HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC0 CCJMMISS�t�NERS' PRC)CEEDINGS 'Week of January 31, ZOOd The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. wlth Conlmissioner A1lison and Commissioner Snead in attendance with the Cierk o�`the Board. Cammissioner Moore was out oitown. The Commissioners read and appraved the mznutes of �he preceding session as tivri�ten, I�-�- ��` � The Comm�s�ioners approved the revised Employee Stat�us form on Stephen 14xichael Crovvder of the Sherif�'s affice. _���� The Commissioners approved ihe request by the Grant County �`ai.rgrounds for a transfer of funds in the amount of $3,540 and the amaunt of $9,973�.5{}. �� i��� The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Deputy 1Vlark �3iallas of t�e Sh�raf�'s C}f�ice to $3,208 per m.onth. ����.�� `I'�e Commissioners approve� the salary increase of Erzn Betts of the Grant County Clerks Office tc� � 1900 per rnonth. ��- ��...�f `� The Cammissioners app�-oved the $20,000 grant for the Dry Falls Visitor Centex staffxng �or the yTear 2000. ��g��� The Cammissioners approved the Special C}ccasion Liquor License fo� ti�e G�ant County Volunteer Fi�e Fighters. #�-��;�� The Commisszonez�s app�°oved the Liquar �xcense for Fou%ler'� W�zeeler Road. j c�..�� �� The Cammissioners approved th� startinb saiary of Stephen Michael Crowder ofthe Sheriff's {Jffi�e at $Z,887.2Q per month effective January 17, 20(}0. ;� (�-�� The Cammissi.oners approved the request by the Sheriff's Uf�ce to purchase eleven food slots in the amount of $5,238 from Law and Justzce fiznds. ��i-;� Th� Commissiflners approved out of state travel for Wade I�illiard of �he Sherif�'s Qf�ce to .attend Advanced Boating Acczdent Znvest�ga�.on Training in Qregon, I��� .9 � The Commzssioners signed the Payroll Wa�ants list # 110 3 59 through # 110621 for�the January pa�roll. � ��„ ���� The Commissioners signed the Publzc Works Clazms Fund Voucher Appraval �]-1 ihrough #�-3 �n the total amaunt o£$21, 3?9.68. �,�����, As af this date the Bc�ard by a majoz�ity vote does approve for payment those vouchers filed in the Aud'ztors Offxce 113112t}00 in ihe tc�tal amount of $232,166.45, ���� A Public Meeting was held �nd a rnotian was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissianer Aliison that Res�lut�on Numb�r 200�- 11-CC in the matter of aliering Lot # l64 of the Larson Subdivision inta iwo lots, requested by Wiiliam Waiies be passed. The motion carried. ;�: ���,�...A Public Meeting was held and a motion was made by Car�missionex Snead, seconded by Cammiss�one� A1lison ihat Resolution Number 2000- 12-�C in the matter of altering Lot 23 af Donovan Plai Division 2 into iwo lots, requested by Valentin Naidenov be passed, The motion carried. As there was no further business to come before the Baard the sesszon was continued until February I, 2000. February l, 200t} Th� session was continued at 9:00 a.m, with all of the Cammissioners in attendance w�th the Clerk of �the Board. The �onlmissioners met with the Public �orks Dixector regarding 10:00 a.�. Rober� I3am�nond (Crravel Ro�ds}, `3' NW-Adams to SR 283, CRAB Levy Certzfication, Bzd A�vard Recamrnendations-Cars c� Pic�ups, Transpart Traile�s, Moior Graders, Pc�wer Broom, and Pressure Washers, Wark Agreement Ex�eution-Herbiczde Application, Pexsonnel-Road Supervzsor, 11.f�f? a.m. Rezd Wheeler (Gravel Road Study}. ���� T�e C�mmassioners upheld the recc�mmendation of the Public �orks Director and awarded the contrac� �or Autamobiles and Pickups. t�,�;� �'he Cammissioners upheld the recommendation of the Public Works Director and awaxded the contraci f�r Pressure Washers to Darley Sales and Sexvices in ihe amouni af $12,273.03. ��t�� The Cammissioners upheld the recommendation of the Public Works Director and awarded the contract for a Power Broom to Clyde/West in the amount of $7,194.54. �.��C The Comrnissioners upheld the recomm�ndation of the Public Warks Directc�r anc� awarded the contrac� for Motar Graders t� Rowand Machznery Cc�:mpany in the amount of $569,580.15. ��f ��� The Commissioners awarded the bid for Hai Asphalt Transport to Bea�l Trailers of WA in the amount of $440,70$. ;�.�,�� The Commissioners signed an Agr�ement with Darry-Azr, rnc. ta , pravide the Year 204Q-02 Herbic�de Application Program. ����,��� Chair Deborah Moore was autharzzed ta sign the Agreement wrth Integrus 1�rchztecture, for the additian a�' an I8 Bed Dormitory zn the Existing Outdaor Recreation �ard of the CTrant County Jai1. ����,�r� The �omrnissianers signed an Agreeinent wiih Narth Geniral Washingtan Regional Suppart Netwark. �� ��.� � Th� Cammisszoners signed th� Public Warks Payro�l Journal for the manth ofJanuary in the amount of $278,658.88. As there was no fizrther bus�ness to come before ihe Board the session was adjoumed until �'ebruary 7, 2�00. ATTEST: � /.R�s�' !I.� . ��i _,o ' : •.�� BOARD 4F C4LINTY CtJ1��SSIQI�ERS GRANT CC}UNTY, WAS�GTaN