doption of OrdinancelResolution No, 99-154-CC; and WHEREAS, Grant County is currently in the public participation stage of drafting and adopting new develop�nental regulations consistent with the GMA comprehensive p.lan adopted by Grant County on September 30, 1999; and AN (7RDINANCE RE-ADQPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING 4RDINANCE,IIMENDING ZONING CODE AND PROVIDING M1NlMLTM LOT AREAS AND MAXIMUIVI DEVELOPMENT DENSITIES - 2 ORUINANCE\INT-012D.003 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission h�s extended the time period in which to obtain public comment beyond the deadline ariginally imposed; and WHEftEAS, the Board desires to extend the protections and interim ai�"�cial controls in Ordinance No. 99-154-CC, �vvith modificatians as set farth herein, for an additional six (6} months, pursuant to RCW 3G.70A.390; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to re-adopt interim af�'icial zoning controls consistent with its GMA comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to pass/re-adapt an ordinance/resolution that temporarily amends the County's R-1 (Residenti�l), R-2 (Residential), S-I (SL�burban I) and S-2 (Suburban II) sections of the Gr�ant Caunty Zoning O�dinance, affecting zaning districts outside of designated ILTGAs and UGAs, to provide for � minimum Iot area of two �nd one-half (2'/z ) acres, and maximum residential development densities for thesa districts �t twa and one-half (2'/z ) acres per living unit, as part of the County's plan for continued compliance with the GMA; and WHEI�AS, the Board desires to pass/re-adopt an ordinance/resolution that temporarily ainends the County's S-3 (Suburban III), P-D (Planned Unit Development) and 0-SR (Open Space Recreation�l) sections of the G�ant County Zoning Ordinc�nce, affecting zoning districts of designated IUGAs and UGAs, to provide for a minimum lot area of five (5) acres and maximum development densities for these districts at five (5} acres per living unit, as part oftlae County's plan for continued campliance with the CxMA. NClW, THEREFORE, THE B(?AltD 4F COUNTY COMMISSIQNERS Dt3 HEREBY Q12DAIN AND ESTABLISH AS FOLLOWS: 1. That it is apprapri�te to readopt the interim ofiicial cantrals set forth in Ordinance No. 99-154-CC, with modifications �s set forth herein, because the County has a work plan within the contemplation o�' RCW 36,`70A.390; and 2. That density restrictions and miniinum lot sizes in the affected zoning districts are required iaecause the Caunty is compiying with previaus orders of the Eastern Washington Growth M�nagement Hearings Board; and AN QRDINANCE RE-ADOPTING f1MENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDTl'�iANCE, A1V�NDING ZONING CODE AND PROVIDING MINIMUM LOT AIZEAS AND MA��IMUM DEVEL(�PMENT DENSITTES - 3 ORDINANCE\IN1'-ORD.003 3, That interzm official controls are required because the Caunty is calnplying with previous orders of the E�stern �V�shington Growth Management Hearings Board and the requirements of �he GMA; �nd 4. That the interim official controls are required to protect the zaning districts �uhile the County is studying and preparing its new developmental regulations consistent with its GMA comprehensive plan; �nd 5. That a pL�blic hearing will be held on. said interim afficial control within the time period contemplated by chapter 36,7QA RCW; and 6, That the Board hereby adopts this interim official control, re-adopting the interim official control set forth in Ordin�nce/Resolution No, 99- 154-CC as amended and set forth herein, tempararily amendi�ig the fallawing sections of the G�^ant C'ounty Zoning O�dina�rce, �nd establishing a minimum lot area of twa and one-half (2'/z� acres and a m�ximum residential density of one (1) residenti�l unit per two and one-half (2'/2) acres, outside of designated IUGAs andlor UGAs for the following County zoning designations: Section VI--A, R-1 �Residential); Section Vl--B, R-2 (Residential); Section - Suburban - 1(S-1); and, Section - Suburban-II (S-2); and 7. That the Board hereby adopts this interim official control, readapting the interim officia.l cantrol set forth in QrdinanceJResalution No. 99- 154-CC, temporarily amending the fallowing sectio�s of the Gr^ant Caunty Zonxng Ot�dinrxtaee, and establishing a minimum lot area of five acres and a maximum residential density of one (1) residential unite per five (5} acres, outside af designated UGAs and/or IUGAs, for the following Caunty zoning designations: Section - Suburb�n - III (S-3); and, Section - XII, O-SR (Open Space Recreation); and 8, That the Board hereby adapts this inierim official co.ntrol, re-adapting the interim official cantrol set farih in 4rdinanceClZesolutian Na, 99- 154-CC, as set forth and amended herein, temporarily amending Cx�ant �'aunty (.7�dincznce, Section XI P-D (Planned Unit Develapment}, to not take precedence over the aforementioned affected interim zoning chapters; and AN QRDINANCE RE-ADUPTING AMENDMENTS TO TI-� ZC}NING QRDINANCE, A,MFNDING ZQNING CQDE ANI? PRQVIDING MINIMUM LQT AREAS AI�D 11�AXIlVIIJM DEVELC?PMENT DENSITIES - 4 ORDIN�NCE\IN'T-ORD,Q03 9. That this interim official control shall be in force and effect for the earlier of six (6) months from the date of adoption of this resolution/ ordinance by the Board, or the adoption of the County's new developmental regulations that are consistent with its GMA comprehensive plan. PASSED AND ADOPTED this � day of April, 2000, BOf1RD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON YI� Q�tc. � V 1�L� (�-�.,, Deborah Kay Moore, air , LeRoy C, ison, Member ��. �____---------- � .�� Tim Snead, Mem er ATTEST: V �� Clerk o Board AN ORDINANCE RE-ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE, AMENDING ZONING CODE ANID PROVIDING MINIMUM LOT AREAS AND MAXIMUM DEVELOPMENT DENSITIES � 5 ORDINANCE\INT-ORD.003