HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC✓ CtJMM�SSitJNERS' PRC}CEED�NGS Week of A.priZ 3, 2(}OQ The Grant County- Camrnissio�erfi s�sszon was called to order at 9:00 a.m, by Vice-Chairman LeRoy C. Ailzso�. Com�nissioner Snead, was in attendance wzth the Cierk of the Boar�. Cammzssioner M�ore uras oui af the offace due io a d�ath in ner family. The Commissianers read and ap�aroved the minutes of ihe ��eceding sesszon as wrztten. � c�,� �-�, The Comm_isszoners signed the S�ta.tement of Agreed Priarit�� regardzng the FY� 20Q 1 Grant/Loan l��pl�cation for Water Resource Inventoz-�% Area (VVRIA) #41. ��-� ��--�3 The Cnmmissioners signed approval of the Special Qccaszon L'zquor License for the Desert Ai�e Men's Golf CI�.� far May 6& 7, and October 7 & 8, �Q4a. ��.�-��-3�- T�e C�mmissioners approved the reques� �y G�rant Mental Healthcare far 5usann Fowler and �eidi Whztney ta attend a workshop �t th� Kc�otenai N1edz�al Center in Idaho. 1�� �� � The Cc�mmissioners szgned Amendment �o. 2 to Group Denial Program No, 792 between Wasnington De�tal Servkce and Grani Countyo ������� The C�mmissioners approved the salary increa�e of Deputy Mat� lVlesser ofthe Sherzf£'s (�ffice ta $3,502 per month. [�;�,�-� The Commissianers approved the req�aes� f�r reinstatement of ��Aedical benefits for Deputy Kyle �ox of the She�f�'s C�7f�'ice. i�.���� The Gommzssion�rs approved the z-equest fox Sheryl Reddi��g of i�e Ass�ssors {�ffice to keep he� sick leave and Iangevity pay for time �vorked at the Sheriff's Uff ce. They also approved her starting salary at 80% of a Floating I�ata Er�try Position. �'`-��`���The Commissioners appra��ed the Notice of Separaiion of Linda Halden of the District Court Off�ceo ���`�`-�The Commissioners signed the March PayroZl warrants lisi # 1 I 1635 through #112339s ��1 ���. � As of this date the Board by a majority voie does approve for paymen� thase vauchers included in �l�e list filed in the Auditors O�ce 3I31/00 �n the total amount of $b1,36$.54. ��,�'c��As ofthis date th� Board �ay a majari�y� vote does a�prove for payment thase vouchers inciuded in the list filed in the Auditors C3ffice 4/3lOQ i� the tota� a�noun� of $976,306.1 � . As there was �o further business to come before the Board ihe session was adjourned until Apri� 4, 2000. Apri14, 2Q00 The session was cantinued at 9:O�1 a.m, with Vice-Chairman AJlison, and Commissioner Snea.d in attendancc with the C1erk of the Board. The Cammissioners met with the Public Works Director rega.rding Bid Authorization-`K' SE �4z, `1' SE, Consultani Contract Amendmeni, Noiice of �-Iearing-Vehicle Mark�ng, Vehi�le Purchase Request, U,S. West- Randalph Rd. �ut, Tammer Request� Part af Royal, Access-5R28, 11:OQ- Dave Ne�san & Brenda Laxse�. "�-� �`�-� A mation was made by C�ommisszaner Snead, secanded by �ommxsszaner Allison that Resolution Number 200Q-29-CC, Ordinance Number 2Q�0-29-CC in ihe �natter of setting a Publzc Hearin� for April 25, 2000 at 10:30 a.m. concerning the adoption af an ardinance relating to the methods and procedures �or n�arking couniy owned veh�cles be passed. The motion carried. ;�, ��}-� � The Cammissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Voucher [ Ap�roval #3-1 through 3-2 in the tatal arnaunt of $20,777.38. ��,} ,.��..� The Commissianers sz�ned th� �uthoriza�ion to Call for Bids an April 25, 2000 at 3 0:00 a.m, on K-SE/1-SE .�o�ds. t�i�'�`�p The Commissioners approved the sta�ting salary of Linda Holden of the Prasecutzng Attorney's �?ffice at 100 °i� of a secretary IL Her anniversary date, accumulated sick axzd annua� leave and tzmes towards bonus days wi11 be iransferred frc�m the District Court C3ff ce. �� �:�� `� The Commissio�ers appro�ed the request by CYra.r�t Men�al Hea�thcare ia pursue a second step with regards to Dr. Benjamin Martes employment status. This second step, the acqui;�ition of a National Interest Waiver, would further ensure that ]7r. Marte wauld r�main �vith Grant Men�ta� He�lthcare for an additional �wo years. f`�? �`'� A Public Hearzng was held and;.a motion was made by Comm�ssianer Snead, seconded by Commi�sior�er Allison thai Resolutian 1�Iumber 20Q0- 30-CC autharizzng an app�°opriation and expenditure of funds for the �urrent Expense Fund #001, BuildznglFire M�rshal �3epartment # 116 �n the amount of $ I4,Q00 be passed. The rr�otion ca�-�ied. ��. �=��� The �amrnissioners approved the sa�ary zncrease of Katherine E. I�ray of the Assessors C}ffice to $1, 846.80 p�r month. i�. t��� The Cc�mxnissioners approved t�e starti�g sa�ary of Sheryl Reddixag as Floatzng D�ta Entry Deputy at $1,641.64 per month. ���,;�: � t The �ommzssionexs appraved the sala.�yy increase of I�aren A, Doolittle o� the Juvenzle Pro�aiian De� artment io $�.,227 per rnonth. {:� e�� a-. The Commissioners appro�ed t1�.e salary zncrease of Maureen S, Maine o� the Juvenile Prc�batzon Depa� tment to �2,575.8(} per �nonth. 1����-� The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Danielle M. Adams of t��e Juvenile Probation Departme�t to $2,227 per mor�th. €`��'��`i The Commissioners approved the l�equest for Transfer of Funds in the Juvenile Department # 117, Operating Fund #001 in the total amount of $67,076.00. �c.(.��� The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds in the Juvenile Department # 117, Operating Fund #001 in the total amount of $1,600.00. � c���-�� The Commissioners received a Notice of Intent for Civil Action from Amel W. Dalluge. The matter was referr�d to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was adjourned until April 10, 2000. \! -`.} � 1J� z , ,, `� _' �i' {. � ��"'`� ��L��..�� `a1'i Clerk o���ie Board ��� Chairman