HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC�; � C(JMMISSI4NER�' PRO►CEEDINGS VVee� of February 7, 200#} The Grant County Commissioners session was called ta arder at �:00 a.m. by Chair L}eborah Moore. Cammissioner Allison was in attendance wiih the Clerk of the Boa�d. Commissioner Snead was out of the c�ffzce due io illness. The Commissioner� read and approved the rninutes of ihe preced'zng sessian as written. ��-� i�. The Commissioners approved the startrng salary of Ca�la J. Payne of the Sherif�'s Office at $1,688.8Q per month. ���� �?� The Commissianers app�oved the request by the Sheriff's Office for the purchase of security cameras and related equipment fram Law and Justic� Funds in the total amount of �8,84Q. ��,��,�� A motion was made by Cc�mmissioner Allison, seconded by Commrssioner Moore thai Resoluiion Number 2000-13-CC setting a public hearing for February 28, 2QOt} ai I:OQ p.�n. relai7ng to the facts requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds �or the Touzism Fund # 114, L}epartment # 156 in the amount of $75,0�0 be passed. The motzon carz-ied. As ihere was no fuxther business to come before the Baard the session was continued until February 8, 2000. February 8, 2000 The sesszon was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Chainnan Moore and Commissioner A.Ilison in atiendance wiih the C1erk af ihe Board. The Commissioners met wxth the Public �Vorks Director regarding Asphalt Tank Discussion, Crackfilling Audit, Bid Authorizaiion-Service Bodies, Landfi�l-Remediaiion-Free Dispasal, Contract Ex�cution-Sweeper & Steam Cleaner, 10:30 Bid Opening-Loader & Z'atrol Car, 10:45 Bid Opening-Tractor Mower, Town of Maitawa Fz-anchise Hearing. ���,��` The Canlznissioners held a bid opening on Wheel Laader, A moiion was made by Commisszoner Allison, seconded by Commisszoner Moore to refer the bids to Public V1�orks for their review and �ecommendation. The motic�n ca�ried. ����, The Commissioners had scheduled a bi� open�ng an a�vrec�ed vehicle. Nq bids were xeceived. �°-�-(.�`� The Cammissioners held a bid apening on Tractors �vi�h a boom. A mo�ion was made by Commissioner A1lison, seconded by Commissioner Moore that the bids be referred ia Public Wc�rks far iheir review and recommendatian, The mation carried. ���g The Commissioners sig�ed a cantract wiih Dariey Sale� and Services for pressure v��ashers. ����`� The C�mmissioners signed a contraci with Rowand Machinery �a. for Mc�tc�r Graders. �� t��...� The Commissioners signed a contxact with ClydelWest for a Swe�per. ����� � The Commissit�ners s�gned the Public Works Claims Fund Voucher approval ##1-1 thraugh #1-185 in the tatal amount of$638,60b.07. ����; �The Commissianers signed the Authorization to Call fax Bids for 2 Service Bad�'s. Bid opening to be held February 22, 2000 at I0:34 a.m. ��..,��� The Commissic�ners appraved the request by the Grani Caunty Sheriff ta allow Corrections (�f�icer Richard R�na to donate annual leave and sick leave to hzs wife, Cor�ections Officer Paula Reno. e���`�`I'he Cammissianers appraved t1�e salary increase ofJeremy 1Vlyers of the Shenff's C7ffice to $2,338.90 per month. �^��� The Comrnissioners appraved out of state travel for Davzd Ponoz�o of the Sheriffs (�ffice to a�tend meetings. ��,���. As af�his dat� ihe Board by a majority vote does approve far pay�nent those vouchers f led in the Auditors C)ffice 2i7/2��0 zn the toial amnunt of $505,283.81. f������ The Cammissioners held a Public Hearing on the Franchise appl'zcation fram the Town of Maitawa. A maiian was made by Comrxussioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Maore ta �rrant the firanehise. The matian carried. As there was no further business ta came before the Board the sessian was adjourned until February 14, 2000. ATTEST: Clerk of the Board BQARD (�F C4UNTY� CONIMMISSIC.�NERS GR��NT �OLINTY, WASH[INGTC}N