HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC � COMMI�SI{jNERS' PRQ�EEDINGS Week of Feb�°uary 22, 2000 Th� Commissioners ses�ion was called to order at 9.00 a.m. with a11 of the �ommissianers in attendance urith the Clerk af the Board. The Cammissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as writ�en. The Cornmisszoners met wzth the Public Works Director regarding Bid Award Recarnmendatic►n-Fuel Purchases, Contract �xecutian-Loader, RAF' Sub�ittals, N NE/Frontage Roads, Notice-Gravel Raads, 1(}:30-Bid Opening (Servzce Badies}. sk..�. ���� The Commzsszoners signed a contract with Wes�ern Power & Equipment fax the purchase af Qne Case 821 C Whee1 Loader. c�1�.��- The Commissioners s�gncd a contract with Wendle Ford �or the purchase of pickups. ���'�.� The Comrnzsszoners approved the recomm�nda�ion c�f the Public Works D'zrector and awarded the bids for 2000 Fuel Purchases to North Central Pet�raleum. ��(��The Commissioners held a bid opening for Sezvice Badies. 'I`here was aniy one bid reeeived. A motian was made by Cammzsszoner Snead, seconded by Coznmissioner Allisan that the bid be referred to th� Publzc Works Director for recTiew and recommendation, The mo�ion carried. ��-���-�"`The Cammzssioners ap�roved the request by the Sheri�'f's CJ�fzce to purchase bunk beds and 'znmate dining tables fram La-w and 3ustice Funds, ��-[���The Commissioners received the Notice of Separati�n of B�njamin �'rigg ofthe Grant County PARC effectzve Feb�uary 11, 20C?0. t���.�7 The Commissioners approved the starting salary of Cecilia Denzse Garza of the PARC effective February 17, �OOQ. !���� The Commissianers appraved the salary zncrease of 102e�issa J. Lucas of the Juveraile Probation Department to $1,1 I3.50 per manth. �����t y The Comrn�ssioners approved the salary incz�ease of Zizzda L. Southwell of the Juvenile Department to $2,154.00 per mont�. ,I�{.�.�� The �ommzssioners approved the saiary increase of Tammy Wiersma of the Prosecuting Attorney's Office to 1(?0 percent of a Legal Secreta�y IV effective February l, 20{}0. ��t��f The Commzssioners approved the request by the J�ve�ile Probatzon Department to purchase a HVAC Air Handler aut of Laur and Justice funds. gk����,A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, second�d by Cammissianer Snead that Resalution Number 2004-15-CC rega�dxng the Ground Water Management Area public iz�formation and education budget be passed. The motzc�n canied. ���#-=:��As ofthis date the Board by a majority vote daes apprave for payment thQs� vauchers filed in the Auditors C?ffice 2/��/2000 in the total amt�unt of �.4�T7��1.��. � �.�..��,� The Commissioners received a letter amendment, extending the expiratior� date of an Ecology Grant No. G9700217, Mid-Colutnbia Watershed Plannzng 1'roject. The e�piration datc of this agr�eme�t is extended from December 31, 1999 to June 30, 2000, As there was no further business tv come before the �oard the session uras continued until February 23, 2000. �ebruary 23, 2000 The session was continued with aII a� the Comr��issioners in attendance wi.th the Clerk af the Boa�d, ��.�-J,�?��The Commissioners approv�d the salar�y far the Graphical and System C�ordinator in the Assessors C)�ce at $2,9�8.65 per rnonth effectiv� January l, �00�. ��i�.�� A motzon was made by Cammissic�ner Snead, seeonded by Comrn.issic�ner Mo��e that Resolution Number ZOOQ-1 b-C� relating to the establishment of a revolvzng fund fc�r the Mental Health Ca.re Depat-tmerit to be called Special Care R�volvzng Fund be passed. The motion carried. As there vvas no further business to come be�'c�re the Board the session was adjourned tantil Febr�aary 28, 2000. BC}A.RD OF COLTI`�TTY C(���ISSI{�T1�ERS ATTEST: GRANT C(�UNTY, WASHTNGTC�I� �,,,�'-' �' � ��' ��..���.c`�f".. ��`�. �������e Cler �'�he Bo�,� Chainnan � , , f � �t%� � �r:�f� �