HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 00-012-CCBOAI� OF COUNTY COMMISSIONEIa� GRA,NT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN TI� MATT�R OF ALT�RING LOT 23 OI' DONOV�IN PL1�T DIVISION 21NT0 TWO LOTS. SUBJECT SITE IS LOCATED IN A PORTION OF' SECTION 22, TOWNSHIP 22NORTH, R�1NGE 27 EAST, W. M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON R�SOLUTION NO. . 2000-12-CC RESOLUTION APPROVING A PLAT ALT�RATION VAL�NTTN NAIDENOV WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant Caunty Planning Commission that an open record public hearing was conducted on January 5, 2000, on the rnatter of altering Lot 23 of Donovan Plat, Division 2 2, into (2) lots, which is located in a portion of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 27 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington; WHEREAS, the Gr•ant County Planning Cornmission on January 5, 2000 made a recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners to approve this proposed plat alteration; WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Adjustment granted a variance to the minimum lot size during an open record public hearing on September 8, 19'99; WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of Commissioners held a closed record publie meeting on January 31, 2000; WHEREAS, the Board of County Cornmissioners have made a decision to uphold the recornmendation to approve the proposed plat alteration request; WHEREAS, the Board of Co�nty Commissioners have found that the proposal does conform to the general purpose of the Grant �ounty Cornprehensive Plan; WHEREAS, the Board of Coun�y Cornmissioners have found that the public use and interest will apparently be served by the plat alteration; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that appropriate provisions for dra.inage, roads, alleys, utilities, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parlcs, playgrounds, fire protection facilities, school sites and grounds and other public and private facilities and improvements have been made; � NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESCILVED, that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution the plat alteration af Page 2 of 3 Valeiltin Naidenov Replat Resolution 00-2776 Donovan Plat, Division 2 on the following deseribed property, subject to the conditions listed below: CONDITIONS: The following are conditions of approval, which were used in the Grant County Board of County Comrnissioner's closed record pub�ie meeting to approve the proposed Plat Alteration. 1. The Proposal shall be in complianee with the Grant Coiulty Comprehensive Plan, the Growth Management Act, The Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Cn•ant County Zoning Ordinance, the Crrant County Resource Lands and Critical Areas Development Ordinance and all applicable federal, st�te, and local regulations, rulings or requirements. 2. Proposal shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant Coiuity Health District, the Washington State Departrnent of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding domestic water supply, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment including, but not limited to; RCW 90.48.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards; and, WAC 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systerns. 3. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Fire Marshal and shall - comply with the Grant County Fire Flow Guidelines, the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and all other applicable requirements for fire protection/life safety. 4. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Publie Works Department, including, but not limited to: 5. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of Che Grant County Auditor. 6. If any Native American Grave Site(s) or archaeologicaUcultural resources (Indian Artifacts) are found all construction activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Washington Sfate Office o� Archaeology and Historie Preservation. 7. Preliminary Plat approval shall be contingent conformance with all applicaUle land use rules a.nd regulations in effect as of December 3, 1999. 8. Proposal shall comply with all requirements of the United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclarnation and the Quincy-Columbia lrrigation District. 9. Proposal shall comply with all requ'vrernents of the Grant County Assessor's Of�ce. Page 3 of 3 Valentin Naidenov Replat Done this °�.�ti 1,�� day of _ ,,(� �. Commissioner, Deborah Moore .-�--- ( �/1.n� Commissione ' Snead Resolution �.� e � ATTEST: Commissi} er, eRoy A li Peggy Gri lerk of t oard / Constitnting tLe Board of Connty Commissioners of Grant County, Washington